Article : [TRIAC067]
Titre : ABDEL-HALIM MA, Control of single phase induction motor using forced-commutated electronic switches, 1997.
Cité dans : [DIV066] Recherche sur le mot clé : TRIAC*Auteur : ABDEL-HALIM MA
Info : Base de données PASCAL le 23/02/2000
Question : Mots clés français : TRIAC - 2 réponses !
Adresse : Electrical Engineering Department, Cairo University, Giza, EGY
Nature : Périodique
Source : Electric machines and power systems
ISSN : 0731-356X; USA;
Date : 1997
Volume : 25; NO. 10;
Pages : 1119 - 1133
Références : 8 ref.
LANGUE : Anglais
Résumé :
Single phase induction motors require assistant methods for starting, speed-control and reversing
direction of rotation. The available methods suffer from many drawbacks. Most of these drawbacks are
due to use of mechanical switches in addition to other expensive electrical equipment. This paper
suggests a nonconventional versatile method which realizes all the motor requirements. The method
uses two forced-commutated electronic switches to feed a single-phase motor which has two symmetrical
stator windings. By this circuit, the motor could produce a high starting torque. Also the speed
could be controlled and the direction could be reversed. A state space mathematical model has been
developed for the motor and its solid state feeding converter. With the aid of the model, the system
has been simulated by a developed computer program. Transient starting characteristics have been
computed. Also, steady state speed control characteristics have been obtained for different control
strategies. The performance of the motor has been compared with other conventional control methods,
and with a method which uses naturally commutated electronic switches.
Code : 001D05D06
Mots_clés : Moteur courant alternatif ; Moteur asynchrone ; Machine monophasée ; Commutation ; Commutateur statique ; Commande vitesse ; Modélisation ; Méthode espace état ; Simulation numérique ; Electronique puissance ; Triac ; Sens rotation ; Moteur enroulement auxiliaire démarrage
Mots_clés : AC motors ; Asynchronous motor ; Single phase machine ; Switching ; Static switch ; Speed control ; Modeling ; State space methods ; Numerical simulation ; Power electronics ; Triac ; Split phase motor
Mots_clés : Motor asincrónico ; Máquina monofásica ; Conmutador estático ; Control velocidad ; Modelización ; Simulación numérica ; Triac
Localisation : INIST - 17403 - 354000079460240070
Numéro : 98-0029786; INIST
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