Article : [ART505]
Info : REPONSE 894, le 29/03/2004.
Titre : Reliability evaluation of multilayer board, high-density packaging designs.
Cité dans : [DATA035] Recherche sur les mots clés thermal + fatigue + semiconductor et reliability + thermal + cycle, mars 2004.Auteur : Hurley, H.C. (IBM, Owego, NY, USA)
Source : Semiconductor integrated circuit processing and production conference (abstracts)
Chicago, IL, USA: Industrial and Sci. Conf. Management, 1971. p.1 pp. of 47 pp.
Conference: Anaheim, CA, USA, 9-11 Feb 1971
Sponsor(s): Industrial and Sci. Conference Management
Document_Type : Conference Article
Treatment_Code : Practical; Experimental
Info : Country of Publication : United States
Language : English
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Abstract :
The use of multilayer boards (MLBs) for interconnection packaging applications in high density electronic systems has become universally accepted. MLBs often contribute up to 25% of the total machine failure rate. This paper presents the significant results of an extensive test program designed to (1) determine MLB failure mechanisms and causes associated with the open mode of failure; (2) evaluate the effects of board material, design and process related parameters on MLB reliability; and (3) improve MLB reliability. The test vehicle was a specially designed G-10 epoxy/glass MLB containing 14 conductor layers and in excess of 1300 PTHs divided among 38 test circuits. Approximately 30 boards, incorporating many MLB design and material parameters, were fabricated for test. Some of the test parameters were: three G-10 epoxy/glass resin systems, three plated-through-hole (PTH) diameters ranging down to 16 mils, full land, functional land and landless PTH-to- conductor connections, etchback and straight-wall PTHs and five test environments. Both thermal cycle environments were selected to be representative of typical military product qualification requirements and severe field use conditions while the thermal shock environments duplicated various system-built solder and solder repair processes. Board degradation and failure in environment was monitored and evaluated by circuit resistance measurements and metallurgical microsections. The results from these tests and analyses clearly define the failure mechanisms and causes associated with the open mode of MLB failure. The effects of the board design and material parameters on the failure processes are revealed in detail, allowing for intelligent design trades and optimum use of the MLB technology.
Accession_Number : 1971:272328 INSPEC
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