Article : [SHEET149]
Info : COMPENDEX Answer Number 66 - 22/02/2000
Titre : J.F. BURGESS, R.O. CARLSON, H.H. GLASCOCK, C.A. NEUGEBAUER, H.F. WEBSTER, Solder fatigue problems in power packages, IEEE Trans Compon Hybrids Manuf Technol, Vol. CHMT-7, No. 4, Dec 1984, pp. 405-410.
Cité dans : [DATA035] Recherche sur les mots clés thermal + fatigue + semiconductor et reliability + thermal + cycle, mars 2004. Cité dans : [DIV334] Recherche sur les mots clés power cycling of power device, mai 2002. Cité dans :[PAP360]Auteur : Burgess, James F. (GE, Schenectady, NY, USA);
Source : IEEE Trans Compon Hybrids Manuf Technol
Volume : CHMT-7
Nuuméro : 4
Date : Dec 1984
Info : 34th Electron Compon Conf, New Orleans, LA, USA, May 14-16 1984
Pages : 405 - 410
ISSN : 0148-6411
Document_Type : Journal
Treatment_Code : Experimental
Language : English
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Abstract :
The occurrence of solder fatigue in power packaging was
investigated.Three different types of structures consisting of
silicon diodes, attached to copper heatsinks, were thermally cycled
and the integrity of the bonds compared.The thermal resistance from
the silicon diode to its heatsink was used to measure bond
quality.Use of a BeO buffer between the silicon chip and the copper
heatsink (Type II) improved the solder cycle life.Further addition
of a layer of structured copper between the BeO and the copper sink
(Type III) marked additional improvement in cycle life.Fatigue
failure was indicated by a rapid rise in the thermal resistance that
suggested a crack or tear in one of the bonds between the silicon
and the heat sink.This model was confirmed by an ultrasonic
microscope scan. Solder fatigue life was also extended by the use of
hard solders, compressive forces, and hermeticity.
Références : 5 refs.
Accession_Number : 1986(8):119134
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