Article : [TRIAC093]
Info : REPONSE 147, le 04/02/2002.
Titre : Evaluation of thermal shock resistance of ceramics.(1st Report, a novel quench test technique).
Cité dans : [DIV333] Recherche sur les mots clés thermal + shock + liquid , février 2002.Auteur : Sakuma, Toshio
Source : Nippon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu A Hen v 57 n 543 Nov 1991 p 2741-2746
ISSN : 0387-5008
Année : 1991
Document_Type : Journal
Treatment_Code : Experimental
Language : Japanese
Stockage :
Abstract :
Under the prevailing quenching method by freely dropping specimens
for a thermal shock test of high-strength ceramics, ambient gas is
possibly introduced when the specimen is dropped into liquid, causing
errors in the evaluation of retained strength and dispersements of
measurement data.This paper clarifies that, by observation using a
high-speed camera, the ambient gas is introduced when the specimen is
dropped into liquid and is attached to the specimen while falling through
the liquid, and proposes the dropping method and shape of the specimen
which introduces the least ambient gas.Furthermore, it discusses the
maximum dropping speed which does not introduce the ambient gas, as well
as the influence of the properties of the liquid upon the introduction of
the ambient gas.This paper also discusses the influence of the
introduction of the ambient gas upon the cooling rate of specimens, and
the quenching temperature difference which generates cracks.(Author
abstract) 10 Refs.In Japanese.
Accession_Number : 1992(12):147832 COMPENDEX
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