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HEUWIESER, "Phase control with triacs TX CO1, TX CO2 and Diac A 9903", Siemens Electronic Components Bulletin, June 1972, vol. 7, no. 2, pp.37-41. [TRIAC035] : W. SCHOTT, "Triac control with no-voltage trip for domestic appliances", Siemens Electronic Components Bulletin, June 1972, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 27-30. [TRIAC036] : W. ZANDRA, "The triac, a modern component for alternating current technology". [TRIAC037] : V. HUSA, J. KRIZ, J. LADNAR, "Triac-a significant element in the control of an alternating current". [TRIAC038] : AN442, Ph. RABIER, "TRIAC & microcontrollers : the easy connection", 05/92, 3 pages. [TRIAC039] : P. RAULT, J.-M. PETER, "Energy conversion and motor control: triac or alternistor ?" , Electronique Industrielle, Paris, no. 43, 1 décembre 1982, pp. 83-88. [TRIAC040] : P. BLUNT, "Reliable thyristors and triacs in TO-220 plastic packages", Electronic Components and Application, vol. 2, no 1, November 1979, pp. 53-58. [TRIAC041] : R.N. BHASKARA, H.N. 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RABIER, "Triac drive circuit for operation in quadrants I and III", 05/92, 5 pages. [TRIAC081] : K. KANAJI, K. MIZUIKE, T. NISHIGUCHI, "High performance liquid epoxy encapsulant for advanced semiconductor package", Proceedings of the 1997 1st Electronic Packaging Technology Conference, EPTC'97, pp. 215-218. [TRIAC082] : "Three-dimensional finite element analysis of thermal shock in a premolar with a composite resin MOD restoration. [TRIAC083] : "Elasticity, thermal properties, and molecular dynamics using non-empirical tight-binding. [TRIAC084] : "Evaluation of fatigue strength of plate-fin heat exchanger under thermal loading. [TRIAC085] : N. YONEMURA, M. FUKUDA, T. SHIGI, "Thermal shock reliability analysis of insulated metal substrates (IMS)", IEEE/CPMT 20th IEMT, Apr 1997, pp. 303-307. [TRIAC086] : W.C. ZHENG, S.V. HARREN, A.F. SKIPOR, "Thermomechanical analysis of flip-chip-on-board electronic packaging assembly", Proceedings of the 1994 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exhibition, pp. 1-5. [TRIAC087] : "Evaluation of thermal shock resistance of ceramics - temperature dependence of so-called heat transfer coefficient of quenching liquid. [TRIAC088] : "Au-In bonding below the eutectic temperature. [TRIAC089] : "Surface destroying of brittle materials by thermoshock. [TRIAC090] : "Advances in bonding technology for electronic packaging. [TRIAC091] : "Estimation of thermal shock resistance of ceramics (5th Report, probabilistic estimation of thermal shock resistance). [TRIAC092] : "Method for combining printed circuit board assembly functional test with liquid thermal shock. [TRIAC093] : "Evaluation of thermal shock resistance of ceramics.(1st Report, a novel quench test technique). [TRIAC094] : "Thermal shock resistance of plastic IC package. [TRIAC095] : "Evaluation method of thermal shock resistance of epoxy resin based on fracture mechanics. [TRIAC096] : "NUMERICAL PREDICTION OF THE FRACTURE OF A THICK PRESSURIZED SHELL SUBJECTED TO A LIQUID NITROGEN SHOCK. [TRIAC097] : "COMPARISON OF THEORETICAL ESTIMATES AND EXPERIMENTAL MEASUREMENTS OF FATIGUE CRACK GROWTH UNDER SEVERE THERMAL SHOCK CONDITIONS - PART II: THEORETICAL ASSESSMENT AND COMPARISON WITH EXPERIMENT. [TRIAC098] : "NON-DESTRUCTIVE CONTROL IN THERMAL-SHOCK RESISTANCE TESTING OF STRUCTURAL CERAMICS. [TRIAC099] : "EROSION AND THERMAL SHOCK TESTS ON CERAMIC MATERIALS. [TRIAC100] : "COMPARISON OF THEORETICAL ESTIMATES AND EXPERIMENTAL MEASUREMENTS OF FATIGUE CRACK GROWTH UNDER SEVERE THERMAL SHOCK CONDITIONS (PART TWO - THEORETICAL ASSESSMENT AND COMPARISON WITH EXPERIMENT). [TRIAC101] : "COMPARISON OF THEORETICAL ESTIMATES AND EXPERIMENTAL MEASUREMENTS OF FATIGUE CRACK GROWTH UNDER SEVERE THERMAL SHOCK CONDITIONS (PART ONE - EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATIONS). [TRIAC102] : "LIQUID THERMAL SHOCK TESTING. [TRIAC103] : "TEMPERATURE CYCLING AND THERMAL SHOCK TESTING/TEST PARAMETERS. [TRIAC104] : "Thermal Methods for Detecting Defective Soldered Joints. [TRIAC105] : "TEMPERATURE CONTROL IN THE DIE CASTING PROCESS THROUGH THE USE OF A HEAT TRANSFER SYSTEM. [TRIAC106] : "Method for the Detection of Defective Soldered Connections. METODA WYKRYWANIA WADLIWYCH POLACZEN LUTOWANYCH. [TRIAC107] : "EPOXY ENCAPSULATION COMPOUNDS WITH IMPROVED COMBINATIONS OF THERMAL SHOCK, HEAT AND REVERSION RESISTANCE. [TRIAC108] : "WHO WANTS RELIABLE PLASTIC SEMICONDUCTORS?. [TRIAC109] : "Thermal shock environment.
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