"Temperature, reliability, and electronic packaging.
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Article : [ART524]

Info : REPONSE 150, le 31/03/2004.

Titre : Temperature, reliability, and electronic packaging.

Cité dans : [DATA035] Recherche sur les mots clés thermal + fatigue + semiconductor et reliability + thermal + cycle, mars 2004.
Auteur : Leonard, Charles T. (Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, Seattle, WA, USA)

Meeting : Proceedings of the Technical Program of the National Electronic Packaging and Production Conference - NEPCON West '91.
Location : Anaheim, CA, USA
Date : 24 Feb 1991-28 Feb 1991

Source : Proceedings of the Technical Program - National Electronic Packaging and Production Conference v 1.Publ by Cahner Exposition Group, Des Plaines, IL, USA.p 139-146
ISSN : 0470-0155
Année : 1991
Meeting_Number : 14781
Document_Type : Conference Article
Treatment_Code : Theoretical; Application; Experimental
Language : English
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Abstract :
This paper examines the influence of Failure Prediction Methodology (FPM) on electronics packaging design thermal management.The costs of temperature reduction at the system level are discussed, with discussions of techniques to reduce temperature related costs without degradation of reliability.Temperature can be a major design consideration in electronics packaging, especially where high power density is required with simultaneous high reliability. The perception is widely held that temperature exhibits an exponential influence on failure tendencies, producing the rule of thumb that lowered temperature will significantly improve reliability.Such an expectation can not be readily validated empirically.Other aspects of electronics design that should be scrutinized to ensure cost effective reliability in electronics are subjects of a research program, described herein, that was initiated in October, 1990.(Author abstract)

Accession_Number : 1991(9):112793 COMPENDEX

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