Article : [99ART168]
Titre : J.-M. Peter, Characteristics of power semiconductors, application note 512, mars 1994, 15 pages.
Cité dans :[99DIV110] Recherche sur l'auteur Philippe LETURCQ Cité dans : [DIV009] Application Note ST Microelectronics, juillet 2005. Cité dans : [DIV066] Recherche sur le mot clé : TRIAC* Cité dans : [DATA004] Recherche sur l'auteur Jean Marie PETER, janvier 2000. Cité dans :[99DIV106] T. LEQUEU, Cours de Physique des Composants - 1999/2000, IUT GEII 2ème année, option EEP, notes de cours, avril 2000.Auteur : Jean-Marie Peter
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Date : mars 1994
Pages : 1 15
Lien : AN512.pdf - 103 Ko, 15 pages.
This paper aims to give a brief overview of the essential characteristics of power semiconductors,
and to provide a guide in their selection for particular applications.
It considers the characteristics of various power components when operating like a switch - either
blocking current or voltage, or conducting with a small voltage drop.
Their behaviour is examined in terms of:
(i) Typical current and voltage ratings (switchable power) permanent current - short overcurrent;
(ii) The switching behaviour: switching speed and switching losses;
(iii) Drive requirements.
Advantages and disadvantages are summarised, and the relative cost of each solution indicated.
Currently, the main types of power semiconductors are the Power Diode, the power Bipolar Junction
Transistor (BJT), the Thyristor (Triacs and SCRs), the Gate Turn-off Thyristor (GTO), the Power
MOSFET, and the Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT).
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