Article : [99ART026]
INSPEC : Numéro de réponse 33
Titre : H.W. Van Den BOOM, D. MEYER, Thyristor controlled drives of household apparatus.
Cité dans : [DIV066] Recherche sur le mot clé : TRIAC* Cité dans : [DIV152] Recherche sur les mots clés : UNIVERSAL MOTOR + SINGLE PHASEAuteur : H.W. Van Den Boom
Source : VDE Fachberichte vol.25.
Pages : 124 à 129
ISSN : 0340-4161
Date : 1968
Language : German
Abstract :
The main characteristics of thyristors and triacs are described. The former allow speed control
of fractional motors used in household machines to be economically implemented. This
applies to both universal type motors and single-phase induction units with a capacitor start.
Basic circuits for stabilised speed and torque operation, as well as separate excitation with
half-wave and full-wave rectification are illustrated. Finally, the behaviour of thyristor-fed
drives and spark suppression are mentioned.
Accession_Number : 70:80877
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