W. ZIEBOLL, "Balance: development trends in power electronics"
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Article : [TRIAC017]

Info : INSPEC Answer Number 25 - 29/09/1999

Titre : W. ZIEBOLL, Balance: development trends in power electronics

Cité dans : [DIV066]  Recherche sur le mot clé : TRIAC*
Cité dans : [DATA001] T. LEQUEU, Evolution des composants de puissance et des IGBT, mars 2004.
Auteur : W. Zieboll, (Thomson-Semiconductors, Munchen, West Germany)

Source : Elektronik Praxis vol.20, no.6,
Pages : 66 à 67
Date : June 1985
ISSN : 0341-5783
Document_Type : Journal
Treatment_Code : Practical
Country_of_Publication : Germany, Federal Republic of
Language : German

Abstract :
Production of competitive cost power electronic equipment requires modular construction, insulated components, and automatic component assembly on printed wiring boards.
With reference to Thomson Semiconductors power transistors, diodes and triacs, advantages of insulated package components including simpler mounting, reduced thermal
resistance, greater reliability, compactness, reduced interference suppression, and ability to include several switching elements in one package, are described. Darlington and diode
components for direct mains voltage switching are shown. Further development trends will involve insulated packages and surface mounted device technology, integration of
multiple switches in one package, and the use of switching transistors for lower powers.

Controlled_Indexing : POWER TRANSISTORS

Supplementary_Indexing : Darlington components; power electronics; modular construction; insulated components; automatic component assembly; printed wiring boards; Thomson Semiconductors power
transistors; diodes; triacs; thermal resistance; reliability; interference suppression; mains voltage switching; surface mounted device technology; multiple switches

Accession_Number : 1985:2512650
Référence : 0

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