J.-M. PETER, B. NADD, "Power electronics, from the discrete component to the function", Electronique de Puissance (June 1988) no.27, p.62-5.
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Article : [SHEET024]

Info : INSPEC Answer Number 19 - 13/01/2000

Titre : J.-M. PETER, B. NADD, Power electronics, from the discrete component to the function, Electronique de Puissance (June 1988) no.27, p.62-5.

Cité dans : [DATA004] Recherche sur l'auteur Jean Marie PETER, janvier 2000.
Auteur : Peter, J.M.; Nadd, B.

Source : Electronique de Puissance (June 1988) no.27, p.62-5. 0 refs.
CODEN : ELPUEO ISSN: 0760-0259
Info : Country of Publication : France
Language : English

Abstract :
The advent of a new technology allowing integration on the same
silicon chip of power devices along with signal processing circuitry
offers new opportunities. The authors report the development of a
500 V self-protecting MOS transistor prototype. They also give an
overview of future developments in this area.

Accession_Number : 1988:3212150

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