Article : [SHEET154]
Info : INSPEC Answer Number 7 - 22/02/2000
Titre : M.P. RODRIGUEZ, N.Y.A. SHAMMAS, A.T. PLUMPTON, D. NEWCOMBE, D.E. CREES, Finite element modelling of thermal fatigue effects in IGBT modules, 1999.
Cité dans : [DATA035] Recherche sur les mots clés thermal + fatigue + semiconductor et reliability + thermal + cycle, mars 2004.Auteur : Rodriguez, M.P.;
Source : IEE Colloquium Recent Advances in Power Devices (Ref. No.1999/104) London, UK: IEE, 1999.
Pages : 1 à 6 (12/1-6 of 90pp.)
Info : Conference : London, UK, Sponsor(s): IEE
Date : 29 June 1999
Language : English
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Logiciel : ANSYS
Lien : private/RODRIGUEZ.pdf - 441 Ko, 6 pages.
Abstract :
The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the use of finite element
techniques for modelling of thermal fatigue effects in solder layers
of insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) modules during traction
cycles. The three-dimensional models presented allow predictions of
how the solder fatigue affects the thermal performance of the device
under static loading conditions. In this paper, the analysis of an
800 A-1800 V IGBT module is performed. The parameters assessed are
the thermal resistance, maximum junction temperature and heat flux
distribution through different layers in the module construction.
The critical crack length at which the thermal resistance and
subsequently the chip temperature increase significantly is also
determined through two-dimensional simulation. Calibration of the
models is achieved by comparing simulation results with
manufacturer's data, theoretical calculations and experimental
Accession_Number : 1999:6339095
Appears : Recent Advances in Power Devices (Ref. No. 1999/104), IEE Colloquium on
Info : Page : 12/1 - 12/6, 29 June 1999, Total Pages: 90
Accession_Number : 6339095
Abstract :
The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the use of finite element
techniques for modelling of thermal fatigue effects in solder
layers of insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) modules during
traction cycles. The three-dimensional models presented allow
predictions of how the solder fatigue affects the thermal
performance of the device under static loading conditions. In
this paper, the analysis of an 800 A-1800 V IGBT module is
performed. The parameters assessed are the thermal resistance,
maximum junction temperature and heat flux distribution through
different layers in the module construction. The critical crack
length at which the thermal resistance and subsequently the chip
temperature increase significantly is also determined through
two-dimensional simulation. Calibration of the models is achieved
by comparing simulation results with manufacturer's data,
theoretical calculations and experimental measurements.
Subjet_terms :
power bipolar transistors; IGBT modules; thermal fatigue effects;
finite element modelling; insulated gate bipolar transistor;
traction cycles; three-dimensional models; solder fatigue;
thermal performance; static loading conditions; thermal
resistance; maximum junction temperature; heat flux distribution;
chip temperature; two-dimensional simulation; 800 A; 1800 V
References : 12
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