J.-M. PETER, "Short-circuit protection of transistors", PowerConversion International (July-Aug. 1980) vol.6, no.4, p.27-32.
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Article : [SHEET041]

Info : INSPEC Answer Number 40 - 13/01/2000

Titre : J.-M. PETER, Short-circuit protection of transistors, PowerConversion International (July-Aug. 1980) vol.6, no.4, p.27-32.

Cité dans : [DATA004] Recherche sur l'auteur Jean Marie PETER, janvier 2000.
Auteur : Peter, J.M. (Thomson CSF, Aix en Provence, France)

Source : PowerConversion International (July-Aug. 1980) vol.6, no.4, p.27-32. 5 refs.
CODEN : POWIDS ISSN: 0199-1884
Info : Country of Publication : United States
Language : English

Abstract :
In case of load short-circuit, the transistor has to withstand very
high stresses. In order to protect power electronic circuits, a
designer needs more detailed information. The author explains how a
transistor works during a load short-circuit, and he exposes a new
concept 'The Accidental Overload Area'. The elements provided will
allow: (1) the calculation of short-circuit currents, (2) the
finding of permissible short-circuit durations, and (3) the finding
of the maximum permissible voltage allowed during the turn-off.

Accession_Number : 1981:1610088

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