Article : [SHEET119]
Titre : G. COQUERY, R. LALLEMAND, D. WAGNER, M. PITON, H. BERG, K. SOMMER, Reliability improvement of the soldering thermal fatigue with AlSiC technology on traction high power IGBT modules, EPE'99, paper 904, 1999.
Cité dans : [DATA146] LTN, Laboratoire des Technologies Nouvelles, INRETS, Arcueil, France. Cité dans : [DATA035] Recherche sur les mots clés thermal + fatigue + semiconductor et reliability + thermal + cycle, mars 2004. Cité dans :[99DIV076] EPE'99, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Lausanne, Suisse, 7-9 septembre 1999. Cité dans :[DATA042] Cité dans :[DATA049] Cité dans :[ART185]Auteur : G. Coquery
Auteur : D. Wagner
Auteur : M. Piton
ALSTOM F-65600 Séméac, France, tel: +33-5-6253 4863, fax: +33-5-6253 4805
Lien :
Lien :
Auteur : H. Berg,
Auteur : K. Sommer
EUPEC D-59581 Warstein, Germany, Tel : +49-2902 764 400, Fax : +49-2902 764 256
Lien :
Lien :
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : private/PP904.pdf - 754 Ko, 10 pages.
Date : 7-9 septembre 1999
Pages : 1 - 10
Keywords : IGBT module, high power, reliability soldering layer, thermal resistance, AlSiC
Lien : ART185.HTM#Bibliographie - référence [7].
Abstract :
Since 1994, the technology of the high power IGBT modules for traction inverter was improved a lot.
The first technology weakness identified was the bonding attach reliability. The second failure mode
is the cracking of the solder layer between base plate material and ceramic plate. The topic proposed
concerns the power cycling behaviour of the packaging technology using new base plate material named
AlSiC, to replace the usual copper base plate The results of the first accelerated tests show a high
improvement, the lifetime before critical solder layer delamination is increased by a factor of six
to ten, according to our test results Tests conditions, methodology of measurement mainly considering
thermal resistance interpretation, thermal simulation, and failures analysis are discussed.
Bibliographie | ![]() |
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