Article : [TRIAC046]
Titre : S.-Q. ZHAO, Z.-Y. WANG, D.-S. GAO, A high power light triggered triac with a novel light sensitive structure, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 42, No. 4, April 1995, pp. 773-779.
Cité dans : [DIV066] Recherche sur le mot clé : TRIAC* Cité dans :[TRIAC002] Z. SHANGI, G. DINGSAN, W. ZHENGYUAN, Development of 500A, 1200V light triggered triacs, 1994.Auteur : Shan-Qi Zhao
Revue : Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on
Volume : 42
Numéro : 4
Date : April 1995
Pages : 773 - 779
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU (et Franck GALTIE)
Lien : private/SHAN-QI.pdf - 7 pages, xxx ko.
Résumé :
A high power light triggered triac with novel gate structure is presented, which consists of two
thyristors connected in inverse parallel and one light emitting diode provided over a cone-shaped
groove light sensitive gate between the thyristors. The light trigger characteristics have been
studied, and some manufacturing techniques are also described. A 500-A, 1200-V, 40-mm diameter
light triggered triac has been developed.
This device has the characteristics of the minimum light triggering power of less than 15 mw, the
on-state voltage of less than 1.6 V, the commutating dV/dt capability of 100 V//spl mu/s, and the
commutating di/dt capability of 50 A//spl mu/s.
Mots_clés :
photothyristors; photoconducting switches; light emitting
diodes; power semiconductor switches; light triggered triac; light
sensitive structure; thyristors; inverse parallel; light emitting diode;
cone-shaped groove light sensitive gate; light trigger
characteristics; manufacturing techniques; minimum light triggering power;
on-state voltage; commutating dV/dt capability;
commutating di/dt capability; 500 A; 1200 V; 40 mm; 15 mW; 1.6 V
Références : 12
Info : Base de données PASCAL le 23/02/2000
Question : Mots clés français : TRIAC - 1/9 réponses
Adresse : Jilin univ., dep. electronic eng., Changchun 130023, CHN; Beijing Power Electronics R&D Centre, Beijing 100011, CHN
Nature : Périodique
Source : IEEE transactions on electron devices
ISSN : 0018-9383
Pays : USA
Date : 1995
Volume : 42
Numéro : 4
Pages : 773 - 779
Références : 12 ref.
Résumé :
A high power light triggered triac with novel gate structure is presented, which consists of two thyristors connected in inverse parallel and one light emitting diode provided over a cone-shaped groove light sensitive gate between the thyristors. The light trigger characteristics have been studied, and some manufacturing techniques are also described. A 500-A, 1200-V, 40-mm diameter light triggered triac has been developed. This device has the characteristics of the minimum light triggering power of less than 15 mw, the on-state voltage of less than 1.6 V, the commutating dV/dt capability of 100 V/'Mu' s, and the commutating di/dt capability of 50 A/'Mu' s
Code : 001D03F05
Mots_clés : Dispositif semiconducteur ; Dispositif puissance ; Triac ; Fabrication microélectronique ; Caractéristique fonctionnement
Mots_clés : Semiconductor device ; Power device ; Triac ; Microelectronic fabrication ; Performance characteristic
Mots_clés : Dispositivo semiconductor ; Dispositivo potencia ; Triac ; Fabricación microeléctrica ; Característica funcionamiento
Localisation : INIST - 222F3 - 354000056356110270
Numéro : 95-0272997; INIST
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