R.N. BHASKARA, H.N. SHIVASHANKAR, "Simulation of different types of switches using thyristors.", Journal of the Institution of Engineers, India, Electrical Engineering Division, vol. 60, EL 1, August 1979, pp. 1-4.
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Article : [TRIAC041]

Info : COMPENDEX Numéro de réponse 9 - 29 septembre 1999

Titre : R.N. BHASKARA, H.N. SHIVASHANKAR, Simulation of different types of switches using thyristors., Journal of the Institution of Engineers, India, Electrical Engineering Division, vol. 60, EL 1, August 1979, pp. 1-4.

Cité dans : [DIV066]  Recherche sur le mot clé : TRIAC*
Auteur : Rao N. Bhaskara (Univ Visvesvaraya Coll of Eng, Bangalore, India)
Auteur : H.N. Shivashankar

Source : J Inst Eng (India) Electr Eng Div v 60 pt EL 1
Date : Aug 1979
Pages : 1 à 4
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU

Abstract :
Good reliability, stable operation, long life and easy availability
of thyristors have made them excellent switching elements. Thyristor
circuits which simulate different types of mechanical switches, like
single-pole-single-throw, double-pole-double-throw, are described.
Triacs are used for ac circuits and SCR's for dc circuits.
Engineering applications and technical feasibility of these switches
are indicated.

Accession_Number : 1980(3):4887

Refrence : 0

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