Article : [SHEET009]
Titre : J.-M. PETER, Power semiconductors, recent progresses, future evolutions and consequences, EPE'99 Laussanne, papxxx, pages.
Cité dans : [DATA001] T. LEQUEU, Evolution des composants de puissance et des IGBT, mars 2004. Cité dans :[99DIV110] Recherche sur l'auteur Philippe LETURCQ Cité dans :[99DIV076] EPE'99, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Lausanne, Suisse, 7-9 septembre 1999.Auteur : By Jean Marie Peter, SEE
Congrès : EPE'99, Laussanne
Date : Wednesday 8 september - 8.30 to 9.00
Lien : EPE/epe99_ky.htm - Keynotes 2 :
Abstract :
Quick history of the power components. The bipolar age, the MOS age, a new age with the MOS-bipolar combination and other solutions.
Simultaneously we have seen the integration entering in the field of power electronics after the deep evolution in microelectronics.
The author will show:
the state of the art from discrete to integrated components, from Mosfet to the very high power components including the fast rectifiers,
the last important advancements this last two years, the major events in power integration, the new MOSFETs, the fast rectifiers
improvements, and the new MOS-Bipolar combinations in the fields of high power.
After, the main development trends for the next years will be analyzed.
The second part will concern the consequences of this evolution.
What will be the consequences of the power integration?
What will be the job of the equipment designers in the 2000’?
What kind of components?
Which consequences about the thermal behaviour?
What will be essential in Power Electronics?
J. M. Peter started as R&D engineer with THOMSON in the field of servomechanisms and magnetic amplifiers. He developed the first SCR motor
drives in France operating in the market at the beginning of 1960. Later he worked twenty years in the semiconductor industry. In 1991, he
obtained the "habilitation à diriger les recherches" in Toulouse. Since 1992 he is invited professor and consultant in the field of power
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