Article : [SHEET013]
Info : INSPEC Answer Number 5 - 13/01/2000
Titre : J.-M. PETER, Education in power electronics, the engineers point of view, EPE Journal, March 1994, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 47-49.
Cité dans : [DIV004] T. LEQUEU, Cours d'Electronique de Puissance - 1999/2000, IUT GEII 2ème année, option EEP, notes de cours, juin 2000.Auteur : Peter, J.M.
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Source : EPE Journal (March 1994) vol.4, no.1, p.47-9. 0 refs.
Info : Country of Publication : Germany - Language : English
Abstract :
Technology is progressing, new working methods are appearing,
continued education in industry is a reality. How should tomorrow's
engineer be taught in electrical engineering and more particularly
in power electronics? When listening to official representatives of
the industry, it seems that the scientific and technical education
of engineers is sufficient. Management, on the contrary, should be
more emphasized during the basic studies of engineering. This is not
the opinion of field engineers, heads of departments who are
responsible for studies, design, manufacturing and installation. To
have a better idea of what is really going on, the author made an
enquiry among 55 engineers working in the French industry, and more
particularly in the field of power electronics. 42 answered and
their professional functions were: directors or heads of departments
(5), technical marketing (1 director, 2 marketing managers, 1
marketing engineer), design or R&D engineers (31), installation and
maintenance engineers (2). They are active in the industry for 3 to
35 years. The results of the enquiry showed that the point of view
of field engineers fairly differs from the one of many industry
representatives. This leads the author to two conclusions. The first
one is that there is a lack of communication concerning training
needs as there is no agreement between the different points of view.
The second conclusion is that, as the amount of knowledge to be
transferred increases with the world's evolution, the choices in
education will be more and more difficult to make. It is necessary
to choose for the long term. The freshly graduated engineer cannot
know everything about everything in his field, but he will have at
his disposal programmes of continued education. These are important
tools for industries. In a world with limited resources, education
should be considered as rare and precious. How to organise the
education in engineering? What fields should be privileged? What
fields will disappear? The author hopes that the answer to this
enquiry will be a tool for engineers in charge of education and for
those who will have to give their point of view on the matter.
Accession_Number : 1994:4793909
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