Fiche : [DATA004]
Titre : Recherche sur l'auteur Jean Marie PETER, janvier 2000.
Cité dans : [DIV096] Recherches bibliographiques diverses, janvier 2019. Cité dans :[99DIV105] Recherche sur l'auteur Pierre RAULT, septembre 2000.Auteur : Thierry LEQUEU
Recherche Maison 1999 | ![]() |
[1] : [99ART165] R. DUBOIS, Y. COLLUMEAU,J.-M. PETER, Amélioration des triacs, 1973, Rapport final d'un marché DGRST. [2] : [99ART168] J.-M. Peter, Characteristics of power semiconductors, application note 512, mars 1994, 15 pages. [3] : [TRIAC012] J.-M. PETER, Power semiconductors in 1991. Evolution and consequences., L'Onde Electrique, July-August 1992, vol.72, no.4, pp. 7-14. [4] : [TRIAC039] P. RAULT, J.-M. PETER, Energy conversion and motor control: triac or alternistor ? , Electronique Industrielle, Paris, no. 43, 1 décembre 1982, pp. 83-88. [5] : [99ART168] J.-M. Peter, Characteristics of power semiconductors, application note 512, mars 1994, 15 pages. [6] : [SHEET009] J.-M. PETER, Power semiconductors, recent progresses, future evolutions and consequences, EPE'99 Laussanne, papxxx, pages.
Recherche STNEasy du 13 janvier 2000 | ![]() |
[1] : [PAP157] Référence non disponible. [2] : [SHEET081] J.-M. PETER, High frequency power rectification, Powerconvers Intell Motion v 15 n 4 Apr 1989 6p [3] : [SHEET082] J.-M. PETER, B.C. NADD, SMART POWER: A WAY TO IMPROVE DISCRETE COMPONENTS, Conference Record of the 1987 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 18-23 Oct 1987. [4] : [SHEET083] J.-M. PETER, Fast Diodes in Converter Circuits, Elektronik v 34 n 6 Mar 22 1985 p 75-80 [5] : [PAP157] Référence non disponible. [6] : [SHEET084] J.-M. PETER, STATE OF THE ART AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE FIELD OF MEDIUM POWER DEVICES, Powerconvers Intell Motion v 12 n 5 May 1986 p 14-15, 19-22. [7] : [SHEET085] J.-M. PETER, HOW TO OPTIMIZE THE DARLINGTON SWITCH, Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International PCI '81 Conference, 14-17 Sep 1981. [8] : [SHEET086] J.-M. PETER, For a Better Application of Power Transistors: Aid in Commutation and Limitation of Overvoltages, Electron Ind (Paris) n 47 Feb 15 1983 p 27-32. [9] : [SHEET087] J.-M. PETER, P. RAULT, For energy conversion and motor control : Triacs or alternistors ? [10] : [TRIAC039] P. RAULT, J.-M. PETER, Energy conversion and motor control: triac or alternistor ? , Electronique Industrielle, Paris, no. 43, 1 décembre 1982, pp. 83-88. [11] : [PAP157] Référence non disponible.
Réponses : 61 dans INSPEC, dont :
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[1] : [SHEET010] J.-M. PETER, Power semiconductors. New devices pursue lower on-resistance, higher voltage operation, PCIM Power Electronics Systems, January 1999, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 24,26-32. [2] : [PAP157] Référence non disponible. [3] : [SHEET011] J.-M. PETER, A.K. WALLACE, A development strategy for education in power electronics, EPE'95, Seville, Spain, 19-21 Sept 1995, vol. 3, pp.1008-1012. [4] : [SHEET012] J.-M. PETER, Power system semiconductor compounds, Revue de l'Electricite et de l'Electronique, janvier 1996, no. 1, pp. 66-74. [5] : [SHEET013] J.-M. PETER, Education in power electronics, the engineers point of view, EPE Journal, March 1994, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 47-49. [6] : [SHEET014] J.-M. PETER, Short-circuit protection for IGBT, Revue Generale de l'Electricite, Fevier 1994, no. 2, pp. 32-39. [7] : [SHEET015] J.-M. PETER, Intelligent power integrated circuits, Power Semiconductor Devices and Circuits, 26-27 Sept 1991, p.271-290 . [8] : [TRIAC012] J.-M. PETER, Power semiconductors in 1991. Evolution and consequences., L'Onde Electrique, July-August 1992, vol.72, no.4, pp. 7-14. [9] : [PAP157] Référence non disponible. [10] : [SHEET017] J.-M. PETER, Components: reducing conduction losses (in power convertors), EPE'91, Firenze, Italy, 3-6 Sept 1991, vol. 1, p.95-98. [11] : [PAP157] Référence non disponible. [12] : [SHEET018] J.-M. PETER, How to reduce losses generated by fast recovery rectifiers, Electronique de Puissance, April 1990, no. 38, pp. 10-17.
[13] : [SHEET019] J.-M. PETER, Power electronics components: from 1 watt to 1 megawatt, RGE 1989. [14] : [PAP157] Référence non disponible. [15] : [SHEET020] J.-M. PETER, Analysis and optimisation of high frequency power rectification, PCI'88. [16] : [SHEET021] J.-M. PETER, The range end. The power semiconductors of the nineties, Elektronik Praxis, September 1988) vol.23, no.9, p.34, 42-3. [17] : [SHEET022] J.-M. PETER, Fast recovery rectifiers: how to reduce the switching losses, PCI'88. [18] : [SHEET023] J.-M. PETER, B. NADD, Power electronics, from the discrete component to the function, EPE'87. [19] : [SHEET024] J.-M. PETER, B. NADD, Power electronics, from the discrete component to the function, Electronique de Puissance (June 1988) no.27, p.62-5. [20] : [SHEET025] J.-M. PETER, Power components-good look at the function leads to cost reduction, Mesures (7 March 1988) vol.53, no.3, p.27-8, 30-3.
[21] : [SHEET082] J.-M. PETER, B.C. NADD, SMART POWER: A WAY TO IMPROVE DISCRETE COMPONENTS, Conference Record of the 1987 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 18-23 Oct 1987. [22] : [SHEET026] J.-M. PETER, I. RATES, A new family of intelligent drivers, Informazione Elettronica (Oct. 1986) vol.14, no.10, p.53-7. [23] : [SHEET027] J.-M. PETER, State of the art and development in the field of medium power devices, Power Electronics and Applications ProceedingsBrussels, Belgium, 16-18 Oct 1985. [24] : [SHEET027] J.-M. PETER, State of the art and development in the field of medium power devices, Power Electronics and Applications ProceedingsBrussels, Belgium, 16-18 Oct 1985. [25] : [SHEET028] J.-M. PETER, I. RATES, Self-protecting controllers (monolithic switch devices), Toute l'Electronique (Feb. 1986) no.511, p.64-8. [26] : [SHEET029] J.-M. PETER, Medium power semiconductors: state of developments and tends, Elektronik Industrie (1986) vol.17, no.1, p.62, 64-5, 68-9. [27] : [SHEET030] J.-M. PETER, The fast rectifiers in the high frequency converters, IEE Colloquium on 'Recent Development in MOS Devices and Applications' (Digest No.71), 1986. [28] : [SHEET031] J.-M. PETER, I. RATES, A new component family presents itself 'indestructible': power drivers-they can take punishment, Elektronik (4 April 1986) vol.35, no.7, p.71-4. [29] : [SHEET032] J.-M. PETER, Needs evolve; the transistor diversifies, Electronique de Puissance (Sept. 1985) no.11, p.34-40. [30] : [SHEET033] J.-M. PETER, High speed diodes: new parameters which are better suited to the user's needs, Electronique de Puissance (June 1985) no.10, p.40-4.
[31] : [SHEET034] J.-M. PETER, Fast diodes in converter switching, Elektronik (22 March 1985) vol.34, no.6, p.75-80. [32] : [SHEET035] J.-M. PETER, Switching behavior of fast diodes in the converter circuits, PowerConversion International (Sept. 1984) vol.10, no.8, p.64, 66,68, 70-2. [33] : [SHEET036] J.-M. PETER, Power semiconductor in today's and next future industrial environment, Electronique Techniques et Industries (Nov. 1983) no.2, p.27-36. [34] : [SHEET037] J. REDOUTEY, J.-M. PETER, Fast diodes: conduction and blocking, Toute l'Electronique (Aug.-Sept. 1983) no.486, p.63-6. [35] : [SHEET038] J.-M. PETER, For a better use of power transistors. Aid in switching and limitation of surges, [36] : [TRIAC039] P. RAULT, J.-M. PETER, Energy conversion and motor control: triac or alternistor ? , Electronique Industrielle, Paris, no. 43, 1 décembre 1982, pp. 83-88. [37] : [SHEET085] J.-M. PETER, HOW TO OPTIMIZE THE DARLINGTON SWITCH, Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International PCI '81 Conference, 14-17 Sep 1981. [38] : [SHEET039] J.-M. PETER, How to optimise a Darlington, Electronique Industrielle (15 Nov. 1981) no.24, p.47-52. [39] : [SHEET040] J.-M. PETER, N. COULTHARD, Transistors versus thyristors for energy conversion ? , Electronique Industrielle (1 April 1981) no.13, p.38-43. [40] : [SHEET041] J.-M. PETER, Short-circuit protection of transistors, PowerConversion International (July-Aug. 1980) vol.6, no.4, p.27-32.
[41] : [SHEET042] J.-M. PETER, The utilisation of power transistors in electrical engineering, Bulletin Scientifique de l'Association des Ingenieurs Electriciens sortis de l'Institut Electrotechnique Montefiore (Jan.-March 1979), vol.92, no.1, p.19-27. [42] : [SHEET043] J.-M. PETER, Protection of transistors against short circuits, Electronique & Applications Industrielles (15 March 1980) no.281, p.19-23. [43] : [SHEET044] J.-M. PETER, Equipment reliability improvement using high power transistors, International Conference on Reliability and maintainability, Paris, France, 1978. [44] : [SHEET045] J.-M. PETER, New prospectus in power transistor field, Radioindustria Elettronica - Televizione (May 1977) no.5, p.269-72. [45] : [SHEET046] J.-M. PETER, For the control of power: the competition thyristors-transistors, Electronique & Applications Industrielles (1 March 1977) no.232, p.15-22. [46] : [SHEET047] J.-M. PETER, K. RISCHMULLER, 12 kW power switching, Elektrotechnik (16 Nov. 1976) vol.58, no.22, p.10-12. [47] : [SHEET048] J.-M. PETER, A comparison between the transistor and the thyristor, Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift ETZ B (21 Jan. 1977) vol.29, no.2, p.41-8. [48] : [SHEET049] J.-M. PETER, Overload protection of thyristors, Toute l'Electronique (Oct. 1976) no.414, p.45-52.
[49] : [SHEET050] J.-M. PETER, Design of a 40 kHz invertor using a fast thyristor, Electronique & Microelectronique Industrielles, 1 March 1976, no.216, p.45-50. [50] : [SHEET051] J.-M; PETER, Protection of diodes and thyristors against overvoltage surges. II. Preventive measures, Toute l'Electronique (May 1975) no.399, p.47-51. [51] : [SHEET052] J.-M. PETER, Protection of diodes and thyristors against overvoltage surges. I. Behaviour in transient conditions, Toute l'Electronique (March 1975) no.397, p.31-5. [52] : [SHEET053] J.-M. PETER, The switching of triacs, Electronique & Microelectronique Industrielles, 15 Nov. 1973, no.180, p.57-64. [53] : [SHEET054] J.-M. PETER, Series connection of thyristors, Revue Generale de l'Electricite (July-Aug. 1973) vol.82, no.7-8, pp. 453-61. [54] : [SHEET055] J. le PONNER, J.-M. PETER, Thermal resistance and impedance of triacs, Revue Generale de l'Electricite (Nov. 1972) vol.81, no.11, p.711-19. [55] : [SHEET056] J.-M. PETER, di/dt limits of thyristors, Revue Generale de l'Electricite (June 1971) vol.80, no.6, p.503-8. [56] : [SHEET057] J.-M. PETER, Progress with low-power thyristors, Toute l'Electronique (April 1971) vol.4, no.354, p.15-20 [57] : [SHEET058] J.-M. PETER, The limits of the di/dt thyristors and the modes of protection, Conference on power electronics, Budapest, Hungary, 25-27 Nov 1970. [58] : [SHEET059] J.-M. PETER, Thyristor practice. I., L'Antenna, Jan. 1971, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 7-15.
[59] : [SHEET077] J.-M. PETER, Switching in power diodes and its effects. II. Use of fast diodes. [60] : [SHEET078] J.-M. PETER, Switching in power diodes and its effects. Use of fast diodes. [61] : [SHEET076] J.-M. PETER, Thyristor practice. II. Dynamic study, L'Antenna, 1970.
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