"Finite element analysis of thermal induced damage in ceramic BGA devices featuring composite solder array.
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Article : [ART493]

Info : REPONSE 33, le 29/03/2004.

Titre : Finite element analysis of thermal induced damage in ceramic BGA devices featuring composite solder array.

Cité dans : [DATA035] Recherche sur les mots clés thermal + fatigue + semiconductor et reliability + thermal + cycle, mars 2004.
Auteur : Li Yong
Auteur : Wang Rong-chang
Auteur : Gu Zhi-guang
Auteur : Rong Rui-fen (Dept. of Mater. Sci., Fudan Univ., Shanghai, China)

Source : Journal of Fudan University (Natural Science) (Feb. 2003) vol.42, no.1, p.60-4. 11 refs.
Published by: Fudan University Press
ISSN : 0427-7104
SICI : 0427-7104(200302)42:1L.60:FEAT;1-V
Document_Type : Journal
Treatment_Code : Theoretical; Experimental
Info : Country of Publication : China
Language : Chinese
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Abstract :
A viscoplastic constitutive model is used to describe the behavior of two types of eutectic BGA solder, i.e. 62Sn36Pb2Ag and 96.5Sn3.5Ag, under thermal cycle loading. Thermal stress/strain and plastic energy accumulation processes and distribution in the eutectic solder of CBGA device have been studied by FEM numerical calculation. Based on the results, combined with the experimental fatigue lifetime prediction equation describing the inelastic damage accumulation mechanism given by Darveaux R., solder fatigue cycle predictions and comparisons have been conducted for a series of samples with different solder joint arrays. Results show that better device reliability can be achieved by properly combining different kinds of solder joint.

Accession_Number : 2003:7723339 INSPEC

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