Article : [TRIAC108]
Info : REPONSE 297, le 05/02/2002.
Cité dans : [DIV333] Recherche sur les mots clés thermal + shock + liquid , février 2002.Auteur : Hakim, Edward B. (Army Electron Technol and Devices Lab, Fort
Source : IEEE Int Reliab Phys Symp, 11th Annu, Proc, Las Vegas, Nev, Apr 3-5
1973 p 230-235. Publ by IEEE (73 CHO 755-9 PHY), New York, 1973
Année : 1973
Language : English
Stockage :
Abstract :
It has been found that a tri-layer metal contact system, consisting
of platinum silicide-titanium-platinum-gold, is at least a factor of five
better than a comparable aluminum metallized device with respect to
humidity, However, all gold metallized devices are not necessarily this
good; an example is given. To evaluate bond integrity, a liquid-to-liquid
thermal shock is used followed by a high temperature parameter readout.
Data presented from long-term life tests indicate that reliable plastic
devices are not adversely affected after five cycles of thermal shock.
Also presented are data indicating acceleration factors for salt
atmosphere testing of silicone packages. Finally, problems with
procurement of reliable plastic encapsulated semiconductors are discussed
from a user's viewpoint.
Accession_Number : 1974(8):6959 COMPENDEX
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