Article : [PAP137]
Info : INSPEC Numéro de réponse 3, 1999
Titre : B. K. BOSE, Advances in power electronics - its impact on the environment., proceeding of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Vol 1, pp 28-30, july 1998.
Cité dans : [DIV066] Recherche sur le mot clé : TRIAC* Cité dans :[99DIV014] Recherche sur l'auteur Bimal K. BOSE, 1999.Auteur : Bimal K. Bose, (Dept. of Electr. Eng., Tennessee Univ., Knoxville, TN, USA)
Lien : private/BOSE1.pdf - 257 Ko, 3 pages.
Source : IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. Proceedings. ISIE'98 (Cat. No.98TH8357)
Lieu : New York, NY, USA: IEEE, 1998.
Pages : 28 à 30 vol.1 of 2 vol. xvii+736 pp.
Conference : Pretoria, South Africa,
Date : 7-10 July 1998
Sponsor(s) : IEEE Ind. Electron. Soc.; Univ. Pretoria; Soc. Instrum. & Control Eng. (Japan); South African Council for Autom. & Comput.; South African Inst. Meas. & Control; South African Inst. Electr. Eng
Price : CCCC 0 7803 4756 0/98/$10.00
ISBN : 0-7803-4756-0
Document_Type : Conference Article
Treatment_Code : General Review
Country_of_Publication : United States
Language : English
Abstract :
Power electronics is one of the fastest changing and evolutionary technologies in electrical engineering in the recent years.
This last decade of the 20th Century can be truly defined as the era of power electronics-or more truly, power electronics
and information era. The solid-state power electronics revolution (often called the second electronics revolution) started
by the invention of the thyristor in the late 1950s, and then continued ceaselessly by invention of many power devices,
such as GTOs, triacs, BJTs, power MOSFETs, IGBTs, SITs and MCTs. The advent of new devices and the dramatic improvement of
their ratings and characteristics gave a solid foundation for power electronics which resulted in the development of many
power converter topologies, analytical and simulation techniques, variable frequency drives, and their control and
estimation methods. As a result, the cost of power electronics apparatus fell significantly and their performance improved
considerably, which correspondingly, spurred the dramatic surge of power electronics applications everywhere.
This contributed to the present era of global industrial automation. Besides the improvement of industrial productivity
and product quality, recently another dimension of the importance of power electronics-energy conservation and the
corresponding control of environmental pollution-has been realized.
Accession_Number : 98:6027488
Références : 8
[1] : [PAP158] ------- [2] : [99ART107] L. LORENZ, Trends in power integration, PCIM Magazine, pp 14-18, Issue 1, 1998. [3] : [PAP158] ------- [4] : [PAP158] ------- [5] : [PAP158] ------- [6] : [99ART048] B.J. BALIGA, Trends in power semiconductor devices, IEEE Trans. On Electron Devices, vol. 43, no. 10, pp. 1717-1731, October 1996. [7] : [PAP158] ------- [8] : [99ART108] B.K. BOSE, Power electronics and motion control - technology status and recent trends, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 29, pp. 902-909, Sept/Oct. 1993.
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