Article : [ART510]
Info : REPONSE 10, le 31/03/2004.
Titre : Failure modes and FEM analysis of power electronic packaging.
Cité dans : [DATA035] Recherche sur les mots clés thermal + fatigue + semiconductor et reliability + thermal + cycle, mars 2004.Auteur : Ye, Hua (Electronic Packaging Laboratory University at Buffalo SUNY, Buffalo, NY, United States)
Meeting : Pacific Rim/International, Intersociety Electronic Packaging Technical/Business Conference and Exhibition.
Info : organization : Electronic and Photonic Packaging Division, ASME
Location : Kauai, Hi, United States
Source : Advances in Electronic Packaging v 1 2001.p 417-428
ISBN: 0791835405
Année : 2001
Meeting_Number : 62019
Document_Type : Conference Article
Treatment_Code : Theoretical; Experimental
Language : English
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Abstract :
The development of power electronics technology is driven by the insatiate demand to control electrical power. The new power electronics devices make the volume of the converters a reduction of three to four orders of magnitude compared to their mercury arc predecessor. And the turn-on and turn-off time has decreased from the millisecond region to the microsecond region and even nanosecond depending on power level. The power range commanded by converters now extends from micro-VA to several hundreds of MVA. Among the new power devices, IGBT (Insulated gate bipolar transistor) devices are getting more acceptances and increasingly used in traction application such as locomotive, elevator, tram and subway. Thus the long-term reliability of IGBT is highly demanded In this paper the failure modes of power electronics devices especially IGBTs are reviewed. A FEM analysis of a multilayered IGBT packaging module under cyclic thermal loading is presented. 24 Refs.
Accession_Number : 2004(3):5578 COMPENDEX
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