"Method for the Detection of Defective Soldered Connections. METODA WYKRYWANIA WADLIWYCH POLACZEN LUTOWANYCH.
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Article : [TRIAC106]

Info : REPONSE 270, le 17/02/2002.

Titre : Method for the Detection of Defective Soldered Connections. METODA WYKRYWANIA WADLIWYCH POLACZEN LUTOWANYCH.

Cité dans : [DIV333]  Recherche sur les mots clés thermal + shock + liquid , février 2002.
Auteur : Drapella, Antoni (Politech Gdanskiej, Pol)
Auteur : Wierzba, Henryk;
Auteur : Wroczynski, Piotr

Source : Elektronika v 19 n 9 1977 p 343-346
Année : 1977
Language : Polish
Stockage :

Abstract :
A criterion for the definition of defects in connections is
presented. A method for performing thermal shock is described, along with
its effects. Thermal shock was observed after spraying the tested
connection with liquid nitrogen. The mechanical resistance of cooled and
uncooled connections is considered, and a statistical analysis of test
results is included. 5 refs. In Polish.

Accession_Number : 1978(10):1097 COMPENDEX

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