Article : [ART197]
Info : REPONSE 10, le 06/05/2002.
Titre : Predicting solder joint reliability for thermal, power, and bend cycle within 25% accuracy, 2001.
Cité dans : [DIV334] Recherche sur les mots clés power cycling of power device, mai 2002.Auteur : Syed, A. (Amkor Technol., Chandler, AZ, USA)
Source : 2001 Proceedings. 51st Electronic Components and Technology Conference (Cat. No.01CH37220) Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, 2001.
Pages : 255 - 263 of xxxiii+1518 pp.
Références : 9 refs.
Infos : Also available on CD-ROM in PDF format
Conference : Orlando, FL, USA
Date : 29 May-1 June 2001
Sponsor(s) : Components, Packaging, & Manuf. Technol. (CPMT) Soc. IEEE; Electron. Components Assemblies & Mater. Assoc. (ECA); Electron. Components Sector of the Electron. Ind. Alliance
Price : CCCC 0 7803 7038 4/2001/$10.00
ISBN : 0-7803-7038-4
Document_Type : Conference Article
Treatment_Code : Theoretical
Info : Country of Publication : United States
Language : English
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Abstract :
Solder joint reliability has received a renewed interest since the
inception of BGA and CSP type packages. While traditionally board level
reliability during thermal and power cycling is considered important for
most applications, solder joint failures due to board bending have also
become a major reliability concern for portable applications. With the
current trend of cheaper, faster, and better electronic equipment, it has
become increasingly important to evaluate the package and system
performance very early in the design cycle using simulation tools.
Although a number of life prediction models for solder joint under thermal
cycle conditions have been proposed in the literature, not enough work has
been reported in extending these models to power and bend cycle
simulations. The accuracy of life prediction tool has also become
critically important, as the designs need to be evaluated and improved
with high degree of confidence not through relative comparison but by
providing absolute numbers. This paper describes in detail the life
prediction model for solder joints for thermal cycle conditions and its
extension to power and bend, cycle conditions. The approach uses advance
finite element modeling and analysis techniques such as constraint
equations and sub-structuring and is based on mechanics of deformation.
The model has been correlated with more than 60 data points and predicts
life within 25% in most cases. The framework of modeling and prediction
methodology described here is fully applicable for developing life
prediction models for Pb free solder also, once the deformation mechanisms
are identified.
Accession_Number : 2001:7049095 INSPEC
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