Article : [TRIAC039]
Info : COMPENDEX Numéro de réponse 7 - 29/09/1999
Titre : P. RAULT, J.-M. PETER, Energy conversion and motor control: triac or alternistor ? , Electronique Industrielle, Paris, no. 43, 1 décembre 1982, pp. 83-88.
Cité dans : [DIV066] Recherche sur le mot clé : TRIAC* Cité dans :[99DIV105] Recherche sur l'auteur Pierre RAULT, septembre 2000. Cité dans :[LIVRE037] J.-L. DALMASSO, L'électronique de puissance - commutation, édition DIA Technique Supérieur, 1987. Cité dans : [DATA004] Recherche sur l'auteur Jean Marie PETER, janvier 2000.Auteur : Pierre Rault, (Thomson-CSF)
Info :"Conversion d'énergie et commande de moteurs : triacs ou alternistor ?"
Source : Electron Ind (Paris) n 43
Date : 1 Decembre 1982
Pages : 83 à 88
ISSN : 0244-903X
Strockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Abstract :
The applications of triacs to resistive loads, heating or
illumination, and for control of small motors are considered and the
progress in this field is reviewed.However, as triacs are not
recommended for the control of high power (several tens of amperes),
strongly inductive loads, control of large motors, and generally in
circuitry where great reliability is required, these fields use for
conversion a pair of thyristors connected in anti-parallel.A new
device called left double quote alternistor right double quote is
introduced, that serves as a direct replacement of these two
thyristors.A characteristic of an alternistor is furnished and a
comparison with a triac is made.Various examples of application are
described.In French.
Accession_Number : 1983(7):98835
Abstract : INSPEC Numéro de réponse 12 - 13/10/1999
There are very many uses of triacs with resistive loads in heating,
lighting and for the control of small motors. However, in spite of
the important progress made in these components during recent years
the triac is unacceptable in certain areas e.g. high power control
(several tens of amps), highly inductive loads, large motor control
circuits and generally in electrotechnology where a high degree of
reliability is necessary. The switching arrangement then used is a
pair of cross-connected thyristors. The introduction by Thomson-CSF
of a new component, the alternistor, allows a step forward to be
made by replacing two thyristors by one component and yet
maintaining the same performance.
Accession_Number : 1983:2020591
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