Article : [SHEET050]
Info : INSPEC Answer Number 49 - 13/01/2000
Titre : J.-M. PETER, Design of a 40 kHz invertor using a fast thyristor, Electronique & Microelectronique Industrielles, 1 March 1976, no.216, p.45-50.
Cité dans : [DATA004] Recherche sur l'auteur Jean Marie PETER, janvier 2000.Auteur : Peter, J.M.
Source : Electronique & Microelectronique Industrielles (1 March 1976) no.216, p.45-50. 3 refs.
Info : Country of Publication : France
Language : French
Abstract :
Discusses improvements in fast thyristors which can now have
turn-off times of less than 5 mu s, and can work at 400 V or more,
depending on their speed. The author cites a new commercially
available thyristor ESM313, giving a table of its main
characteristics (including its ability to handle a dv/dt of 1000 V/
mu s), and notes its snags. He describes a 1.2 kW invertor for an
induction furnace using only one thyristor and operating at 40 kHz,
emphasizing the characteristics of the semiconductor components and
discussing the necessary protective circuits.
Accession_Number : 1976:935194
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