Article : [TRIAC044]
Info : INSPEC Numéro de réponse 19 - 29 septembre 1999
Titre : G.D. ZOTTO, Reliability characteristics of 25A triac, 1982.
Cité dans : [DIV066] Recherche sur le mot clé : TRIAC*Auteur : G. Del Zotto
Source : Elettronica Oggi no.7-8.
Pages : 179 à 186
Date : July-Aug. 1982
ISSN : 0391-6391
Document_Type : Journal
Treatment_Code : Practical
Country_of_Publication : Italy
Language : Italian
Abstract :
Test results of the 25A Triac TAG 725 are reported. Testing was
designed to reveal electrical (semiconductor impurities, charge
migration, diffusion, etc.) mechanical and chemical faults. Testing
methods are detailed evolving and explaining the Arrhenius law for
semiconductors high temperature failure. Thermal shock and fatigue
test results are quoted with graphical illustrations. Encapsulation
test results are analysed highlighting the correlation with the high
temperature test. Numerical results graphs and photographs are
Accession_Number : 1982:1951275
Référence : 0 refs.
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