H. SCHLANGENOTTO, D. SILBER, R. ZEYFANG, "Semiconductor power devices: examination of physics and technology".
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Article : [TRIAC023]

Info : INSPEC Answer Number 32 - 29/09/1999

Titre : H. SCHLANGENOTTO, D. SILBER, R. ZEYFANG, Semiconductor power devices: examination of physics and technology.

Cité dans : [DIV066]  Recherche sur le mot clé : TRIAC*
Auteur : H. Schlangenotto
Auteur : D. Silber
Auteur : R. Zeyfang

Source : Wissenschaftliche Berichte AEG-Telefunken vol.55, no.1-2.
Pages : 7 à 24
Date : 1982
ISSN : 0043-6801
Document_Type : Journal
Treatment_Code : Bibliography
Country_of_Publication : Germany, Federal Republic of
Language : German

Abstract :
The work of recent years on power devices in the Frankfurt Research Institute is summarized. Numerical calculations on pin-base structures and anode emitter shorting lead to
improved principles for dimensioning. Proceeding from investigations on the on-state behaviour and on recombination, the current capability of different power devices is
compared. The switching characteristics are discussed taking into consideration the results of detailed investigations and calculations on different recombination centers. Finally,
the work on gate-turn-off thyristors and light activated thyristors including recent aspects of their concepts is discussed.

Controlled_Indexing : THYRISTORS

Supplementary_Indexing : semiconductor power devices; operation; GTO; triacs; technology; power devices; Frankfurt Research Institute; pin-base structures; anode emitter shorting; on-state behaviour;
recombination; current capability; power devices; switching characteristics; gate-turn-off thyristors; light activated thyristors

Accession_Number : 1982:1914229
Références : 112 refs.

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