Article : [TRIAC070]
Titre : ABDEL-HALIM MA, KAMAL IK, A new method using two triacs for control of single-phase induction motor, 1996.
Cité dans : [DIV066] Recherche sur le mot clé : TRIAC*Auteur : ABDEL-HALIM MA; KAMAL IK
Résumé :
Among the conventional methods there is no one method by which single-phase induction motors can be
started, speed-controlled and reversed. The paper develops a new method for controlling single-phase
induction motors with two symmetrical stator windings by placing two bidirectional solid-state
switches (triacs), one in series with the main winding and the other with the auxiliary winding.
Such a connection will perform all the required jobs namely: starting, speed control and reversing
the direction of rotation. A motor representation in the d, q, 0 reference frame is presented.
A state-space mathematical model has been developed to describe the system taking care ofthe
discontinuities introduced by the triacs. Computer results for transient and steady-state conditions
are presented. Also, experimental verification has been done.
Code : 001D05D06
Mots_clés : Moteur induction ; Commande vitesse ; Machine monophasée ; Machine enroulement auxiliaire ; Electronique puissance ; Triac ; Modélisation ; Simulation numérique ; Résultat expérimental ; Essai laboratoire ; Référentiel d q
Mots_clés : Induction motors ; Speed control ; Single phase machine ; Auxiliary winding machine ; Power electronics ; Triac ; Modeling ; Numerical simulation ; Experimental result ; Laboratory test ; d q Frame
Mots_clés : Control velocidad ; Máquina monofásica ; Máquina enrollamiento auxiliar ; Triac ; Modelización ; Simulación numérica ; Resultado experimental ; Ensayo laboratorio ; Referencial d q
Localisation : INIST - 17940 - 354000060917490100
Numéro : 97-0049605; INIST
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