Fiche : [DATA035]
Titre : Recherche sur les mots clés thermal + fatigue + semiconductor et reliability + thermal + cycle, mars 2004.
Cité dans : [DIV096] Recherches bibliographiques diverses, janvier 2019. Cité dans : [DIV333] Recherche sur les mots clés thermal + shock + liquid , février 2002. Cité dans : [DIV334] Recherche sur les mots clés power cycling of power device, mai 2002.Auteur : Thierry LEQUEU
Site :
Vers : Recherche STN du mercredi 30 mars 2004
Vers : Recherche STN du vendredi 19 mars 2004 - ARTICLES
Vers : Recherche STN du vendredi 19 mars 2004 - CONF
Vers : Ajout du mois de mars 2001
Vers : Ajout du mois de juin 2000
Vers : Ajout du jeudi 24 février 2000
Vers : Recherche du mardi 22 février 2000
Vers : Recherche sur l'auteur "MISEREY"
Vers : Recherche du lundi 21 février 2000
Recherche du lundi 21 février 2000 | ![]() |
[1] : [SHEET123] P. ALOISI, La fatigue thermique, Electronique de Puissance, no. 24, 1987, pp. 31-39. [2] : [SHEET127] P. ALOISI, Thermal fatigue in power semiconductor, PCI'87. [3] : [SHEET119] G. COQUERY, R. LALLEMAND, D. WAGNER, M. PITON, H. BERG, K. SOMMER, Reliability improvement of the soldering thermal fatigue with AlSiC technology on traction high power IGBT modules, EPE'99, paper 904, 1999.
Recherche sur l'auteur "MISEREY" | ![]() |
[1] : [THESE070] R. ABID, La thermoréflectivité du silicium oxyde ; application à la mesure de température à la surface d'un thyristor GTO en commutation, thèse de doctorat, CNAM, 1994, 162 pages. [2] : [SHEET170] R. ABID, F. MISEREY, Temperature non contact measurements on the surface of a GTO thyristor in commutation,EPE'95, septembre 1995, pp. 2.191-2.196
Recherche du mardi 22 février 2000 | ![]() |
[1] : [SHEET140] A. HAMIDI, G. COQUERY, R. LALLEMAND, P. VALES, J.M. DORKEL, Temperature measurements and thermal modeling of high power IGBT multichip modules for reliability investigations in traction applications, Microelectronics and Reliability, vol. 38, no. 6-8, J [2] : [SHEET141] T.E. WONG, I. SUASTEGUI, H.M. COHEN, A.H. MATSUNAGA, Experimentally validated thermal fatigue life prediction model for leadless chip carrier solder joint, 1998. [3] : [SHEET142] F.S. POPELAR, Parametric study of flip chip reliability based on solder fatigue modelling: Part II - flip chip on organic, 1998 International Symposium on Microelectronics, Nov. 1998, pp. 497-504. [4] : [SHEET143] S. OSAMU, F. KAZUMASA, K. HEIKICHI, T. TOSHIO, Simulation of the transient temperature distribution in a high-power semiconductor device cooling apparatus using heat pipes, 1997. [5] : [SHEET144] C. BASARAN, R. CHANDAROY, Finite element simulation of the temperature cycling tests, 1997. [6] : [SHEET145] S.F. POPELAR, Parametric study of flip chip reliability based on solder fatigue modelling, 1997. [7] : [SHEET146] K.J. DITTMER, M.H. POECH, F.W. WULFF, M. KRUMM, Failure analysis of aluminum wire bonds in high power IGBT modules, Proceedings of the Spring Meeting on MRS, San Francisco, USA, April 1995, pp. 251-256. [8] : [DATA037] Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium. [9] : [SHEET148] A. CHEN, X. GUI, G.-B. GAO, Modelling of thermal fatigue failure in soft-soldered semiconductor devices using the internal variable method, 1990. [10] : [SHEET149] J.F. BURGESS, R.O. CARLSON, H.H. GLASCOCK, C.A. NEUGEBAUER, H.F. WEBSTER, Solder fatigue problems in power packages, IEEE Trans Compon Hybrids Manuf Technol, Vol. CHMT-7, No. 4, Dec 1984, pp. 405-410.
[11] : [SHEET150] R.O. CARLSON, A.J. YERMAN, J.F. BURGESS, C.A. NEUGEBAUER, Voids, cracks, and hot spots in die attach, Annual Proceedings IEEE Electron Devices Soc, april 1983, pp. 138-141. [12] : [SHEET151] D.R. OLSEN, H.M. BERG, Properties of die bond alloys relating to thermal fatigue, 1979. [13] : [SHEET152] K.S. KANG, N.D. ZOMMER, L. DONALD, R.W. HECKEL, Thermal fatigue failure of soft-soldered contacts to silicon power transistors, 1977. [14] : [SHEET153] P. LIN, J. LEE, S. IM, Design considerations for a flip- chip joining technique, 1970. [15] : [SHEET154] M.P. RODRIGUEZ, N.Y.A. SHAMMAS, A.T. PLUMPTON, D. NEWCOMBE, D.E. CREES, Finite element modelling of thermal fatigue effects in IGBT modules, 1999. [16] : [SHEET155] S. JANUSZEWSKI, M. KOCISZEWSKA-SZCZERBIK, H. SWIATEK, G. SWIATEK, Semiconductor device failures in power converter service conditions, EPE Journal, Dec. 1998, vol. 7, no. 3-4, pp. 12-17. [17] : [SHEET156] V. BENDA, Reliability of power semiconductor devices - Problems and trends, PEMC'96, vol.1, pp. 30-35, 2-4 Sept. 1996. [18] : [SHEET121] G. COQUERY, R. LALLEMAND, D. WAGNER, P. GIBARD, Reliability of the 400 A IGBT modules for traction converters. Contribution on the power thermal fatigue influence on life expancy, EPE'95, vol. 1, pp. 60-65. [19] : [SHEET158] W. WU, G. GAO, L. DONG, Z. WANG, M. HELD, P. JACOB, P.SCACCO, Thermal reliability of power insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) modules, 1996, Proceedings of the 12th Annual IEEE SEMI THERM Symposium, pp. 136-141. [20] : [SHEET159] L.H. CHANG, W.A. ANDERSON, Stability of BaTiO3 thin films on Si, 1994.
[21] : [SHEET160] W. POGROSZELSKI, R. SCHMIDT, Thermal fatigue of electronic components, 1989. [22] : [SHEET161] D. POTE, G. THOME, T. GUTHRIE, An overview of infrared thermal imaging techniques in the reliability and failure analysis of power transistors, 1987. [23] : [SHEET162] W. BRESCH, A.P. CONNOLLY, Future trends of power semiconductor modules, 1986. [24] : [SHEET163] Gao Guang-bo; Chen An; Gui Xiang, A layer damage model for calculating thermal fatigue lifetime of power devices, 1986. [25] : [SHEET164] A.J. YERMAN, J.F. BURGESS, R.O. CARLSON, C.A. NEUGEBAUER, Hot spots caused by voids and cracks in die attach, Proceedings of the 33rd Electronic Components Conference, 16-18 May 1983, pp. 578-582. [26] : [SHEET165] V.S. CANDADE, Sequence test method for reliability evaluation of semiconductor devices, 1981. [27] : [SHEET166] A.T. ENGLISH, C.M. MELLIAR-SMITH, Reliability and failure mechanisms of electronic materials,Annual review of materials science, vol.8, 1978, pp. 459-495. [28] : [SHEET167] J.W. HATHAWAY, C.C. YU, Thermal fatigue testing of discrete components, IBM, 1977. [29] : [SHEET157] J. KOHALMI, Ageing of semiconductors. Check tests gained from experience with M.S.R.(MAV) rectifier locomotives, 1970.
Ajout du jeudi 24 février 2000 | ![]() |
[1] : [SHEET168] P. ALOISI, Failure diagnosis in medium power semiconductor, EPE'91, Firenze, vol. 3, pp. 117-119. [2] : [SHEET169] I.L. SOMOS, D.E. PICCONE, L.J. WILLINGER, W.H. TOBIN, Power semiconductors empirical diagrams expressing life as a function of temperature excursion, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, jan. 1993, vol. 29, issue 1, part 2, pp. 517-522. [3] : [SHEET171] S. RAEL, E. CLAVEL, Y. MARECHAL, CH. SCHAEFFER, PMCM conception methodology: development of a 3D electrothermal simulation tool, EPE'95, septembre 1995, pp. 1.177- [4] : [SHEET172] Z. LISIK, R. BARCZEWSKI, J. PODGORSKI, M. KOPEK, 3-D simulation of heat transfer in power semiconductor devices, EPE'95, septembre 1995, vol. 2, pp. 2.277-2.281.
Ajout du mois de juin 2000 | ![]() |
[1] : [SHEET336] Y.H. PAO, W. JUNG, R. COOPER, V.A. SANKARAN, X. XU, Thermal Fatigue Modeling of Solder Interlayer in Power Electronics, Advances in Electronic Packaging, 1995, vol. 10, pp. 1059-1068. [2] : [SHEET387] M. MARZ, P. NANCE, Thermal Modeling of Power-electronic Systems, Application Notes, Infineon Technologies AG, Munich.
Ajout du mois de mars 2001 | ![]() |
[1] : [CONF040] SEMI-THERM, IEEE Semiconductor Thermal and Temperature Measurement Symposium.
Recherche STN du vendredi 19 mars 2004 - CONF | ![]() |
[1] : [DIV137] Recherche sur les mots clés : FIABILIT* ou RELIABILITY, octobre 1999.
Question : reliability and thermal
Réponses : 118 conférences dans la banque de données CONF classés par Ordre chronologique.
1 2004 MIXDES: 11. international conference on mixed design of integrated circuits and systems.
2 EuroSimE 2004: 5. international conference on thermal, mechanical and thermo-mechanical simulation and experiments in micro-electronics and micro-systems.
3 VTS 2004: 22. IEEE VLSI test symposium.
4 ETS 2004: 9. IEEE European test symposium.
5 IMAPS 2004: 37. international symposium on microelectronics.
6 PESC 2004: 35. IEEE power electronics specialists conference and exhibition, jointly organized with VDE/ETG CIPS 2004.
7 Thermal Solutions 2004 conference.
8 EPTC 2003: 5. electronics packaging technology conference.
9 Therminic 2003: 9. international workshop on thermal investigations of ICs (integrated circuits) and systems, with exhibition.
10 Chip in Sampa: SBCCI-2003: 16. international symposium on integrated circuits and systems design, and SBMicro 2003: 18. symposium on microelectronics technology and devices.
11 IMAPS 2003: 36. international symposium on microelectronics.
12 MIXDES 2003: 10. international conference on mixed design of integrated circuits and systems.
13 ETW 2003: 8. IEEE European test workshop.
14 ICAPP '03: 2003 international congress on advanced nuclear power plants.
15 EMPC 2003: 14. European microelectronics and packaging conference and exhibition - Get in touch with the future.
16 ICEP 2003: International conference on electronics packaging - New packaging waves from Asia, and 17. microelectronics show.
17 EMAP 2002: 4. international symposium on electronic materials and packaging.
18 Thermal Solutions conference 2003.
19 IMAPS-Poland 2002: 26. international microelectronics and packaging conference.
20 2. international symposium on advanced ceramics.
21 11. international conference in nuclear engineering (ICONE-11): Nuclear energy - dawn of a new era.
22 ISEM 2002: International symposium on experimental mechanics - Experimental mechanics in the new millenium: Opportunities and challenges.
23 3. workshop on MEMS (micro electro mechanical systems) for millimeterwave communications: MEMSWAVE.
24 17. annual workshop on GaAs reliability.
25 Telecom hardware solutions conference and exhibition.
26 ETW 2002: 7. IEEE European test workshop.
27 VTS 2002: 20. IEEE VLSI test symposium.
28 LATW 2002: 3. IEEE Latin-American test workshop.
29 ICAPP 2002: International congress on advanced nuclear power plants, in the frame of the Annual meeting of the American Nuclear Society (ANS).
30 3. international symposium on electronics materials and packaging (EMAP 2001), with exhibition.
31 IMAPS-Poland 2001: 25. miedzynarodowa konferencja naukowo techniczna. IMAPS-Poland 2001: 25. international conference and exhibition.
32 COMADEM 2001: 14. international congress and exhibition on condition monitoring and diagnostic engineering management.
33 ICONE 10: 10. international conference on nuclear engineering: Nuclear energy - engineering today the power for tomorrow.
34 2002 ICONE: International forum on nuclear energy, with exhibition.
35 ISEPT 2001: 4. international symposium on electronic packaging technology.
36 Therminic 2001: 7. international workshop on thermal investigations of ICs (integrated circuits) and systems.
37 16. annual workshop on GaAs (gallium arsenide) reliability.
38 IMAPS-Europe Cracow 2002: European microelectronics packaging and interconnection symposium with table top exhibition.
39 DTIP 2001 of MEMS/MOEMS - symposium on design, test, integration and packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, with exhibition.
40 MIOP 2001: 11. conference and exhibition on microwaves, radio communication and electromagnetic compatibility.
41 EMAP 2000: International symposium on electronic materials and packaging.
42 ETW '01: IEEE European test workshop.
43 THERMINIC 2000: 6. international workshop on thermal investigations of ICs and systems.
44 VTS 2001: 19. IEEE VLSI test symposium.
45 BiTS 2001: 2. annual burn-in and test socket workshop.
46 ST03: SEMI-THERM XVII - 17. annual IEEE semiconductor thermal measurement and management symposium, with exhibitis.
47 IEEE TTTC LATW 2001: 2. annual IEEE Latin-American test workshop.
48 WoDiM 2000: 11. workshop on dielectrics in microelectronics.
49 IPC Printed Circuits Expo 2001.
50 AccApp 2000: 4. topical meeting on nuclear applications of accelerator technology, as part of the 2000 ANS Winter meeting.
51 COMPEL 2000: 7. IEEE workshop on computers in power electronics.
52 SIITME 2000: Annual forum for education, research, development and manufacturing of electronic packages - 6. international symposium for design and technology of electronic packages.
53 Denver 2000: International conference and exhibition on high density interconnect and systems packaging.
54 EMIT-2K: 3. international conference on emerging microelectronics and interconnection technologies, with exhibition.
55 IMAPS 2000: 33. international symposium on microelectronics, and exhibition.
56 LATW 2000: 1. IEEE Latin-American test workshop.
57 34. aerospace mechanisms symposium (AMS).
58 International symposium on polyimides and other high temperature polymers: Synthesis, characterization and applications.
59 Semi-Therm XVI: 16. annual IEEE semiconductor thermal measurement and management symposium.
60 VTS 2000: 18. IEEE VLSI test symposium.
61 ICONE-8: 8. international conference on nuclear engineering.
62 Florence ATA '99: 6. international conference of the new role of experimentation in the modern automotive product development process, and exhibition.
63 THERMINIC '99: 5. international workshop on thermal investigations of ICs and microstructures, with exhibition.
64 10. workshop on dielectrics in microelectronics.
65 InterPack '99: Pacific Rim/ASME International - intersociety electronic packaging conference.
66 7. international conference on the thermal performance of the exterior envelopes of buildings.
67 VTS '99: 17. IEEE very large scale integration (VLSI) test symposium: Scaling deeper to submicron - test technology challenges.
68 Semi-Therm-15: 15. annual IEEE semiconductor thermal measurement and management symposium.
69 13. annual GaAs (gallium arsenide) reliability workshop.
70 International workshop on integrated power packaging (IWIPP).
71 THERMINIC '98: 4. international workshop on thermal investigations of ICs and microstructures, and exhibition.
72 QIRT '98: Quantitative infrared thermography eurotherm seminar N. 60.
73 OPTIM '98: 6. international conference on optimization of electrical and electronic equipments.
74 14. annual IEEE semiconductor thermal measurement and management symposium (Semi-Therm-14) and exhibition.
75 21. IEEE/CPMT international electronic manufacturing technology symposium (IEMT Europe): Electronics manufacturing and development for automotives.
76 5. ASME/SFEN/JSME international conference on nuclear engineering: Nuclear advances through global cooperation (ICONE-5).
77 13. annual IEEE symposium on semiconductor thermal measurement and management (Semi-Therm-13) and exhibition.
78 IAEA specialists' meeting on reactor pressure vessel behaviour under transient conditions caused by thermal shock.
79 23. water reactor safety information meeting (WRSIM-23).
80 12. annual IEEE semiconductor thermal measurement and management symposium (Semi-Therm-12).
81 1. Tagung des DVM-Arbeitskreises Mikrosystemtechnik: Micro Materials (MicroMat-1) - Werkstofforschung, Werkstoffpruefung, Werkstoffeinsatz in der Mikrosystemtechnik.
1. conference of DVM Arbeitskreis Mikrosystemtechnik: Micro materials (MicroMat-1) - materials problems in microsystem technologies (MST).
82 4. international conference and exhibition on multichip modules (MCM).
83 11. annual IEEE semiconductor thermal measurement and management symposium (Semi-Therm-11).
84 10. annual IEEE semiconductor thermal measurement and management symposium (Semi-Therm-10).
85 4. annual IEEE international conference on wafer-scale integration (ICWSI-4).
86 Conference on Utility Motor and Generator Predictive Maintenance and Refurbishment.
87 9. International Congress on Advances in Non-Impact Printing (NIP) Technologies: Color Hardcopy Technology for the 21st Century (Japan Hardcopy-9).
88 15. Conference Internationale sur l'Energie dans les Telecommunications et Exhibition International: L'Environnement Technique, Element Indispensable de la Fiabilite des Systemes de Telecommunications.
15. international telecommunications energy conference (INTELEC-15) and international exhibition: The technical environment as an essential element of telecommunications systems reliability.
89 1. Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Packaging Workshop of Japan.
90 16. International Conference on Electrical Contacts (ICEC-16).
91 Conference sur la Qualite Totale en Traitement Thermique.
Meeting on total quality and thermal treatment.
92 AccApp '99: 3. topical meeting on nuclear applications of accelerator technology, with exhibits.
93 18. MPA-Seminar: Sicherheit und Verfuegbarkeit in der Anlagentechnik - Langzeitsicherheit und Neue Reaktorkonzepte.
18. MPA seminar on safety and reliability of plant technology: Safety aspects for long operational life and new reactor concepts.
94 Annual Meeting of American Nuclear Society (ANS), Nuclear Technology Expo, 10. Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy and Topical Meeting on Risk Management - Expanding Horizons.
95 2. International Congress on Energy, Environment and Technological Innovation.
96 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS).
97 8. Annual IEEE Semiconductor Temperature and Thermal Management Symposium (SemiTherm-8).
98 5. Scientific and Technical Conference with International Participation on Problems of Central and Individual Heating in Bulgaria.
99 2. Beijing International Symposium on Pyrotechnics and Explosives (ISPE-2) Combined with the 17. International Pyrotechnics Seminar.
100 Workshop on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Packaging Techniques and Manufacturing Technologies.
101 2. ASTM Symposium on Insulation Materials: Testing and Applications.
102 Conference on Materials for Electronic Packaging.
103 Iketani Conference - 5. International Symposium on Nondestructive Characterization of Materials.
104 ASM International's 4. Electronic Materials and Processing Congress: Materials Developments in Microelectronic Packaging.
105 3. Electronic Materials and Processing Congress: Electronic Packaging - Materials and Processes.
106 Conference on Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) of Modern Ceramics.
107 16. Space Simulation Conference: Confirming Spaceworthiness into the Next Millennium.
108 16. MPA-Seminar: Sicherheit und Verfuegbarkeit in der Anlagentechnik - Langzeitintegritaet von Maschinenelementen und Komponenten von Kernkraftwerken vor dem Hintergrund Mechanischer, Thermischer und Korrosiver Beanspruchung sowie Strahlenversproedung.
16. MPA-seminar: Safety und reliability of plant technology - long-term integrity of components of machines and systems of nuclear power plants against the background of mechanical, thermal, and corrosive loads as well as irradiation embrittlement.
109 International Topical Meeting on Safety of Thermal Reactors.
110 3. International Symposium on Defect Recognition and Image Processing for Research and Development of Semiconductors (DRIP-3).
111 14. MPA-Seminar ueber Sicherheit und Verfuegbarkeit in der Anlagentechnik: Langzeitintegritaet der Druckfuehrenden Bauteile von Kernkraftwerken.
14. MPA-seminar on safety and reliability of plant technology: Long-term integrity of pressure components of nuclear power plants.
112 4. Congress-World Conference on Structural Analysis Systems (SAS), Finite Elements and Structural Analysis and CAD Interfacing (FEMCAD).
113 15. IES/AIAA/ASTM/NASA Space Simulation Conference: Support the Highway to Space Through Testing.
114 10. biennial international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology (SMIRT-10).
115 Intersociety Conference on Thermal Phenomena in Fabrication and Operation of Electronic Components.
116 GaAs Reliability Workshop.
117 4. Jahrestagung der VDI-Gesellschaft Energietechnik: Energie und Technik fuer Unsere Zukunft mit Fachtagung I: Rauchgasreinigung - SO2-NOx: Oekologische, Wirtschaftliche und Technische Aspekte, Fachtagung II: Kernenergie, eine Energiequelle fuer die Zukunft, Fachtagung III: Waerme- und Kaelteschutz fuer Betriebstechnische Anlagen, und Fachtagung IV: Schadenverhuetung in Energietechnischen Anlagen. 4. annual meeting of the VDI-Gesellschaft Energietechnik: Energy and engineering for our future, comprising technical meeting I: Flue gas purification of SO2 and NOx - ecological, economic and technical aspects; technical meeting II: Nuclear power, energy source of the future; technical meeting III: Thermal insulation of operating systems, and technical meeting IV: Damage prevention in power generation systems.
118 Conference and Exposition on Aerospace Technology (AEROTECH).
Recherche STN du vendredi 19 mars 2004 - ARTICLES | ![]() |
Titres dans la banque de données COMPENDEX classés par Ordre chronologique
1 Thermal expansion of MCrAlY alloys.
2 Low Cycle Fatigue in RF Microwave Module Housings.
3 Drop reliability of corner bonded CSP in portable products.
4 The effect of multiple reflow times on lead-free solder joint microstructure.
5 Crack area analysis of SnPb and SnAg solder joints in plastic ball grid array packages from dye penetration studies.
6 Development of Lead-Free Flip Chip Package and Its Reliability.
7 Modular Steam Condenser Replacements Using Corrosion Resistant High Performance Stainless Steel Tubing.
8 Processing and reliability of CSPs with underfill.
9 Reliability challenges for copper interconnects.
10 Printed wiring board reliability evaluation methods correlations of IST vs thermal shock.
11 Accelerated testing methods for next-generation launch vehicles.
12 An optimization study of underfill dispensing volume.
13 Materials characterization of the effect of mechanical bending on area array package interconnects.
14 Solder joint reliability evaluation of chip scale package using a modified Coffin-Manson equation.
15 BOF hood life cycle cost improvement program.
16 A board level study of an array of ball grid components - Aerodynamic and thermal measurements.
17 Thermal performance of lead-free packages.
18 Selection of Method for Fatigue Life Prediction under Random Loading.
19 Miniature vapor compression refrigeration systems for active cooling of high performance computers.
20 Improving the reliability of PB-free BGA solder joints by using the second reflow.
21 FLO/stress: An integrated stress solver for the CFD tool flotherm.
22 Evaluating the assembly of mirrored large high-density BGA packages.
23 Via between pad reliability.
24 Reliability estimation for BGA solder joints in organic PKG.
25 Novel Simulation Techniques for Design of Air-cooled Electronics.
Titres dans la banque de données COMPENDEX classés par Ordre chronologique
251 Deformation behavior of Sn62Pb36Ag2 and its implications on the design of thermal cycling tests for electronic assemblies.
252 Flip-chip bump interconnection for millimeter-wave GaAs MMIC.
253 Simplified tools for evaluating domestic ventilation systems.
254 Solder joint fatigue model for the micro SMD wafer level chip scale package.
255 Assessment of fatigue strength of beam lead in mu BGA package using mechanical fatigue tester.
256 Proposal the assessing method of the CSP's mechanical reliability on board.
257 Performance of polymeric insulators under multistress conditions.
258 Optimization of the substrate preheat temperature for the encapsulation of flip chip devices.
259 Turboexpanders with dry gas seals and active magnetic bearings in hydrocarbon processing.
260 Packaging reliability.
261 Using finite element analysis for simulation of reliability tests on solder joints in microelectronic packaging.
262 Underfill material requirements for reliable flip chip assemblies.
263 Robust loop parameters for ball neck strength enhancement.
264 Lifetime and damage assessment for CSPs and related microelectronic structures: Experimental validation plus computer modeling.
265 Dynamic model for solder and the problem of accelerated life testing.
266 Using thermal stress simulation to estimate stacked memory module reliability under thermal cycle test.
267 Flip chip on laminate manufacturability.
268 Advanced high current, high reliable IGBT module with improved multi-chip structure.
269 High frequency fatigue crack propagation behavior of a nickel-base turbine disk alloy.
270 Flux chemistries and thermal profiling considerations in SMT assembly.
271 Fatigue life prediction of delayed coke drums.
272 Guidelines to select underfills for flip chip on board assemblies.
273 Influence of flux selection and underfill selection on the reliability of flip-chips on FR-4.
274 Flux free Flip Chip Attach technology for BGA/CSP packages.
275 Are we over designing for solder joint reliability? Field vs. accelerated conditions, realistic vs.specified requirements.
Titres dans la banque de données COMPENDEX classés par Ordre chronologique
501 Accelerometer cable, wiring, and connections.
502 Effect of deformation behavior on solder joint reliability prediction.
503 Use of LHV gas in a gas turbine.
504 Studies of the atmospheric boundary layer over Moscow by remote sensing and direct methods.
505 Steam turbines, problems of their design and operation.
506 Optimal heat sink design and component placement using the ellipsoid method.
507 Predicting solder joint reliability, model validation.
508 Novel chip replacement method of encapsulated flip-chip bonding.
509 Flip-chip on FR-4 integrated circuit packaging.
510 Qualification testing of automotive terminals for high reliability applications.
511 Computer aided conceptual design of multichip systems.
512 Winter Annual Meeting.
513 Designing surface-mount technology for operational service life.
514 Solder joint creep and stress relaxation dependence on construction and environmental-stress parameters.
515 Improvement of the bottoming cycle and heat recovery steam generator for combined plants.
516 Electromigration and reliability in submicron metallization and multilevel interconnection.
517 Vapor cycle compressors for aerospace vehicle thermal management.
518 Thermal-mechanical processing and repairability observations for FR-4, cyanate ester and cyanate ester/epoxy blend PCB substrates.
519 Advanced materials for critical components in industrial gas turbines.
520 Palladium as a lead finish for surface mount integrated circuit packages.
521 First header-type feedwater heater performance test.
522 Reliability stress test of commercial product.
523 Thin QFP design and development.
524 High-reliability silver-bearing thick film conductors for automotive applications.
525 Update on the advanced stirling conversion system project for 25 kW dish stirling applications.
Titres dans la banque de données INSPEC classés par Ordre chronologique
751 Elaboration of thermal control systems on heat pipes for microsatellites Magion 4, 5 and BIRD.
752 Latvenergo cleans up Riga.
753 Thermal reliability test of some fatty acids as PCMs used for solar thermal latent heat storage applications.
754 Strain visualisation workstation embodies advances in image correlation.
755 Crystal structure and thermal study of the new hydrated cadmium-cerium(III) chloride CeCd4Cl11.13H2O.
756 An alternative age model for the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum using extraterrestrial 3He.
757 Effects of dynamic strain-aging and cyclic loading on fracture behavior of ferritic steels.
758 Tenth International Conference on Nuclear Engineering.
759 Lifetime prediction and design of reliability tests for high-power devices in automotive applications.
760 Effect of Al2O3 ALD nanocoatings on the thermo-mechanical behavior of Au/Si MEMS structures.
761 Reliability improvement of rapid thermal oxide using gas switching.
762 Lead-free wave soldering development for PCB assembly.
763 Flip chip interconnection using anisotropic conductive adhesives for RF and high frequency applications.
764 Understanding the effect of dwell time on fatigue life of packages using thermal shock and intrinsic material behavior.
765 Fatigue life models for SnAgCu and SnPb solder joints evaluated by experiments and simulation.
766 Predictive failure model of flip chip on board component level assemblies.
767 Reliability assessment of a high performance flip-chip BGA package (organic substrate based) using finite element analysis.
768 Power cycling simulation of an IC package: considering electromigration and thermal-mechanical failure.
769 53rd Electronic Components and Technology Conference. Proceedings (Cat. No.03CH37438).
770 Highly reliable non-conductive adhesives for flip chip CSP applications.
771 Testing technique for early evaluation of compression land grid array connectors.
772 Reliability assessment and hygroswelling modeling of FCBGA with no-flow underfill.
773 Qualification approaches and thermal cycle test results for CSP/BGA/FCBGA.
774 Joint reliability of flip chip interconnection with Sn-Bi solder.
775 Finite element analysis of thermal induced damage in ceramic BGA devices featuring composite solder array.
Titres dans la banque de données INSPEC classés par Ordre chronologique
1001 Thermal analysis of a power amplifier module with experimental calibration.
1002 Dielectric coating for deformable mirrors used in COIL laser system.
1003 Device characteristics and reliability for 0.18 mu m MOSFET with 20 AA gate oxide formed by RTO.
1004 Degradation mechanisms and fretting model of tin plated contacts.
1005 Using thermal stress simulation to estimate stacked memory module reliability under thermal cycle test.
1006 Flip chip on laminate manufacturability.
1007 Development of a high-reliability Cu-bonded AlN substrate [for IGBT mounting].
1008 Comparison of die level stresses in chip-on-board packages processed with convection and variable frequency microwave encapsulant curing.
1009 Prediction of geometry and reliability of duplex SnPb solder joint.
1010 Transient electro-thermal simulation of microsystems with space-continuous thermal models in an analogue behavioural simulator.
1011 An experimental study of fatigue strength characteristics of beam lead material in mu BGA package.
1012 Flip-chip fine package and its assembly line development for GaAs MCM.
1013 The effect of Au plating thickness of BGA substrates on ball shear strength under reliability tests.
1014 An integrated design approach for the hardware optimization of electrical power modules for automotive electrotraction.
1015 New high voltage insulation system for air-cooled turbine generators.
1016 Performance of polymeric insulators under multistress conditions.
1017 Manufacturability issues in flip chip on laminate assembly.
1018 Optimisation of the substrate preheat temperature for the encapsulation of flip chip devices.
1019 Implementation and qualification of chip scale package on-board assembly process.
1020 A new approach for thermal fatigue testing of the underfill/passivation interface.
1021 Economics of combined nuclear-gas power generation.
1022 Channel hot-electron and hot-hole improvement in Al and Cu multilevel metal CMOS using deuterated anneals and passivating films.
1023 Thermomechanical durability analysis of flip chip solder interconnects. II. With underfill.
1024 Lithium-ion battery development at Eagle-Picher.
1025 Guidelines to select underfills for flip chip on board assemblies.
Titres dans la banque de données INSPEC classés par Ordre chronologique
1251 Comparison of isothermal fatigue of lead-free solders with lead-tin solders.
1252 High field stressing effects on the split N2O grown thin gate dielectric by rapid thermal processing.
1253 The needs of industry for reliable inspection-thermal power generation needs.
1254 A thin and low thermal resistance aluminum nitride BGA package for high speed DSP devices.
1255 Lessons learned about fabrication of space solar arrays from thermal cycle failures.
1256 Advances in computer packaging.
1257 Reliability of the laminate from advanced COPNA-resin/E-glass fabrics system.
1258 Cost and cycle time performance of fabs based on integrated single-wafer processing.
1259 Thermo elastic-plastic finite element stress analysis with creep.
1260 Development of an integrated design system for thermal reliability prediction of SMT solder interconnects.
1261 Fatigue properties of BGA solder joints: a comparison of thermal and power cycle tests.
1262 Plastic ball grid array attachment: assembly and reliability performance.
1263 Effect of substrate CTE on solder ball reliability of flip chip PBGA package assembly.
1264 Experimental study of solder joint reliability in a 256 pin, 0.4 mm pitch PQFP.
1265 Effects of a post-emitter RTP on bipolar NPN beta degradation lifetime for 1.0 micron and 0.8 micron BiCMOS processes.
1266 Development of a heat-driven pulse pump for spacecraft applications.
1267 A 2nd order regenerator model including flow dispersion and bypass losses [heat engines].
1268 Impact of fretting parameters on contact degradation.
1269 Experimental studies on closed cycle MHD power generation with Fuji-1 facility.
1270 The reliability of the resin molded chip size package (MCSP).
1271 Lead-less chip assembly on LTCC substrate.
1272 A new encapsulating method for semiconductor devices using resin sheets.
1273 Development of low cost solder bump on LSI.
1274 Improving furnaces with model-based temperature control.
1275 Fatigue and cyclic deformation behavior of high temperature solder alloys.
Titres dans la banque de données INSPEC classés par Ordre chronologique
1501 Tailored coefficient of thermal expansion printed wiring boards to improve the solder joint life of leadless ceramic chip carriers.
1502 The use of phase change chemicals for reserve cooling and energy conserving cooling systems in telecommunication equipment buildings.
1503 Surface mount attachment reliability of clip-leaded ceramic chip carriers on FR-4 circuit boards.
1504 Superconductor magnets for MHD applications.
1505 Creep and tensile behavior of lead-rich, lead-tin solder alloys.
1506 The influence of hold time and fatigue cycle wave shape on the-low cycle fatigue of 60/40 solder.
1507 Highly thermal conductive aluminum nitride substrates.
1508 Resin-insertion effect on thermal cycle resistivity of flip-chip mounted LSI devices.
1509 CALCE/RAMCAD for electronics.
1510 Accelerated thermal fatigue cycling of surface mounted PWB assemblies in telecom equipment.
1511 MIL-P-5511 testing of microcracked kevlar printed wiring boards.
1512 Statistical fatigue life estimation: the influence of temperature and composition on low-cycle fatigue of tin-lead solders.
1513 Thermal recycling of plutonium and uranium in the Federal Republic of Germany: strategy and current status.
1514 Predicting low-cycle service life of rotors of steam turbines with irregular loading.
1515 Adhesion mechanisms in silver/glass die attachment of gold backed die.
1516 Cracking of electronic packaging joints due to creep-fatigue.
1517 Successful automated alloy attachment of GaAs MMICs.
1518 Optimum design of stand alone thermal power system with reliability constraint.
1519 Economic interpretation of power supply reliability criterion in nuclear power plant optimization calculations for thermal production.
1520 Silver-glass die attachment-adhesion mechanisms with gold and chromium/gold backed die.
1521 Modules using solder contact technology with high power cycling fatigue stability for high power applications.
1522 A longer life for nuclear power plant turbines by successive implementation of nuclear and coal fired steam generators.
1523 Future trends of power semiconductor modules.
1524 Free-piston Stirling engines for terrestrial solar electric power conversion.
1525 A compact reactor/ORC power source.
Titres dans la banque de données INSPEC classés par Ordre chronologique
1526 Proceedings of the IASTED International Symposium: Applied Simulation and Modelling - ASM '85.
1527 New flexible thermal control material for long-life satellite.
1528 Electronic packaging for the automotive environment.
1529 Improving circuit reliability with heat pipes.
1530 A frequency method for calculating the heating of asynchronous motors in intermittent duty.
1531 A new fully additive fabrication process for printed wiring boards.
1532 Mechanisms of damage accumulation in solders during thermal fatigue.
1533 Failure mechanism and process control requirements in the production of copper multilayer interconnect boards.
1534 Development of highly thermal conductive AlN substrate by green sheet technology.
1535 Novel reliability test method for ribbon interconnections between MIC substrates.
1536 A novel approach-thermoplastic die attach adhesive.
1537 Reliable timing systems for computer controlled accelerators.
1538 Investigating efficiency of the PGU-250 steam turbine-gas turbine power generating unit.
1539 The reliability of surface mounted solder joints under PWB cyclic mechanical stresses.
1540 Design of negative pressure slider-type film heads for high-density recording.
1541 The reliability of surface mounted solder joints under PWB cyclic mechanical stresses.
1542 Low power reactors for remote applications.
1543 Parallel-scan thermal imager with a thermoelectrically cooled multielement detector.
1544 Analytical and experimental analysis of LCCC solder joint fatigue life.
1545 Thermodynamic test equipment: development calls for cooperation between manufacturer and user.
1546 Investigation of solder fatigue acceleration factors.
1547 Experience with thermal recycle of plutonium and uranium.
1548 Sodium-sulfur batteries for electric vehicle.
1549 A highly reliable Pb/Nb double layered Josephson junction.
1550 Density fluctuations in liquid argon: coherent dynamic structure factor along the 120-K isotherm obtained by neutron scattering.
Titres dans la banque de données INSPEC classés par Ordre chronologique
1626 Preparation and stabilization of anodic oxides on GaAs.
1627 Results of production thermal cycle screening.
1628 Thermomechanical fatigue tester.
1629 Application of time dependent stress-strength models of non-electrical and electrical systems. II.
1630 Hermetic compression seals for alkaline batteries.
1631 An approach to the design of gas turbine components for integration with a high temperature reactor.
1632 Novel polyimide printed circuit boards.
1633 Critical factors in the application of diesel engines to rail traction.
1634 Reliability investigation of thermal stress/fatigue failure in multilayer interconnection boards (Final Technical Report Mar 1969-May 1970).
1635 Reliability of interconnection for ultrasonic face down bonding.
1636 Reliability evaluation of multilayer board, high-density packaging designs.
1637 Turbine effects from steam and water abnormal cooling.
1638 Recovery characteristics of lithium-doped cells under several conditions.
1639 Nuclear power and national economy.
1640 A power frequency plasma torch for industrial process heating.
1641 Gas-cooled reactors. IV. Gas-cooled fast breeder reactors.
1642 The oil-fired MHD power plant.
[1] : [ART488] L. HERARD, Packaging reliability, Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 49, No. 1, 1999, pp. 17-26. [2] : [SHEET317] S. Kitajo, S. Ohkawa, N. Senba, K. Hashimoto, N. Ebihara, Using thermal stress simulation to estimate stacked memory module reliability under thermal cycle test, 1999. [3] : [ART490] A. SYED, M. DOTY, Are we over designing for solder joint reliability? Field vs. accelerated conditions, realistic vs.specified requirements, 49th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), 1-4 June 1999, pp. 111-117. [4] : [ART491] Predicting solder joint reliability, model validation. [5] : [ART197] Predicting solder joint reliability for thermal, power, and bend cycle within 25% accuracy, 2001. [6] : [ART492] Reliability stress test of commercial product. [7] : [ART506] Understanding the effect of dwell time on fatigue life of packages using thermal shock and intrinsic material behavior. [8] : [ART493] Finite element analysis of thermal induced damage in ceramic BGA devices featuring composite solder array. [9] : [ART494] A new approach for thermal fatigue testing of the underfill/passivation interface.
[10] : [ART495] J.H. OKURA, K. DARBHA, S. SHETTY, A. DASGUPTA, J.F.J.M. CAERS, Guidelines to select underfills for flip chip on board assemblies, Proceedings of the 49th Electronic Components and Technology Conference, 1999, pp. 589-594. [11] : [ART496] Lessons learned about fabrication of space solar arrays from thermal cycle failures. [12] : [ART497] A new encapsulating method for semiconductor devices using resin sheets. [13] : [ART498] Optimum design of stand alone thermal power system with reliability constraint. [14] : [SHEET162] W. BRESCH, A.P. CONNOLLY, Future trends of power semiconductor modules, 1986. [15] : [ART500] The reliability of surface mounted solder joints under PWB cyclic mechanical stresses. [16] : [ART501] L.R. FOX, J.W. SOFIA, M.C. SHINE, Investigation of solder fatigue acceleration factors, IEEE Transactions on Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing Technology, June 1985, Vol. CHMT-8, No.2, pp. 275-282. [17] : [ART502] Results of production thermal cycle screening. [18] : [ART503] Reliability investigation of thermal stress/fatigue failure in multilayer interconnection boards (Final Technical Report Mar 1969-May 1970). [19] : [ART504] S. HARADA, G. KAMOSHITA, T. FUKURAI, Reliability of interconnection for ultrasonic face down bonding, Proceedings of the 21st electronic components conference, 1971, pp. 303-309.
[20] : [ART505] Reliability evaluation of multilayer board, high-density packaging designs.
Recherche STN du mercredi 30 mars 2004 | ![]() |
Vers : Question : reliabilty + thermal + power electronics
Question : thermal + cycling
Réponses : 15136 total
Réponses : 8366 COMPENDEX
Réponses : 6770 INSPEC
Vers : Question : thermal + cycling + power electronics
Question : thermal + shock
Réponses : 14143 total
Réponses : 6837 COMPENDEX
Réponses : 7306 INSPEC
Vers : Question : thermal + shock + power electronics
Vers : Question : thermal + shock + reliability
Vers : Articles retenus le 30 mars 2004
Question : thermal + cycling + power electronics | ![]() |
Titres dans la banque de données COMPENDEX classés par Ordre chronologique
1 Power electronics applications in electric/hybrid vehicles.
2 Multiphysics design and analysis simulations for power electronic device wirebonds.
3 Thermal performance of liquid solder joint between metal faces.
4 Failure modes and FEM analysis of power electronic packaging.
5 Fatigue and intermetallic formation in lead free solder die attach.
6 A distributed model for the transient performance of a space heat pump.
7 Low temperature testing of a radiation hardened CMOS 8-bit flash analog-to-digital(A/D) converter.
8 Active Thermal Control of Power Electronics Modules.
9 Lifetime prediction and design of reliability tests for high-power devices in automotive applications.
10 Development of a directly bonded aluminum/alumina power electronic substrate.
11 Reliability prediction for TFBGA assemblies.
12 MOS-controlled smart power synchronous rectifier.
13 A distributed model of a space heat pump under transient conditions.
14 Advantages and new development of direct bonded copper substrates.
15 Evaluation of interconnect technologies for power semiconductor devices.
16 Experimental measurement and simulation of thermal performance due to aging in power semiconductor devices.
17 Reliability of Chip/DCB solder joints in AlSiC base plate power modules: Influence of chip size.
18 Power module lifetime estimation from chip temperature direct measurement in an automotive traction inverter.
19 Reliability of power cycling for IGBT power semiconductor modules.
20 Thermal and electrical ageing of DBC substrates.
21 Experimental measurements of recombination lifetime in proton irradiated power devices.
22 D2BGA chip-scale IGBT package.
23 Control of incipience hysteresis effects in liquid cooled electronics heat sinks.
24 Method of isothermalization for passive elements in an electronics system.
25 Die attachment for minus 120 degree C to plus 20 degree C thermal cycling of microelectronics for future Mars Rovers - an overview.
26 Pulse tube cooler for flight hyperspectral imaging.
27 Reliability of AlN substrates and their solder joints in IGBT power modules.
28 Thermal resistance degradation of surface mounted power devices during thermal cycling.
29 Multilayer diamond heat spreaders for electronic power devices.
30 Thermal impedance of new power semiconductor modules using AlN substrates.
31 Investigation of flat-pack IGBT reliability.
32 Operation of power semiconductors at their thermal limit.
33 Ruggedness and reliability of the 2.5 kV-1.8 kA power pack IGBT with a novel multi-collector structure.
34 Thermal characterization and heat transfer analysis of a wire bond chip-on-board package.
35 Thermal resistance degradation of alloy die attached power devices during thermal cycling.
36 Heat spreader characteristics of multilayer diamond films for high frequency power devices.
37 Proceedings of the 1998 SAE International Congress & Exposition.
38 Pressure contact assembly technology of high power devices.
39 Al/Sic for power electronics packaging.
40 Keeping power supply burn-in cool and green.
41 Effects of multiple ceramics on reliability in high current power modules.
42 Plastic-strain of aluminium interconnections during pulsed operation of IGBT multichip modules.
43 New results using membrane-supported circuits: Ka-band power amplifier and survivability testing.
44 Space-station nickel-hydrogen battery orbital replacement unit test.
45 Space-qualified superconductive digital instantaneous frequency-measurement subsystem.
46 Design trade-offs and reliability of power circuit substrates with respect to varying geometrical parameters of direct copper bonded Al2O3 and BeO.
47 Thermal fatigue modeling of solder interlayer in power electronics.
48 Finite Element Analysis for Solder Ball Connect (SBC) Structural Design Optimization.
49 What is wrong with the existing reliability prediction methods?.
50 Thermal stress screening enhances automotive electronics.
Titres dans la banque de données INSPEC classés par Ordre chronologique
53 In-situ performance of silicone thermal interface materials - influence of filler characteristics.
54 Reliability prediction for TFBGA assemblies.
55 Active thermal control of power electronics modules.
56 Copper doped eutectic tin-lead bump for power flip chip applications.
57 Advantages and new development of direct bonded copper substrates.
58 A distributed model of a space heat pump under transient conditions.
59 Long term aging of electronics systems & maintainability strategy for critical applications.
60 Evaluation of interconnect technologies for power semiconductor devices.
61 Die attachment for -120 degrees C to +20 degrees C thermal cycling of microelectronics for future Mars rovers-an overview.
62 D2BGA chip-scale IGBT package.
63 Reliability of PbSnAg solder layer of power modules under thermal cycling in electronic packaging.
64 The design and testing of IEC79/7 "increased safety enclosures under conditions of fire, impact and water deluge".
65 Method of isothermalization for passive elements in an electronics system.
66 Directionally bent alumina DBC substrates.
67 3-layered 3D flex based MCM: electrical characterization and reliability issues.
68 Pulse tube cooler for flight hyper-spectral imaging.
69 Characterization, modeling and thermal cycle life testing of large value ceramic capacitors for high temperature (to 500 degrees C) applications.
70 Materials selection issues for high operating temperature (HOT) electronic packaging.
71 High-temperature storage and thermal cycling studies of Heraeus-Cermalloy thick film and Dale power wirewound resistors.
72 Semi analytic model for thermal fatigue failure of die attach in power electronic building blocks.
73 Thermal characterisation and heat transfer analysis of a wire bond chip-on-board package.
74 Reliability of flexible thin-film embedded resistors and electrical characterization of thin-film embedded capacitors and inductors.
75 Al/SiC for power electronics packaging.
76 Thermal fatigue modeling of solder interlayer in power electronics.
77 Modular middle-scale SQUID magnetometer system for neuromagnetic research.
78 Space-qualified superconductive digital instantaneous frequency-measurement subsystem.
79 Solder wire die bond process characterisation study.
80 Reliability improvement methodology for cockpit high voltage power supplies.
81 Reliability issues of replacing solder with conductive adhesives in power modules.
82 Space station nickel-hydrogen battery ORU test.
83 Finite element analysis for solder ball connect (SBC) structural design optimization.
84 Substrate and metallization selection for high power hybrid circuits based on thermal resistance and temperature cycling reliability.
85 An issue in thermal management: metallizing high thermal conductivity ceramic substrates in microelectronics.
86 Novel large area joining technique for improved power device performance.
87 What is wrong with the existing reliability prediction methods?.
Question : thermal + shock + power electronics | ![]() |
Titres dans la banque de données COMPENDEX classés par Ordre chronologique
1 Space-qualified superconductive digital instantaneous frequency-measurement subsystem.
2 High frequency performance and packaging of power film capacitors.
3 What is wrong with the existing reliability prediction methods?.
4 Super-hardened, self-contained digital data acquisition system.
Titres dans la banque de données INSPEC classés par Ordre chronologique
7 ALMDS laser system.
8 High power cold shock phenomena in loop heat pipes.
9 Investigation of wirebonds on insulated-metal substrate for multichip power module applications.
10 A highly adhesive gold-based metallization system for CVD diamond substrates.
11 Directionally bent alumina DBC substrates.
12 3-layered 3D flex based MCM: electrical characterization and reliability issues.
13 Reliability of flexible thin-film embedded resistors and electrical characterization of thin-film embedded capacitors and inductors.
14 Rugged enclosures for systems packaging.
15 Space-qualified superconductive digital instantaneous frequency-measurement subsystem.
16 Aluminum nitride high power terminations.
17 Processing guidelines for SMPS multilayer ceramic capacitors.
18 What is wrong with the existing reliability prediction methods?.
19 IEEE test procedure for evaluation of insulation systems for electronics power transformers.
20 Space qualified high performance digitally tuned quartz crystal oscillators.
Ce résultat se trouve aussi dans COMPENDEX, COMPENDEX
Question : thermal + shock + reliability | ![]() |
Titres dans la banque de données COMPENDEX classés par Ordre chronologique
1 A methodology for evaluating the mechanical reliability of alternatives to tin-lead solder electronic interconnection systems (focus on electrically conductive adhesives).
2 Polymeric Material Solutions for Jetable Fluid Delivery Assembly and Harsh Environment Protection.
3 Refractory requirements for aluminum casthouses, more informative product datasheets for materials selections.
4 Drop reliability of corner bonded CSP in portable products.
5 Processing and reliability of CSPs with underfill.
6 Numerical and experimental analysis of large passivation opening for solder joint reliability improvement of micro SMD packages.
7 Reliability of Athermal Fiber Bragg Grating Component with Negative Thermal Expansion Ceramic Substrate.
8 Printed wiring board reliability evaluation methods correlations of IST vs thermal shock.
9 RoHS: Time running out to prepare.
10 A methodology for evaluating the mechanical reliability of alternatives to tin-lead solder electronic interconnection systems (focus on electrically conductive adhesives).
11 Via between pad reliability.
12 Reliability assessment of ultra high density substrate design with low-cost processes micro vias for space applications.
13 Reliability of transfer mold-underfilled flip chip devices.
14 Code verification/validation with respect to experimental data banks.
15 Effects of weld repairs on calculated failure probabilities for reactor pressure vessels and piping.
16 The mechanical properties of tubular solid oxide fuel cells.
17 Failures of flip chip assemblies under thermal shock. Defaillances des montages flip chip soumis a un choc thermique.
18 Flip chip solder joint reliability under harsh environment. Fiabilite des joints de soudure flip chip dans des environnements rudes.
19 The Microstructure Investigation of Flip-Chip Laser Diode Bonding on Silicon Substrate by Using Indium-Gold Solder.
20 Ageing characteristics of porcelain suspension insulators for transmission line by cool and heat accelerate method.
21 Processing and Reliability of Corner Bonded CSPs.
22 Investigation of a Lead-Free Flip Chip Assembly Process.
23 Characterization of Failure Mechanisms for Oxide VCSELs.
24 A Collection of Technical Papers: 44th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference: 11th AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference 5th AIAA Non-Deterministic Approaches Forum 4th AIAA Gossamer Spacecraft Forum AIAA Dynamics Specialists Conference.
25 Stacked 3-D MCP with plastic ball vertical interconnections.
Question : reliabilty + thermal + power electronics | ![]() |
Titres dans la banque de données COMPENDEX classés par Ordre chronologique
1 Investigation of system and component performance and interaction issues for solid-oxide fuel cell based auxiliary power units responding to changes in application load.
2 Thermal management of QFN 48 package attached to different multi-layers of printed circuit board designs.
3 Power Electronics-Based T&D Controllers Technology Developments.
4 Power Electronics-Based T&D Controllers Technology Developments.
5 Thermal properties of diamond/copper composite material.
6 Power converter design optimization.
7 Thermal Analysis of EPAS Power Module.
8 Avionics thermal analysis & testing strategy.
9 Novel Simulation Techniques for Design of Air-cooled Electronics.
10 Failure modes and FEM analysis of power electronic packaging.
11 Fatigue and intermetallic formation in lead free solder die attach.
12 Global surface solar energy anomalies including El Nino and La Nina years.
13 Flywheel energy storage system for the international space station.
14 Active Thermal Control of Power Electronics Modules.
15 Generation reliability impacts of industry-owned distributed generation sources.
16 Large time-scale electro-thermal simulation for loss and thermal management of power MOSFET.
17 Increased transmission capacity by forced symmetrization.
18 Lifetime prediction and design of reliability tests for high-power devices in automotive applications.
19 Flip-chip on flex integrated power electronics modules for high-density power integration.
20 Reliability prediction for TFBGA assemblies.
21 Fast thermal profiling of power semiconductor devices using fourier techniques.
22 Integrating giant magnetoresistive current and thermal sensors in power electronic modules.
23 Advantages and new development of direct bonded copper substrates.
24 Repetitive pulse application of self-healing high voltage capacitors.
25 Total-dose radiation response of hafnium-silicate capacitors.
26 Degradation mechanism of power devices under di/dt thermal shocks: Turn-on of a TRIAC in Q3.
27 Evaluation of interconnect technologies for power semiconductor devices.
28 Thermal aspects of burn-in of high power semiconductor devices.
29 Thermal/fluid performance evaluation of serrated plate fin heat sinks.
30 On the use of flat heat pipes as thermal spreaders in power electronics cooling.
31 Proceedings: 2002 International Symposium on Microelectronics.
32 AMB ceramic substrates, a conventional alternative to unconventional thermal requirements.
33 Thermal analysis of thermal spreaders used in power electronics cooling.
34 Made-to-order power.
35 Low cost thermal flow sensor for home-appliances applications.
36 Comparison of silicon carbide and GaAs schottky diode.
37 The effects of environmental contaminants on electronic power supplies.
38 2001 International Electron Devices Meeting: Technical Digest.
39 Failure modes and FEM analysis of power electronic packaging.
40 Flip Chip in Leaded Molded Package (FLMP).
41 A web-based graduate course on the mechanical design of high temperature and high power electronics.
42 Heat transfer in high density electronics packaging.
43 Reliability of Chip/DCB solder joints in AlSiC base plate power modules: Influence of chip size.
44 High reliability power VDMOS transistors in Bipolar/CMOS/DMOS technology.
45 Operation of power semiconductors under transient thermal conditions: Thermal fatigue reliability and mechanical aspects.
46 Thermal management and reliability of multi-chip power modules.
47 Statistical optimisation of thermoplastic injection moulding process for the encapsulation of electronic subassembly.
48 Low dielectric constant and low shrinkage epoxy system for power electronics applications.
49 Reliability of power cycling for IGBT power semiconductor modules.
50 Dimple-array interconnect technique for packaging power semiconductor devices and modules.
51 Architectural trades for an advanced geostationary atmospheric sounding instrument.
52 Prospects of manufacturing organic semiconductor-based integrated circuits.
53 Thermal component model for electrothermal analysis of IGBT module systems.
54 Chip-scale packaging of power devices and its application in integrated power electronics modules.
55 Thermal characterization of a liquid cooled AlSiC base plate with integral pin fins.
56 AlGaAs/GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistors for power applications: Issues of thermal effect and reliability.
57 High-power robust semiconductor electronics technologies in the new millennium.
58 The effects of airborne contaminants on electronic power supplies.
59 Experimental measurements of recombination lifetime in proton irradiated power devices.
60 Beyond Y2K: Technology convergence as a driver of future low-voltage power management semiconductors.
61 Three-dimensional flip-chip on flex packaging for power electronics applications.
62 Multichip SMT power package for automotive market.
63 Chip-scale packaging of power devices and its application in integrated power electronics modules.
64 Aging of ceramic materials used in power electronic substrates.
65 Numerical and experimental thermal characterization of a liquid cooled AlSiC power electronics base plate with integral pin fins.
66 Finite-element modeling of thermal and thermomechanical behavior for three-dimensional packaging of power electronics modules.
67 Power loss analysis of power semiconductor devices and power converters.
68 On some electrical characteristics of AlN and Al2O3.
69 Die attachment for minus 120 degree C to plus 20 degree C thermal cycling of microelectronics for future Mars Rovers - an overview.
70 Design optimization of an integrated liquid-cooled IGBT power module using CFD technique.
71 Packaging of integrated power electronics modules using flip-chip technology.
72 Development and application of micro-moire interferometer.
73 Thermal design and measurements of IGBT power modules: transient and steady state.
74 Impact of power electronics packaging on the reliability of grid connected photovoltaic converters for outdoor applications.
75 Flip chip contacts for high current conducting assemblies.
76 Reliability of AlN substrates and their solder joints in IGBT power modules.
77 Thermal characterization of power devices by scanning thermal microscopy techniques.
78 Device reliability and robust power converter development.
79 Thermal management of power electronics modules packaged by a stacked-plate technique.
80 Design and performance of a small, low power infrared imaging system.
81 State of the art of integrated power modules (IPMs) for 0.75kW and 2kW drive applications.
82 Reliability in large area solder joint assemblies and effects of thermal expansion mismatch and die size xi.
83 Modulator system component reliability optimization through monitoring microdischarge activity.
84 Recharging VRLA batteries for maximum life.
85 Thermal management of power electronics modules packaged by a stacked-plate technique.
86 Power electronics packaging of `low profile' module integrated converters for photovoltaic applications with improved reliability.
87 Characteristics of a custom integrated bolometer array.
88 Direct measurement and analysis of the time-dependent evolution of stress in silicon devices and solder interconnections in power assemblies.
89 Analysis of the electro-thermal behaviour of multichip power modules.
90 Thermal impedance of new power semiconductor modules using AlN substrates.
91 Investigation of flat-pack IGBT reliability.
92 On-chip reliability investigations on power modules actually working in inverter systems.
93 Thermomechanical deformation imaging of power devices by electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI).
94 Direct measurements of thermal stress distributions in large die bonds for power electronics.
95 Ruggedness and reliability of the 2.5 kV-1.8 kA power pack IGBT with a novel multi-collector structure.
96 Thermal characterization and heat transfer analysis of a wire bond chip-on-board package.
97 Nonlinear model of the power MESFET including temperature and breakdown effects.
98 Design of de-ionized water cooling of power converters.
99 Dielectric testing reliability in Power Integrated Circuits.
100 Transient thermal management of portable electronics using heat storage and dynamic power dissipation control.
101 Thermoelectric microcoolers for thermal management applications.
102 Silicon carbide temperature-tolerant power electronics for dual use systems applications.
103 Proceedings of the 1998 SAE International Congress & Exposition.
104 Influence of component solderability on reliability of solder joints.
105 Pressure contact assembly technology of high power devices.
106 Air flow.
107 Al/Sic for power electronics packaging.
108 Keeping power supply burn-in cool and green.
109 Thermal management of flip chips on printed circuit boards.
110 Microelectromechanical systems: interfacing electronics to a non-electronic world.
111 Power system packaging development.
112 Design of a test structure to evaluate electro-thermomigration in power ICs.
113 Effects of multiple ceramics on reliability in high current power modules.
114 Innovative thermal system approach significantly increases system reliability and power and packaging densities.
115 Ultra-low-power CMOS technologies.
116 Parametric investigation on the effect of harmonic distortion on life expectancy of power capacitors.
117 Aluminum-silicon carbide.
118 Thermal management of power electronics using thermoelectric coolers.
119 Plastic-strain of aluminium interconnections during pulsed operation of IGBT multichip modules.
120 NightMaster: a new compact IR imaging system.
121 New results using membrane-supported circuits: Ka-band power amplifier and survivability testing.
122 Selecting fuses for power semiconductor devices.
123 Acousto-optical spectrometer for spaceborne application.
124 New low temperature diffusion bonding technology between large-area, high-power devices and internal Mo electrodes using Au-Al films.
125 Thermal management and design aspects of high performance plastic quad flat packages for smart-power ICs.
126 IGBT power semiconductor reliability analysis for traction application.
127 High temperature storage life (HTSL) and high temperature reverse bias (HTRB) reliability testing of power VDMOSFETs.
128 Reliability growth of Ricor's micro IDCA products: status report.
129 Transient thermal response due to periodic heating on a convectively cooled substrate.
130 Strengthening solder materials.
131 Design trade-offs and reliability of power circuit substrates with respect to varying geometrical parameters of direct copper bonded Al2O3 and BeO.
132 Use of heat pipes in the cooling of portables with high power packages.
133 Experience with nondestructive acoustic inspection of power IC's.
134 Reliable 1200 amp 2500 V IGBT modules for traction applications.
135 Novel active area bumped flip chip technology for convergent heat transfer from gallium arsenide power devices.
136 Indirect approach for evaluating the availability of adjustable speed drive systems applied to large power plant motors.
137 First International Conference on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Aging Materials.
138 Thermal design principles and characterization of miniaturized surface-mount packages for power electronics.
139 Fabrication, testing, and evaluation of high-thermal-conductivity, lightweight polymer composites reinforced with pitch-graphite fibers as heat sinks for high-density packaging applications.
140 Hermes thermal control design and architecture.
141 A compact DC-to-DC power converter for distributed power processing.
142 Applications exploiting the extreme properties of diamonds.
143 Mechanical engineering issues and electronic equipment reliability: Incurred costs without compensating benefits.
144 A better biasing technique for IMPATT diodes.
145 Future trends in space power technology.
146 Next generation power electronics for space and aircraft.Part II. Packaging.
147 Thermo-acoustic-piezoelectric power generation.
148 Thermal baffling of batteries in a simulated optical network unit: Thermal design and analysis.
149 Hybrid packaging technique for high power density circuit.
150 Temperature, reliability, and electronic packaging.
151 Miniature integrated Dewar/Cooler Assembly.
152 What is wrong with the existing reliability prediction methods?.
153 Uniform temperature, ultra high heat flux liquid cooled, power semi-conductor package.
154 Aluminum nitride substrates for hybrid microelectronic applications.
155 TERMISK KONSTRUKTION AV ELEKTRONIK - EN INTRODUCKTION left bracket Introduction to Thermal Design of Electronics right bracket .
Titres dans la banque de données INSPEC classés par Ordre chronologique
161 In-situ performance of silicone thermal interface materials - influence of filler characteristics.
162 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting 2003.
163 Integrating giant magnetoresistive current and thermal sensors in power electronic modules.
164 A high performance polymer thin film power electronics packaging technology.
165 System integration: thermal aspects of chip utilization of power devices.
166 Large time-scale electro-thermal simulation for loss and thermal management of power MOSFET.
167 Reliability prediction for TFBGA assemblies.
168 Reducing power density through activity migration.
169 Active thermal control of power electronics modules.
170 Generation reliability impacts of industry-owned distributed generation sources.
171 Copper doped eutectic tin-lead bump for power flip chip applications.
172 Pb-free solder challenges in electronic packaging and assembly.
173 APEC 2003. Eighteenth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (Cat. No.03CH37434).
174 Got NEBS? [Network Equipment Building Systems test].
175 Advantages and new development of direct bonded copper substrates.
176 Increased transmission capacity by forced symmetrization.
177 Flip-chip on flex integrated power electronics modules for high-density power integration.
178 Proceedings International Conference and Exhibition on Advanced Packaging and Systems. ICAPS (SPIE Vol.4828).
179 Reliability prediction of substitute parts based on component temperature rating and limited accelerated test data.
180 Long term aging of electronics systems & maintainability strategy for critical applications.
181 Total-dose radiation response of hafnium-silicate capacitors.
182 Impact of technology scaling on thermal behavior of leakage current in sub-quarter micron MOSFETs: perspective of low temperature current testing.
183 Leakage-tolerant design techniques for high performance processors.
184 High-power thermal management issues in space-based systems.
185 Low cost thermal flow sensor for home-appliances applications.
186 Thermal analysis of thermal spreaders used in power electronics cooling.
187 On the use of flat heat pipes as thermal spreaders in power electronics cooling.
188 Evaluation of interconnect technologies for power semiconductor devices.
189 Thermal aspects of burn-in of high power semiconductor devices.
190 Thermal/fluid performance evaluation of serrated plate fin heat sinks.
191 ITherm 2002. Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems (Cat. No.02CH37258).
192 Proceedings 2001 International Symposium on Microelectronics (SPIE Vol.4587).
193 Excess hot-carrier currents in SOI MOSFETs and its implications.
194 A thermal-aware superscalar microprocessor.
195 Proceedings of the 7th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. MIXDES 2000.
196 Failure modes and FEM analysis of power electronic packaging.
197 Power conversion challenges with a multidisciplinary focus.
198 An integrated approach to power electronics systems.
199 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. MIXDES'99.
200 Hybrid micro circuits.
201 Investigation of wirebonds on insulated-metal substrate for multichip power module applications.
202 Power chip interconnection: from wire bonding to area bonding.
203 Anodized aluminum substrates for improved thermal performance.
204 Statistical optimisation of thermoplastic injection moulding process for the encapsulation of electronic subassembly [for automotive industry].
205 Architectural trades for an advanced geostationary atmospheric sounding instrument.
206 Future performance challenges in nanometer design.
207 Reliability of chip/DCB solder joints in AlSiC base plate power modules: influence of chip size.
208 Thermal management and reliability of multi-chip power modules.
209 Influence of high-level synthesis on average and peak temperatures of CMOS circuits.
210 Power chip interconnection: from wirebonding to area bonding.
211 Flip chip in leaded molded package (FLMP).
212 A web-based graduate course on the Mechanical Design of High Temperature and High Power Electronics.
213 Prospects of manufacturing organic semiconductor-based integrated circuits.
214 Robotics and automation applications of drives and converters.
215 Die attachment for -120 degrees C to +20 degrees C thermal cycling of microelectronics for future Mars rovers-an overview.
216 Temperature dependency of 0.1 mu m partially depleted SOI CMOSFET.
217 High-power robust semiconductor electronics technologies in the new millennium.
218 Characterization of advanced materials for high voltage/high temperature power electronics packaging.
219 Power chip interconnection: from wirebonding to area bonding.
220 Chip-scale packaging of power devices and its application in integrated power electronics modules.
221 Heat pipe thermal behaviour from frozen startup.
222 Low power VLSI CMOS circuit design.
223 Galaxy 3000-sixpack components and new cooling system.
224 Semiconductor technologies for high-power electronics in the new millennium.
225 Cooling trends: power electronic systems rely on thermal management.
226 Reliability of PbSnAg solder layer of power modules under thermal cycling in electronic packaging.
227 Three-dimensional flip-chip on flex packaging for power electronics applications.
228 Finite element modeling of heat transfer and thermal stresses for three-dimensional packaging of power electronics modules.
229 Power electronics packaging and miniature using chip-scale packaged power devices.
230 Combination effect of fretting and corrosion on bolt-type power connectors.
231 Aging of ceramic materials used in power electronic substrates.
232 Thermal management materials and designs are heating up.
233 Numerical and experimental thermal characterization of a liquid cooled AlSiC power electronics base plate with integral pin fins.
234 Finite-element modeling of thermal and thermomechanical behavior for three-dimensional packaging of power electronics modules.
235 ITHERM 2000. The Seventh Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems (Cat. No.00CH37069).
236 Multichip SMT power package for automotive market.
237 Passive components: requirements by automotive applications.
238 2000 Proceedings. 50th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (Cat. No.00CH37070).
239 Chip-scale packaging of power devices and its application in integrated power electronics modules.
240 On some electrical characteristics of AlN and Al2O3.
241 Market and technology projections in microelectronics packaging; a map to the next millenium.
242 High stability, miniature OCXOs for severe environmental conditions. High temperature effects on aging and retrace characteristics.
243 Directionally bent alumina DBC substrates.
244 3-layered 3D flex based MCM: electrical characterization and reliability issues.
245 Characterization of interfacial thermal resistance by acoustic micrography imaging.
246 Flip chip contacts for high current conducting assemblies.
247 Design and performance of a small low power infrared imaging system.
248 Packaging of integrated power electronics modules using flip-chip technology.
249 Thermal management of power electronics modules packaged by a stacked-plate technique.
250 Basic steps to successful EMC design.
251 SMES for enhanced flexibility and performance of FACTS devices.
252 Impact of power electronics packaging on the reliability of grid connected photovoltaic converters for outdoor applications.
253 Thermal management of power electronics modules packaged by a stacked-plate technique.
254 Technological aspects of wafer process and packaging interconnections of power MOSFETs for low voltage applications.
255 Power electronics packaging of "low profile" module integrated converters for photovoltaic applications with improved reliability.
256 Power electronic building blocks (PEBB), a question of form.
257 1998 International Symposium on Microelectronics.
258 Nitrided gate oxides for 3.3-V logic application: Reliability and device design considerations.
259 A stress model for multiobjective design optimization of a power electronic module.
260 1998 5th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology. Proceedings (Cat. No.98EX105).
261 Impact of polymerization on warpage prediction of molded plastic packages.
262 Integration of heat exchanger with high current hybrid power module.
263 Thermal management of flip chips on printed circuit boards.
264 Power management at the RTL level.
265 Advanced packaging step-by-step. III. Die attach.
266 Reliability concerns in high temperature electronic systems.
267 Long term behavior of passive components for high temperature applications-an update.
268 Direct measurements of thermal stress distributions in large die bonds for power electronics.
269 Modulator system component reliability optimization through monitoring microdischarge activity.
270 IMS technology for automotive applications.
271 Assembly of power through hole components for thermal cooling: An innovative solution based on the use of adhesive.
272 Thermal characterisation and heat transfer analysis of a wire bond chip-on-board package.
273 Low cost, high density, power packaging for space systems.
274 Microfluidic MEMS.
275 Framework for power package design and optimization.
251 SMES for enhanced flexibility and performance of FACTS devices.
252 Impact of power electronics packaging on the reliability of grid connected photovoltaic converters for outdoor applications.
253 Thermal management of power electronics modules packaged by a stacked-plate technique.
254 Technological aspects of wafer process and packaging interconnections of power MOSFETs for low voltage applications.
255 Power electronics packaging of "low profile" module integrated converters for photovoltaic applications with improved reliability.
256 Power electronic building blocks (PEBB), a question of form.
257 1998 International Symposium on Microelectronics.
258 Nitrided gate oxides for 3.3-V logic application: Reliability and device design considerations.
259 A stress model for multiobjective design optimization of a power electronic module.
260 1998 5th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology. Proceedings (Cat. No.98EX105).
261 Impact of polymerization on warpage prediction of molded plastic packages.
262 Integration of heat exchanger with high current hybrid power module.
263 Thermal management of flip chips on printed circuit boards.
264 Power management at the RTL level.
265 Advanced packaging step-by-step. III. Die attach.
266 Reliability concerns in high temperature electronic systems.
267 Long term behavior of passive components for high temperature applications-an update.
268 Direct measurements of thermal stress distributions in large die bonds for power electronics.
269 Modulator system component reliability optimization through monitoring microdischarge activity.
270 IMS technology for automotive applications.
271 Assembly of power through hole components for thermal cooling: An innovative solution based on the use of adhesive.
272 Thermal characterisation and heat transfer analysis of a wire bond chip-on-board package.
273 Low cost, high density, power packaging for space systems.
274 Microfluidic MEMS.
275 Framework for power package design and optimization.
276 Development of a stacked-plate technique for 3-D packaging of power electronics modules.
277 Design of de-ionised water cooling of power converters.
278 Space charge observation of a metal base printed wiring board.
279 Feasibility study of a large switched reluctance spoiler actuator system.
280 Basic methods for enclosure cooling.
281 3D packaging of a microfluidic system with sensory applications.
282 High density power modules: a packaging strategy.
283 Power electronics combines with MCM technology to create multi-chip power modules.
284 Thermal impedance and stress in a power package due to variations in layer thickness.
285 Transient thermal management of portable electronics using heat storage and dynamic power dissipation control.
286 Silicon carbide temperature-tolerant power electronics for dual use systems applications.
287 An electromechanical actuator for a transport aircraft spoiler surface.
288 An advanced packaging technology for high performance power devices.
289 Manufacturing and reliability aspects of semiconductor diodes for rotational applications.
290 Influence of component solderability on reliability of solder joints.
291 The economic evaluation of adjustable speed drive induction motor utilized in a power generator unit.
292 Reliability of flexible thin-film embedded resistors and electrical characterization of thin-film embedded capacitors and inductors.
293 Al/SiC for power electronics packaging.
294 System design considerations for using a direct-attached-ceramic MMC power package.
295 Microelectromechanical systems: interfacing electronics to a non-electronic world.
296 Ultra-low-power CMOS technologies.
297 Thermal management of power electronics using thermoelectric coolers.
298 Thermal fatigue modeling of solder interlayer in power electronics.
299 Heat analysis on insulated metal substrates [power electronics].
300 Longterm reliability for high power interconnection on printed circuit board.
301 Dymalloy: a composite substrate for high power density electronic components.
302 NightMaster, a new compact IR imaging system.
303 High power 3D MCM-V modules.
304 Developing world class thermal solutions [for power electronics].
305 A high-density low-cost multi-chip package (MCP) solution.
306 Proceedings of Stockholm Power Tech International Symposium on Electric Power Engineering.
307 Reliability growth of Ricor's micro IDCA products.
308 Transient thermal response due to periodic heating on a convectively cooled substrate.
309 Aluminum nitride high power terminations.
310 Solder wire die bond process characterisation study.
311 Reliability improvement methodology for cockpit high voltage power supplies.
312 Liquid flow-through cooling of electronic modules.
313 Reliable 1200 amp 2500 V IGBT modules for traction applications.
314 Reliability issues of replacing solder with conductive adhesives in power modules.
315 Advanced power module using GaAs semiconductors, metal matrix composite packaging material, and low inductance design.
316 A novel active area bumped flip chip technology for convergent heat transfer from gallium arsenide power devices.
317 Development of metal matrix composite baseplate technology for high current power modules.
318 Development of a plastic encapsulated power multichip technology for high volume, low cost commercial electronics.
319 The newly developed MS90 digital control system.
320 Proceedings of 1994 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting.
321 GE 3-D HDI stacked multichip module technology's impact on system design.
322 Advanced Electronics Cooling System for Standard Electronic Modules.
323 New plastic package bridges the gap between discrete power semiconductors and power modules.
324 A GTO power brick.
325 Advanced power modules for drives and automation.
326 Environmental corrosion control in DCS rooms.
327 A modelling tool for power supply circuit simulation.
328 Thermal challenges in power electronics.
329 IEE Colloquium on 'Thermal Management in Power Electronics Systems' (Digest No.065).
330 New trends in power microelectronics DCB packages.
331 Keep a cool head. Assessment of waste heat from power semiconductors.
332 Progress with flexible AC transmission systems.
333 Water-cooled heat sinks improve thermal efficiency.
334 Design of an infrared camera utilizing a miniature cryocooler with an integrated dewar/cooler assembly (IDCA).
335 Next generation power electronics for space and aircraft. II. Packaging.
336 Thermo-acoustic-piezoelectric power generation.
337 Theory and technology of pin-diodes on GaAs.
338 Optically driven photoconductive devices for power switching application. II. Thermal modelling including heat sink.
339 Substrate and metallization selection for high power hybrid circuits based on thermal resistance and temperature cycling reliability.
340 A better biasing technique for IMPATT diodes.
341 Thermal design of electronic modules in high ambient temperature environments.
342 Thermal baffling of batteries in a simulated optical network unit: thermal design and analysis.
343 Innovative thermal design concepts for surface mount multilayer boards.
344 A uniform temperature, ultra-high heat flux liquid-cooled, power semiconductor package.
345 Mechanical engineering issues and electronic equipment reliability: incurred costs without compensating benefits.
346 What is wrong with the existing reliability prediction methods?.
347 Soldering down to a science (printed circuits).
348 Space qualified diode pumped slab laser.
349 Proceedings of the Power Electronics Show and Conference.
350 Reliability of semiconductor injection lasers.
351 Infrared thermography and power electronics.
352 Thermal characterization of ceramic chip carriers.
353 Introduction to thermal design of electronics.
354 Balance: development trends in power electronics.
355 Thermoelectric power generation from low-grade heat sources.
356 A microelectronics packaging technology for consumer product applications.
357 Direct bonded, glass passivated power modules: the new 'IC's' of power electronics.
Articles retenus le 30 mars 2004 | ![]() |
[1] : [ART508] Thermal properties of diamond/copper composite material. [2] : [ART510] Failure modes and FEM analysis of power electronic packaging. [3] : [ART511] M. CIAPPA, F. CARBOGNANI, P. COVA, W. FICHTNER, Lifetime prediction and design of reliability tests for high-power devices in automotive applications, Proceedings of IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium, 2003, pp. 523-528. [4] : [ART233] H. YE, M. LIN, C. BASARAN, Failure modes and FEM analysis of power electronic packaging, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Volume 38 , Issues 7, May 2002, pp. 601-612. [5] : [ART513] K. SHENAI, High-power robust semiconductor electronics technologies in the new millennium, Microelectronics Journal, Vol. 32, No. 5-6, May 2001, pp. 397-408. [6] : [ART514] Aging of ceramic materials used in power electronic substrates. [7] : [ART515] Finite-element modeling of thermal and thermomechanical behavior for three-dimensional packaging of power electronics modules. [8] : [ART516] Power loss analysis of power semiconductor devices and power converters. [9] : [ART517] Reliability in large area solder joint assemblies and effects of thermal expansion mismatch and die size xi.
[10] : [ART518] Influence of component solderability on reliability of solder joints. [11] : [ART519] Thermal management and design aspects of high performance plastic quad flat packages for smart-power ICs. [12] : [SHEET535] P. JACOB, M. HELD, P. SCACCO, IGBT Power Semiconductor Reliability Analysis for Traction Application, IPFA'95, Singapore, pp. 169-175 [13] : [ART521] Strengthening solder materials. [14] : [ART522] Design trade-offs and reliability of power circuit substrates with respect to varying geometrical parameters of direct copper bonded Al2O3 and BeO. [15] : [ART523] First International Conference on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Aging Materials. [16] : [ART524] Temperature, reliability, and electronic packaging. [17] : [ART525] K.L. WONG, What is wrong with the existing reliability prediction methods?, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 6, No 4, 1990, pp. 251-257. [18] : [ART526] MICROELECTRONICS PACKAGING TECHNOLOGY FOR CONSUMER PRODUCT APPLICATIONS. [19] : [ART527] FAY HUA, Pb-free solder challenges in electronic packaging and assembly, Proceedings of the 53rd Electronic Components and Technology Conference, 2003, pp. 58-63.
[20] : [ART528] Reliability prediction of substitute parts based on component temperature rating and limited accelerated test data. [21] : [ART529] Power conversion challenges with a multidisciplinary focus. [22] : [ART530] Die attachment for -120 degrees C to +20 degrees C thermal cycling of microelectronics for future Mars rovers-an overview. [23] : [ART531] Characterization of advanced materials for high voltage/high temperature power electronics packaging. [24] : [ART532] Semiconductor technologies for high-power electronics in the new millennium. [25] : [ART533] Reliability of PbSnAg solder layer of power modules under thermal cycling in electronic packaging. [26] : [ART534] Finite element modeling of heat transfer and thermal stresses for three-dimensional packaging of power electronics modules. [27] : [ART535] Reliability concerns in high temperature electronic systems. [28] : [ART536] Thermal impedance and stress in a power package due to variations in layer thickness. [29] : [ART537] An advanced packaging technology for high performance power devices.
[30] : [SHEET336] Y.H. PAO, W. JUNG, R. COOPER, V.A. SANKARAN, X. XU, Thermal Fatigue Modeling of Solder Interlayer in Power Electronics, Advances in Electronic Packaging, 1995, vol. 10, pp. 1059-1068. [31] : [ART539] Reliability improvement methodology for cockpit high voltage power supplies. [32] : [ART540] Reliability issues of replacing solder with conductive adhesives in power modules. [33] : [ART541] New plastic package bridges the gap between discrete power semiconductors and power modules. [34] : [ART542] New trends in power microelectronics DCB packages. [35] : [ART543] Substrate and metallization selection for high power hybrid circuits based on thermal resistance and temperature cycling reliability. [36] : [ART544] Soldering down to a science (printed circuits). [37] : [SHEET318] J. NADERMAN, R.T.H. ROGEN, Thermal resistance degradation of surface mounted power devices during thermal cycling, Microelectronics and Reliability, Vol. 39, No 1, January 1999, pp. 123-132. [38] : [ART546] Thermal resistance degradation of alloy die attached power devices during thermal cycling. [39] : [ART547] J. GOBRECHT, METALLURGICAL BONDING TECHNOLOGY FOR POWER HYBRIDS, 1986.
[40] : [ART582] Materials selection issues for high operating temperature (HOT) electronic packaging, 1998.
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