J.-M. PETER, "STATE OF THE ART AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE FIELD OF MEDIUM POWER DEVICES", Powerconvers Intell Motion v 12 n 5 May 1986 p 14-15, 19-22.
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Info : COMPENDEX Answer Number 6 - © 2000 EI

Titre : J.-M. PETER, STATE OF THE ART AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE FIELD OF MEDIUM POWER DEVICES, Powerconvers Intell Motion v 12 n 5 May 1986 p 14-15, 19-22.

Cité dans : [DATA004] Recherche sur l'auteur Jean Marie PETER, janvier 2000.
Auteur : Peter, Jean Marie (Thomson-Semiconductors)

Source : Powerconvers Intell Motion v 12 n 5 May 1986 p 14-15, 19-22
Publication_Year : 1986
Document_Type : Journal
Treatment_Code : Application; Theoretical
Language : English

Abstract :
The bipolar transistor has become a key component in power
electronics.The need is not only increasing but it is also becoming
diversified.The author shows the physical laws which govern the
behavior of transistors and the limitations caused by circuits.The
auteur converters, and other equipment, showing that the required
characteristics lead to different performances for bridge leg
switches.From this analysis, the author classifies transistors into
different transistors groups wells adapted to specific technical
needs.Progress in different areas, integration, new methods of
diffusion, and general market trends will create new trends for the
future.(Edited author abstract) 6 refs.

Accession_Number : 1986(11):169465

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