Fiche : [DATA048]
Titre : Articles d'applications sur les TRIACs classées par années.
Cité dans : [DIV096] Recherches bibliographiques diverses, janvier 2019. Cité dans : [DIV066] Recherche sur le mot clé : TRIAC*Auteur : Thierry LEQUEU
Vers : 2000
Vers : 1990
Vers : 1980
Vers : 1970
Vers : 1950 - 1959
2000 |
[1] : [99ART092] [B2330a], Régulation des systèmes de chauffage et de climatisation des bâtiments, G. LAURENT, Techniques de l'Ingénieur, 14 pages. [2] : [99ART093] [BE9590], Automatisme et régulation des équipements thermiques, J.-F. BOURGEOIS, Techniques de l'Ingénieur, 17 pages. [3] : [LIVRE177] J.E. UFFENBECK, Introduction to electronics. Devices and circuits. [4] : [REVUE085] Revue N° 068, Electronique Pratique, février 1984. [5] : [SHEET087] J.-M. PETER, P. RAULT, For energy conversion and motor control : Triacs or alternistors ?
1999 |
[1] : [99ART035] J.-C. GUIGNARD, Les harmoniques : application des normes de CEM associées, REE N° 5, mai 1999, pp 37-43. [2] : [99DIV012] S. RADJA, Etude et réalisation d'une commande TRIAC pour le test de fiabilité di/dt répétitif, rapport de projet EIVL, janvier 1999. [3] : [99DIV013] S. LANNOT, Procédés de fabrication des TRIACS et des thyristors à STMicroelectronics, rapport de projet EIVL, janvier 1999. [4] : [PAP108] [D3100][D3101], Composants semi-conducteurs de puissance : caractères propres, P. LETURCQ, Techniques de l'Ingénieur, aout 1999. [5] : [REVUE050] REE N°02, Revue de l'Electricité et de l'Electronique, février 1999. [6] : [REVUE056] REE N°06, Revue de l'Electricité et de l'Electronique, juin 1999. [7] : [THESE043] M. DESTOUCHES, Etude de la norme IEC 1000-3-2 pour les appareils d'éclairage, rapport de stage, janvier 1999. [8] : [THESE044] E. BREUIL, Synthèse de la diode Shockley, rapport d'activité, janvier 1999. [9] : [TRIAC063] D. ZHOU, C.B. RAJANATHAN, Performance prediction of triac-controlled Shaded Pole Induction Motor using finite element method, 1999. [10] : [TRIAC064] Phase-controlled dimmable electronic ballast for fluorescent lamps.
1998 |
[1] : [PAP135] A.M. SHARAF, R. CHALET, A low cost on-off modulated power filter for single phase motorized loads. [2] : [PAP136] H. SAX, Combined triac semiconductor power switches and electromagnetic relays for automobile applications. [3] : [PAP137] B. K. BOSE, Advances in power electronics - its impact on the environment., proceeding of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Vol 1, pp 28-30, july 1998. [4] : [PAP138] J.S. AJIT, R. DUTTA, D. KINZER, Insulated gate triac: device operation and applications, PESC'98, May 1998, Japan. [5] : [PAP142] J. JANCZAK, P. GRADZKI, I. WACYK, A. GAVAS, P. PARDIJS, E. DEMOL, A. SERRES, Triac dimmable integrated compact fluorescent lamp. Discussion. Author's reply [6] : [PAP142] J. JANCZAK, P. GRADZKI, I. WACYK, A. GAVAS, P. PARDIJS, E. DEMOL, A. SERRES, Triac dimmable integrated compact fluorescent lamp. Discussion. Author's reply [7] : [REVUE045] ELEKTOR, revue N° 235, janvier 1998. [8] : [REVUE049] ELEKTOR, revue N° 246, décembre 1998. [9] : [REVUE058] Revue N° 221, Electronique Pratique, janvier 1998. [10] : [REVUE071] ELEKTOR, revue N° 241/242, juillet-août 1998. [11] : [SHEET094] P. RAULT, Triacs for home appliances: present and future, PCIM'98 Forum Hong Kong, October 14-15, 1998. [12] : [THESE033] F. SODDU, Etude et réalisation d'une commande de grille flottante pour un MBS, rapport de stage EIVL, Février-Juillet 1998. [13] : [THESE053] G. COANT, Limites de fonctionnement des triacs à la fermeture, EIVL, option Microélectronique de Puissance, février-juillet 1998. [14] : [THESE085] E. MARTINCIC, Etude d'une alimentation alternative pour moteur a reluctance variable a double saillance, novembre 1998. [15] : [TRIAC048] A. El-SABBE, A. ZEIN El-DIN A novel AC voltage regulator [16] : [TRIAC049] A.M. SHARAF, R. CHALET, A low cost on-off modulated power filter for single phase motorized loads, 1998.
1997 |
[1] : [LIVRE016] G. CHEVALIER, J.-C. CHAUVEAU, B. CHEVALIER, MEMOTECH ELECTRONIQUE composants, collection A. CAPLIEZ, 4e édition, août 1997. [2] : [LIVRE032] P.-T. KREIN, Element of power electronics, Oxford University Press, 1997. [3] : [PAP134] F. WASCHEUL, J.C. COCQUERELLE, A. ARMELIN, Novel strategy to control battery recharging, complying with EN61000.3.2, 07-11 July 1997, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE, pp. 507-510. [4] : [TRIAC011] Y.A. YEVSEYEV, V.B. KOZLOV, Y.A. KOVALENKO, E.V. RYTCHKOV, Microelectronic technology in power integrated circuits., MICRO'97. [5] : [TRIAC067] ABDEL-HALIM MA, Control of single phase induction motor using forced-commutated electronic switches, 1997.
1996 |
[1] : [LIVRE015] B.J. BALIGA, Power Semiconductor devices, 1996. [2] : [LIVRE018] R. BOURGEOIS, D. COGNIEL, MEMOTECH Electrotechnique - 4e édition, collection A. CAPLIEZ, 4e édition, septembre 1996. [3] : [TRIAC050] B. SINGH, A. CHANDRA, K. Al-HADDAD, An improved single phase active power filter with optimum DC capacitor [4] : [TRIAC068] A. KAGA, K. TAJIMA, M. SATOH, T. ITOH, Relationship between variable capacitance characteristic and effect of ferrite magnetic wedge in capacitor motor switched by triac, 1996. [5] : [TRIAC069] ABDEL-HALIM MA, Solid-state controlled single-phase induction motor, 1996. [6] : [TRIAC070] ABDEL-HALIM MA, KAMAL IK, A new method using two triacs for control of single-phase induction motor, 1996.
1995 |
[1] : [DIV065] DATA BOOK, SCRs & TRIACS DATA BOOK and Triacs Application, 3rd edition, ST Microelectronics, june 1995. [2] : [THESE011] R. CITTADINI, Gestion de la commutation et synthèse de filtres CEM dans les convertisseurs à interrupteurs bidirectionnels, 1995. [3] : [TRIAC001] J. OEHM, M. GRAFE, T. KETTNER, K. SCHUMACHER, Universal low cost controller for electric motors with programmable characteristic curves., Proceedings of the 1995 21st European Solid-State Circuits Conference, ESSCIRC. [4] : [TRIAC046] S.-Q. ZHAO, Z.-Y. WANG, D.-S. GAO, A high power light triggered triac with a novel light sensitive structure, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 42, No. 4, April 1995, pp. 773-779. [5] : [TRIAC073] A. KAGA, K. TAJIMA, T. ITOH, N. YOHKAWA, Effect of ferrite magnetic wedge on characteristics of capacitor motor under asymmetrical voltage application, 1995.
1994 |
[1] : [99ART168] J.-M. Peter, Characteristics of power semiconductors, application note 512, mars 1994, 15 pages. [2] : [THESE070] R. ABID, La thermoréflectivité du silicium oxyde ; application à la mesure de température à la surface d'un thyristor GTO en commutation, thèse de doctorat, CNAM, 1994, 162 pages. [3] : [TRIAC002] Z. SHANGI, G. DINGSAN, W. ZHENGYUAN, Development of 500A, 1200V light triggered triacs, 1994. [4] : [TRIAC051] C. CHINGHI, D.M. DIVAN, D.W. NOVOTNY, A hybrid inverter/cycloconverter-based variable-speed three-phase induction motor drive for single-phase inputs, APEC'94. [5] : [TRIAC065] The trends of AC drivers using the new power semiconductor devices, 1994. [6] : [TRIAC074] M.M. MORCOS, J.A. MOWRY, A.J. HEBER, A solid-state speed controller for capacitor motors driving ventilation fans, 1994. [7] : [TRIAC075] A.C. RECK, L.J. GIACOLETTO, Simulation of a motor control using a unique triac model, 1994.
1993 |
[1] : [ART057] J.-C. MONTANO, J. CUTIERREZ, A. LOPEZ, M. CASTILLA, Effect of Voltage Waveform Distortion in TCR-Type Compensators, IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, vol. 40, no. 3, june 1993, pp. 373-383. [2] : [PAP037] H.F. MIKKELSEN, Using digital signal processing techniques in light controllers, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 39, No. 2, May 1993, pp.122-130 [3] : [PAP123] [D3110][D3111], Composants semi-conducteurs de puissance, P. LETURCQ, Techniques de l'Ingénieur, mars 1993. [4] : [PAP123] [D3110][D3111], Composants semi-conducteurs de puissance, P. LETURCQ, Techniques de l'Ingénieur, mars 1993. [5] : [TRIAC071] F.E. ABDEL-KADER FE, A.A. MOHAMED, Welding transformer control by the electronic control of leakage flux, 1993. [6] : [TRIAC072] A. KAGA, K. TAJIMA, Y. ANAZAWA, M. KIMURA, Effect of ferrite magnetic wedge on capacitor motor characteristics under triac control, 1993.
1992 |
[1] : [SHEET124] B.K. BOSE, Evaluation of modern power semiconductor devices and future trends of converters, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, pp. 403-413, vol. 28, no. 2, March-April 1992. [2] : [TRIAC003] R.S. GATES, D.G. OVERHULTS, L.W. TURNER, Survey of electronic environmental controllers. [3] : [TRIAC003] R.S. GATES, D.G. OVERHULTS, L.W. TURNER, Survey of electronic environmental controllers. [4] : [TRIAC012] J.-M. PETER, Power semiconductors in 1991. Evolution and consequences., L'Onde Electrique, July-August 1992, vol.72, no.4, pp. 7-14. [5] : [TRIAC047] AN438, Ph. RABIER, Triac + microcontroller - Safety précautions dor development tool, application note STMicroelectronics, mai 1992. [6] : [TRIAC052] G.L. ARSOV, An improved TRIAC model for computer-aided analysis and design
1991 |
[1] : [99ART116] J.M. BOURGEOIS, J.M. CHARRETON, P. RAULT, Optimised control switching for universal motors. [2] : [SHEET069] B.K. BOSE, Evolution of power semiconductor devices in the modern era and trend of converters, Journal of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers , January-February 1991, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 3-16. [3] : [TRIAC004] S. DATTA, Power pollution caused by lighting control systems, Conference Record of the 1991 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, vol. 2, pp. 1842-1852, 28 Sept.-4 Oct. 1991. [4] : [TRIAC077] A.M. OSHEIBA, K.A. AHMED, M. AZIZUR RAHMAN, Performance prediction of shaded pole induction motors, 1991. [5] : [TRIAC078] A. EVSEEV YU, A.I. SAVKIN, V.E. MISHANIN, D.V. ANDREEV, Relation between control characteristics of a triac and parameters of the fusion process.
1990 |
[1] : [99ART117] P. RAULT, New triac designs relieve commutation restrictions, Electronic Product Design, May 1990, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 43-46. [2] : [TRIAC013] J.G. MILLAN, A multi-channel interface for phase-angle control by computer. [3] : [TRIAC043] P. RAULT, New triac designs relieve commutation restrictions. [4] : [TRIAC076] Z.M. SALAMEH, C.P. CHO,Performance analysis of the repulsion motor controlled via stator triac, 1990.
1989 |
[1] : [99ART122] B.K. BOSE, Evaluation of modern power semiconductor devices and future trend of converters, Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 1-5 Oct. 1989, vol. 1, pp. 790-797. [2] : [PAP063] [D3120][D3121], Commande des composants actifs, C. GLAIZE, Techniques de l'Ingénieur, mars 1989, 21 pages. [3] : [TRIAC022] L.J. GIACOLETTO, Simple SCR and TRIAC PSPICE computer models, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Aug. 1989, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 451-455. [4] : [TRIAC025] R. MARUSARZ, Electronic circuitry to protect solid state switches from excessive locked-rotor current in appliances, 1989. [5] : [TRIAC053] P. MAUSSION, M. GRANDPIERRE, J. FAUCHER, J.C. HAPIOT, Instantaneous feedback control of a single-phase PWM inverter with nonlinear loads by sine wave tracking
1988 |
[1] : [PAP047] C. GLAIZE, F. FOREST, F. CHAREF, Study of power bidirectional switches using MOS-transistors [2] : [SHEET025] J.-M. PETER, Power components-good look at the function leads to cost reduction, Mesures (7 March 1988) vol.53, no.3, p.27-8, 30-3. [3] : [THESE073] S. MUNOGLU, Etude de la compatibilité entre un procède de réalisation de transistors bipolaires et le comportement de phototriacs dans un photocoupleur, 1988 [4] : [TRIAC014] Machine Design, Power semiconductors and ICs., Machine Design, 19 May 1988, no. 11, pp. 179-89. [5] : [TRIAC054] S.C. WONG, H.C. LIN, An improved model for SCR and TRIAC, 1988. [6] : [TRIAC055] K.-H. SCHRODER, The future of electrical switching contacts under the influence of electronics, 1988.
1987 |
[1] : [LIVRE037] J.-L. DALMASSO, L'électronique de puissance - commutation, édition DIA Technique Supérieur, 1987. [2] : [TRIAC005] AN328, P. RAULT, Protect your triacs, 4 pages, march 1993. [3] : [TRIAC015] P. MANZANO, Power control with thyristors.
1986 |
[1] : [99ART118] P. RAULT, Trisil-a new generation of protective elements [2] : [TRIAC006] S.M. HYLAN, S3X in chipswitch SSR handles inductive loads, New Electronics, vol. 19, no. 19, 30 september 1986, pp. 40-43.
1985 |
[1] : [99ART119] P. RAULT, Universal motor speed control-how to optimize microprocessor triac control [2] : [99ART120] Y. BAHOUT, P. RAULT, Universal motor speed control [3] : [99ART121] P. RAULT, The TRISIL: a new generation of protection components [4] : [TRIAC007] R. MILLIGAN, OPTO COUPLERS FOR CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION. [5] : [TRIAC016] A. JONAS, D. ONCK, Alloy bonding for power semiconductors [6] : [TRIAC017] W. ZIEBOLL, Balance: development trends in power electronics [7] : [TRIAC018] ROBB S.P., SUTOR J.L., Comparing power ICs, Machine Design, 21 February 1985, vol. 57, no. 4, p.119-122.
1984 |
[1] : [99ART163] X. DURBECQ, Commande par triac sur charge inductive : quelle solution choisir ?, Electronique Industrielle, no. 65, 15 février 1984.
1983 |
[1] : [TRIAC019] X. YYY, Integrated solid state relay circuits [2] : [TRIAC020] X. YYY, A piezoelectric isolating element.
1982 |
[1] : [PAP089] B.W. WILLIAMS, Asymmetrically modulated AC chopper, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. IE-29, no. 3, pp. 181-185, august 1982 [2] : [TRIAC021] L. LEIPOLD, C. FELLINGER, 600 V/5 A FET-triggered lateral opto-triac [3] : [TRIAC023] H. SCHLANGENOTTO, D. SILBER, R. ZEYFANG, Semiconductor power devices: examination of physics and technology. [4] : [TRIAC024] X. VEIL, Power and triacs, Electronique Industrielle, 1 April 1982, no. 31, pp. 115-120. [5] : [TRIAC039] P. RAULT, J.-M. PETER, Energy conversion and motor control: triac or alternistor ? , Electronique Industrielle, Paris, no. 43, 1 décembre 1982, pp. 83-88. [6] : [TRIAC044] G.D. ZOTTO, Reliability characteristics of 25A triac, 1982.
1981 |
[1] : [LIVRE176] C.W. LANDER, Power electronics, book of General Review, McGraw-Hill, 1981. [2] : [THESE035] J.-P. CHANTE, Etude de la commutation des triacs : applications à la connaissance du comportement de la charge stockée, Thèse de doctorat d'état, 1981. [3] : [TRIAC008] C. HERON, SIPMOS TRIAC, a new technology for logic and microprocessor output interface, 1981.
1980 |
[1] : [TRIAC026] S.K. TSO, L.S. CORNISH, Industrial and appliance control using power triacs, Hong Kong Engineer, August 1980, vol. 8, no. 8, pp. 45-57. [2] : [TRIAC027] Revue Polytechnique , Glassivation for passivation of joints, March 1980, no. 3bis, pp. 375.
1979 |
[1] : [99ART178] J.P. NOGUIER, J. ARNOULD, Analyse et optimisation technologique des paramêtres de structure conditionnant la progressivité du recouvrement des diodes P+NN+ - Application à la réalisation industrielle de diodes rapides à faible vitesse d'extinction du cou [2] : [LIVRE102] GENERAL ELECTRICS, SCR manual including triacs and other thyristors, sixth edition, 1979. [3] : [TRIAC028] E.J. OSWALD, Thyristors : status of technologies, Electronic Progress, Spring 1979, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 30-32. [4] : [TRIAC040] P. BLUNT, Reliable thyristors and triacs in TO-220 plastic packages, Electronic Components and Application, vol. 2, no 1, November 1979, pp. 53-58. [5] : [TRIAC041] R.N. BHASKARA, H.N. SHIVASHANKAR, Simulation of different types of switches using thyristors., Journal of the Institution of Engineers, India, Electrical Engineering Division, vol. 60, EL 1, August 1979, pp. 1-4.
1978 |
[1] : [99ART056] H. SCHNIERL, Solid-state relay (SSR), a fully electronic relay with DC isolation. [2] : [TRIAC029] H. SCHAFER, W. TURSKY, High voltage triac with outstanding commutating dv/dt capability, IEE-IAS 1978 Annual Meeting, pp. 1019-1021.
1977 |
[1] : [THESE074] P. THERME, Etude d'un Cyclo-convertisseur a commande numérique utilisant un pont de triacs, 1977. [2] : [TRIAC030] R. FRAISSE, U. NICOLAO, Static relays. [3] : [TRIAC042] S.B. SAMPLE, P.R. SCHEUER, L.F. SILVA, Reliability testing of triacs, IEEE Transactions on Industry Application, vol. IA-13, no 3, May-June 1977, pp. 254-260.
1976 |
[1] : [99ART166] A.A. JAECKLIN, The first dynamic phase turn-on of a thyristor, 1976, IEEE trans. on ED, vol. ED-20, no. 8, pp. 714-720. [2] : [TRIAC031] G.C. FETH, M.G. SMITH, Planar triac structures., IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, November 1976, vol. 19, no. 6, pp.2297-2298.
1975 |
[1] : [TRIAC009] A. STAMBERGER, Static-Converter Modules. Results of a New Technology of Substrates. [2] : [TRIAC032] H.W. COLLONS, Solid state relays where are we going?. [3] : [TRIAC045] J. POKRNY, Triac switching without disturbing current surges.
1974 |
[1] : [THESE036] G. ROOY, Etude d'un montage de triacs en pont de graëtz à commande numérique. Application à la conversion de puissance alternatif-continu et continu-alternatif, Thèse de doctorat, 1974. [2] : [TRIAC056] Replacement of mercury switching relays in NBE ultrathermostats by triacs, 1974.
1973 |
[1] : [99ART165] R. DUBOIS, Y. COLLUMEAU,J.-M. PETER, Amélioration des triacs, 1973, Rapport final d'un marché DGRST. [2] : [SHEET053] J.-M. PETER, The switching of triacs, Electronique & Microelectronique Industrielles, 15 Nov. 1973, no.180, p.57-64. [3] : [TRIAC033] R. MURPHY, Power semiconductors, Electron, 8 March 1973, no. 23, pp. 15-23.
1972 |
[1] : [99ART164] B. MERCIER, R. PEZZANI, Analyse des limites de performances des thyristors bidirectionnels. Application à la réalisation de triacs kilovoltaïques, 1972, Rapport final d'un marché DGRST. [2] : [SHEET055] J. le PONNER, J.-M. PETER, Thermal resistance and impedance of triacs, Revue Generale de l'Electricite (Nov. 1972) vol.81, no.11, p.711-19. [3] : [THESE075] J.-P. CASSUT, Contribution a l'etude des phenomenes lies aux gradients de courant eleves dans les thyristors. application a une structure integree a amplification de gachette de performances elevees, 1972 [4] : [TRIAC034] E. HEUWIESER, Phase control with triacs TX CO1, TX CO2 and Diac A 9903, Siemens Electronic Components Bulletin, June 1972, vol. 7, no. 2, pp.37-41. [5] : [TRIAC035] W. SCHOTT, Triac control with no-voltage trip for domestic appliances, Siemens Electronic Components Bulletin, June 1972, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 27-30.
1971 |
[1] : [TRIAC010] B. MERCIER, Les thyristors de puissance. Technologie et applications industrielles.Evolution de la technologie des thyristors de puissance., Revue Générale de l'Electricité, vol. 80, no. 6, June 1971, pp. 496-502. [2] : [TRIAC036] W. ZANDRA, The triac, a modern component for alternating current technology. [3] : [TRIAC058] C.A. MUENCH, Protective control circuit against transient voltages, 1971. [4] : [TRIAC059] P. ROSSETTI, Glassivation of silicon semiconductor devices, 1971.
1970 |
[1] : [TRIAC037] V. HUSA, J. KRIZ, J. LADNAR, Triac-a significant element in the control of an alternating current.
1969 |
[1] : [THESE056] P. LETURCQ, , Thèse d'état, Toulouse, 1969. [2] : [TRIAC057] J. ROZENBOOM, Diac triggering of thyristors and triacs, 1969.
1968 |
[1] : [99ART026] H.W. Van Den BOOM, D. MEYER, Thyristor controlled drives of household apparatus. [2] : [TRIAC060] W. KAUFFMAN, H.-P. ALBUS, The biplanar thyristor: A method for combining reliability and low costs, 1968. [3] : [TRIAC061] J. HOMOLA, J. KOPESTANSKY, M. GALLAS, The physics of five-layer semiconductor devices, 1968.
1967 |
[1] : [99ART177] C. DEFOIS, P. LETURCQ, A physical description of plasma spreading in power thyristors, 1977, ESSDERC Meeting, Brighton.
1965 |
[1] : [99ART174] F.E. GENTRY, M. SCACE, M. FLOWERS, Bidirectional triode PNPN switches, 1965, Proc. IEEE, 53 pp. 355-369.
1950 - 1959 |
[1] : [99ART176] C.T. SAH, R.N. NOYCE, W. SHOCKLEY, Carrier generation and recombinaison in P-N junctions and P-N junction characteristics, 1957, Proc. of IRE, vol. 45, pp. 1228. [2] : [99ART175] J.L. MOLL, M. TANENBAUM, J.M. GOLDEY, N. HOLONYAK, P-N-P-N Transistor switches, 1956, Proc. of IRE, vol. 44, pp. 1174-1182.
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