X. YYY, "A piezoelectric isolating element".
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Article : [TRIAC020]

Info : INSPEC Answer Number 29 - 29/09/1999

Titre : X. YYY, A piezoelectric isolating element.

Cité dans : [DIV066]  Recherche sur le mot clé : TRIAC*
Auteur : X. ????

Source : Sdelovaci Technika vol. 31, no.4.
Pages : 43 à 45
Date : April 1983
ISSN : 0036-9942
Document_Type : Journal
Treatment_Code : Application; Practical
Country_of_Publication : Czechoslovakia
Language : Czech

Abstract :
The principle of piezoelectric isolators based on the use of piezoelectric ceramics such as PZT or Vibrit material is presented. These components are fabricated by thin film
technology and operate on the principle of acoustic surface waves. As an example, the design of the Siemens PZK 20 piezoelectric isolator is presented. Application possibilities of
the piezoelectric isolators are discussed which include control of power MOS transistors, thyristors and triacs. Circuits employing the piezoelectric isolators in order to achieve
galvanic separation of control and power circuits similar to that based on relays are described. Various control circuits employing TTL and CMOS circuits are presented. The
advantages of using piezoelectric components in comparison with conventional isolators include the absence of auxiliary voltage on the secondary side, high resistance against
failures of thyristors and triacs, low weight and dimensions and simple construction.


Supplementary_Indexing : piezoelectric isolating element; piezoelectric isolators; piezoelectric ceramics; PZT; Vibrit; thin film technology; acoustic surface waves; Siemens PZK 20

Accession_Number : 1983:2093765
Références : 8 refs

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