C. GLAIZE, F. FOREST, F. CHAREF, "Study of power bidirectional switches using MOS-transistors"
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Article : [PAP047]

Info : recherche du 4 juin 1998, STN - INSPEC

Titre : C. GLAIZE, F. FOREST, F. CHAREF, Study of power bidirectional switches using MOS-transistors

Cité dans : [DIV066]  Recherche sur le mot clé : TRIAC*
Auteur : C. Glaize, Univ. des Sci. et Tech. du Languedoc, Montpellier, France.
Auteur : F. Forest
Auteur : F. Charef

Source : Third International Conference on Power Electronics and Variable-Speed Drives (Conf. Publ. No.291)
Lieu : London, UK: IEE, 1988.
Pages : 51 à 53 of xiv+474pp.
Date : 13-15 July 1988
ISBN : 0-85296-364-5

Abstract :
The authors compare three structures of bidirectional switches. They design low-cost control circuits without any sacrifice on standard
features. The chosen switch is used in an AC-chopper whose characteristics are compared with a triac converter. The use of
bidirectional switches simplifies the structures of static energy converters and increases performance.

Accession_Number : 88:3239194

Références : 8 refs.

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