Recherche sur l'auteur "Christian ZARDINI", juillet 2004.
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Titre : Recherche sur l'auteur Christian ZARDINI, juillet 2004.
Cité dans : [DIV096] Recherches bibliographiques diverses, janvier 2019.
Cité dans : [DATA147] IXL, Laboratoire IXL, Université de Bordeaux, Talence, France,
Auteur : Thierry LEQUEU
Info : ENSERB - Université de Bordeaux, France.
C. Zardini (M’92) received the Ph.D. degree in electronics from the University of Montpellier, France, in 1982.
He is a Professor of electrical engineering at Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Electronique et de Radio électricité de Bordeaux, France.
His current research work is in the area of hybrid power circuits and high frequency power conversion.
Lien : ESREF/1998/esref98.pdf - ESREF 98 Technical Programme Committee - Members
[1] : [ART548] S. AZZOPARDI, J.-M. VINASSA, E. WOIRGARD, C. ZARDINI, O. BRIAT, A systematic hard- and soft-switching performances evaluation of 1200 V punchthrough IGBT structures, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 19, No. 1, January 2004, pp. 231-241.
[1] : [ART437] S. AZZOPARDI, E. WOIRGARD, J.-M. VINASSA, O. BRIAT, C. ZARDINI, IGBT Power modules thermal characterization : what is the optimum between a low current - high voltage or a high current - low voltage test condition for the same electrical power?, Microel
[2] : [ART558] S. AZZOPARDI, E. WOIRGARD, J.-M. VINASSA, O. BRIAT, C. ZARDINI, IGBT Power modules thermal characterization : what is the optimum between a low current - high voltage or a high current - low voltage test condition for the same electrical power?, ESREF'2
[3] : [ART439] A. GUEDON, E. WOIRGARD, C. ZARDINI, G. SIMON, Methodology to evaluate the correspondence between real conditions and accelerated tests of a thyristor system used in a power plant, Microelectronics Reliability, Volume 43, Issues 9-11, September-November
[1] : [ART569] P. GUILBAULT, E. WOIRGARD, C. ZARDINI, D. LAMBERT, Reliability study of the assembly of a large BGA on a build up board using thermo-mechanical simulations, Microelectronics Reliability, Sept.-Nov. 2002, Vol.42, No. 9-11, pp. 1529-1533.
[1] : [PAP374] S. AZZOPARDI, A. KAWAMURA, H. IWAMOTO, O. BRIAT, J.M. VINASSA, E. WOIRGARD, C. ZARDINI, Local lifetime control IGBT structures : Turn-off performances comparison for hard- and soft-switching between 1200V trench PT- and new planar PT-IGBTs, ESREF'2001,
[2] : [PAP496] O. BRIAT, J.M. VINASSA, C. ZARDINI, J.L. AUCOUTURIER, Experimental study of sources hybridization: Electromechanical storage system integration into an electric vehicle structure, PESC'2001, June 2001.
[3] : [ART267] E. WOIRGARD, J.-M. THEBAUD , C. ZARDINI, Méthodologie basée sur des simulations par éléments finis pour évaluer la relation entre les tests de vieillissements accélérés et la réalité de fonctionnement de modules de puissance à IGBT, Journées Electroniqu
[1] : [PAP475] J.-M. THEBAUD, E. WOIRGARD, C. ZARDINI, K.-H. SOMMER, Thermal Fatigue Resistance Evaluation of Solder Joints in IGBT Power Modules for Traction Applications, PESC'2000.
[2] : [PAP477] J.-M. THEBAUD, E. WOIRGARD, C. ZARDINI, K.-H. SOMMER, Extensive Fatigue Investigation of Solder Joints in IGBT High Power Module, ECTC'2000.
[3] : [ART198] J.-M. THEBAUD, E. WOIRGARD, C. ZARDINI, K.-H. SOMMER, High power IGBT modules: thermal fatigue resistance evaluation of the solder joints, 2000.
[1] : [PAP480] C. ZARDINI, Evaluation de la qualité des assemblages hybrides de puissance par l'utilisation de mesures thermiques, Les clubs CRIN, 3 février 1999, CNAM, PARIS.
[2] : [PAP481] S. AZZOPARDI, M. TRIVEDI, C. ZARDINI, K. SHENAI, A Punch-Through IGBT Model Using a Simple Technological Parameters Extraction Method for Two-Dimensional Physical Simulation, EPE'99.
[3] : [PAP479] S. AZZOPARDI, J.-M. VINASSA, C. ZARDINI, Behaviour of Fast and Ultra-Fast 600V Punch-Through IGBT under Unclamped Inductive Switching Stress, EPE'99.
[1] : [PAP224] P. REY, E. WOIRGARD, J.-M. THEBAUD, C. ZARDINI, Evaluation of the creep of the Sn62Pb36Ag2 solder alloy by the measurement of the stresses in a silicon die, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology, Part A, Vol. 21, Issue
[2] : [THESE113] D. BALOCCO, Contribution à la conception de convertisseurs alternatif-continu à faible taux d'harmoniques, IXL, 1998.
[3] : [THESE112] S. AZZOPARDI, Contribution à la caractérisation et à la modélisation de l'IGBT en vue d'une hybridation destinée à fonctionner à température élevée pour le véhicule électrique, 1998, 392 pages.
[1] : [PAP476] S. AZZOPARDI, J.-M. VINASSA, C. ZARDINI, Comparative analysis of switching dynamics of punch-through and non punch-through IGBTs at high temperature, EPE'97.
[2] : [PAP478] S. AZZOPARDI, J.-M. VINASSA, C. ZARDINI, Investigations on the Internal Physical Behaviour of 600V Punch-Through IGBT under Latch-up at High Temperature, ESSDERC'97.
[3] : [PAP482] S. AZZOPARDI, C. JAMET, J.-M. VINASSA, C. ZARDINI, Dynamics Behaviour of Punch-Through IGBT in Hard-Switching Converters at High Temperature, European Power Electronics Proc. Conf. 1997, vol.4, pp. 1-6.
[4] : [ART268] P. REY, E. WOIRGARD, C. ZARDINI, Follow-up of the Crack Propagation in the Solder Joints by the Measurement of the Thermal Performances in a Power Hybrid Assembly, , in Proceedings of the International Conference and Exhibition Micro Materials, Berlin,
[1] : [PAP228] S. AZZOPARDI, C. ZARDINI, Temperature effects on the internal physical and electrical behaviour of n-channel punch-through insulated gate bipolar transistor, THERMINIC'96.
[2] : [THESE115] P. REY, Contribution à l'intégration des circuits de puissance adaptée à l'électronique automobile, 1996, Bordeaux, 245 pages.
[1] : [PAP474] P. DONDON, J. LAURIOU, C. ZARDINI, Thermal transient characterization of electronic assemblies by infrared thermography in fast line scan mode, THERMINIC'95.
[1] : [THESE118] J.-M. VINASSA, Contribution a la conception d'un actionneur a aimants permanents et commutation electronique destine a l'assistance electrique de direction pour automobile, 1994.
[1] : [THESE111] P. DONDON, Contribution à l'introduction de l'intelligence dans les capteurs et systèmes multicapteurs, Thèse de DOCTORAT en Microélectronique, Laboratoire IXL, Bordeaux, 1993.
[2] : [ART570] E. WOIRGARD, C. ZARDINI, J.-L. AUCOUTURIER, Study of the thermomechanical problems in hybrid assemblies satisfying the automotive electronics conditions, Conference Proceedings of the 9th European Hybrid Microelectronic, 2-4 June 1993, pp. 158-165.
[1] : [THESE114] P. MASSIOT, Etude de la métallisation de substrats d'alumine et de nitrure d'aluminium par sérigraphie et liaison directe du conducteur cuivre : application aux assemblages hybrides de puissance, 1992, IXL, 176 pages.
[2] : [THESE116] E. WOIRGARD, Contribution à l'étude d'une intégration hybride adaptée à l'électronique automobile, 1992, Bordeaux, 225 pages.
[1] : [PAP158] -------
[1] : [ART571] C. ZARDINI, E. WOIRGARD, H. HUILLET, J.-L. AUCOUTURIER, Thermal simulation of hybrid power assemblies, Proceedings of the First International Conference Advanced Computational Methods in Heat Transfer, Vol. 3, 17-20 July 1990, pp. 333-342.
[1] : [PAP498] C. ZARDINI, J.D. PISTRE, F. RODES, J.L. AUCOUTURIER, Infrared thermography. Assessment of joint quality of power transistors, 1986.
[1] : [PAP497] C. ZARDINI, J.D. PISTRE, F. RODES, J.L. AUCOUTURIER, Use of thick film copper technology for high power hybrid circuits, 1984.
[1] : [PAP494] J.D. PISTRE, C. LUCAT, J. PORTIER, C. ZARDINI, J.L. AUCOUTURIER, The use of hybrid microelectronic techniques for the achievement of a miniaturized, self-contained gas sensor, 1983.
[1] : [THESE117] C. ZARDINI, Etude et réalisation d'un onduleur sinusoïdal à transistors M.O.S. de puissance, 1982, Montpellier, 162 pages.
[1] : [DATA227] ESREF'2001, 12th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis, Arcachon, France , 1-5 octobre 2001.
[2] : [REVUE112] Les clubs CRIN, Réunion plèniere - Electronique de puissance, 3 février 1999, CNAM, PARIS.
[3] : [THESE109] S. FORSTER, Fiabilité fonctionnelle et mécanismes de dégradation des TRIACs soumis aux chocs thermiques par di/dt à la fermeture, Thèse, Université de Metz, 10 septembre 2001.
[4] : [THESE111] P. DONDON, Contribution à l'introduction de l'intelligence dans les capteurs et systèmes multicapteurs, Thèse de DOCTORAT en Microélectronique, Laboratoire IXL, Bordeaux, 1993.
Question : "author: christian zardini"
Réponses : 46
1 : Experimental study of sources hybridization: Electromechanical storage system integration into an electric vehicle structure.
2 : Thermal fatigue resistance evaluation of solder joints in IGBT power modules for traction applications.
3 : Extensive fatigue investigation of solder joints in IGBT high power modules.
4 : Non-destructive extraction of technological parameters for numerical simulation of conventional planar punch-through IGBT.
5 : Performances and potentialities of a very simple self-compensated pressure sensor demonstrator.
6 : Performances of 1200V punch-through and non punch-through IGBTs under unclamped inductive switching.
7 : Study of 600V Punch-Through IGBT dynamics under Unclamped Inductive Switching.
8 : Switching performances comparison of 1200 V punch-through and non punch-through IGBTs under hard-switching at high temperature.
9 : Evaluation of the creep of the Sn62Pb36Ag2 solder alloy by the measurement of the stresses in a silicon die.
10 : New single-stage isolated power factor preregulator for avionics distributed power supply systems.
11 : Half-wave quasi-resonant ZCS flyback converter as an automatic power factor preregulator: An evaluation.
12 : Thermal parametric studies of hybrid power circuits.
15 : Local lifetime control IGBT structures: turn-off performances comparison for hard- and soft-switching between 1200 V trench and new planar PT-IGBTs.
16 : Thermal fatigue resistance evaluation of solder joints in IGBT power modules for traction applications.
17 : Behaviour of fast and ultra-fast 600 V punch-through IGBT under unclamped inductive switching stress.
18 : A punch-through IGBT model using a simple technological parameters extraction method for two-dimensional physical simulation.
19 : Non-destructive extraction of technological parameters for numerical simulation of conventional planar punch-through IGBT.
20 : High power IGBT modules: thermal fatigue resistance evaluation of the solder joints.
21 : Extensive fatigue investigation of solder joints in IGBT high power modules.
22 : Performances and potentialities of a very simple self-compensated pressure sensor demonstrator.
23 : Performances of 1200 V punch-through and nonpunch-through IGBTs under unclamped inductive switching.
24 : Dynamics behaviour of punch-through IGBT converters at high temperature.
25 : A study of 600V punch-through IGBT dynamics under unclamped inductive switching.
26 : Hybrid power modules using a metal matrix composite baseplate: An evaluation.
27 : Al/SiC baseplate hybrid power modules: evaluation of the thermomechanical performances.
28 : Integral liquid cooled (ILC) high power module for efficient heat extraction.
29 : Screen-printed copper superthick-films for power hybrids.
30 : Switching performances comparison of 1200 V punch-through and nonpunch-through IGBTs under hard-switching at high temperature.
31 : Evaluation of the creep of the Sn62Pb36Ag2 solder alloy by the measurement of the stresses in a silicon die.
32 : Investigations on the internal physical behaviour of 600V punch-through IGBT under latch-up at high temperature.
33 : A low-cost isolated power factor corrector for avionics distributed power supply systems.
34 : A new single-stage isolated power factor preregulator for avionics distributed power supply systems.
35 : The half-wave quasi-resonant ZCS flyback converter as an automatic power factor preregulator: an evaluation.
36 : Thermal transient characterization of electronic assemblies by infrared thermography and Delta Vbemeter methods.
37 : BiCMOS integrated circuit for capacitive pressure sensors in automotive applications.
38 : High frequency quasi-resonant buck converter on insulated metal substrate for avionics distributed power systems.
39 : 3D thermal simulation of power hybrid assemblies.
40 : Thermal simulation of hybrid power assemblies.
41 : Water-cooled copper-clad Invar hybrid power circuit.
42 : Radar detector for automatic control of trains.
43 : Water cooled copper clad invar hybrid power circuit.
44 : Infrared thermography. Assessment of joint quality of power transistors.
45 : Use of thick film copper technology for high power hybrid circuits.
46 : The use of hybrid microelectronic techniques for the achievement of a miniaturized, self-contained gas sensor.
[1] : [PAP496] O. BRIAT, J.M. VINASSA, C. ZARDINI, J.L. AUCOUTURIER, Experimental study of sources hybridization: Electromechanical storage system integration into an electric vehicle structure, PESC'2001, June 2001.
[2] : [PAP475] J.-M. THEBAUD, E. WOIRGARD, C. ZARDINI, K.-H. SOMMER, Thermal Fatigue Resistance Evaluation of Solder Joints in IGBT Power Modules for Traction Applications, PESC'2000.
[3] : [PAP477] J.-M. THEBAUD, E. WOIRGARD, C. ZARDINI, K.-H. SOMMER, Extensive Fatigue Investigation of Solder Joints in IGBT High Power Module, ECTC'2000.
[4] : [PAP158] -------
[5] : [PAP158] -------
[6] : [PAP158] -------
[7] : [PAP158] -------
[8] : [PAP158] -------
[9] : [PAP224] P. REY, E. WOIRGARD, J.-M. THEBAUD, C. ZARDINI, Evaluation of the creep of the Sn62Pb36Ag2 solder alloy by the measurement of the stresses in a silicon die, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology, Part A, Vol. 21, Issue
[10] : [PAP158] -------
[11] : [PAP158] -------
[12] : [PAP158] -------
[13] : [PAP158] -------
[14] : [PAP158] -------
[15] : [PAP158] -------
[16] : [PAP224] P. REY, E. WOIRGARD, J.-M. THEBAUD, C. ZARDINI, Evaluation of the creep of the Sn62Pb36Ag2 solder alloy by the measurement of the stresses in a silicon die, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology, Part A, Vol. 21, Issue
[17] : [PAP158] -------
[18] : [PAP158] -------
[19] : [PAP158] -------
[20] : [ART198] J.-M. THEBAUD, E. WOIRGARD, C. ZARDINI, K.-H. SOMMER, High power IGBT modules: thermal fatigue resistance evaluation of the solder joints, 2000.
[21] : [PAP477] J.-M. THEBAUD, E. WOIRGARD, C. ZARDINI, K.-H. SOMMER, Extensive Fatigue Investigation of Solder Joints in IGBT High Power Module, ECTC'2000.
[22] : [PAP158] -------
[23] : [PAP158] -------
[24] : [PAP158] -------
[25] : [PAP158] -------
[26] : [PAP158] -------
[27] : [PAP158] -------
[28] : [PAP158] -------
[29] : [PAP158] -------
[30] : [PAP498] C. ZARDINI, J.D. PISTRE, F. RODES, J.L. AUCOUTURIER, Infrared thermography. Assessment of joint quality of power transistors, 1986.
[31] : [PAP497] C. ZARDINI, J.D. PISTRE, F. RODES, J.L. AUCOUTURIER, Use of thick film copper technology for high power hybrid circuits, 1984.
[32] : [PAP494] J.D. PISTRE, C. LUCAT, J. PORTIER, C. ZARDINI, J.L. AUCOUTURIER, The use of hybrid microelectronic techniques for the achievement of a miniaturized, self-contained gas sensor, 1983.
[33] : [PAP158] -------
[34] : [PAP158] -------
[35] : [PAP158] -------
[36] : [PAP158] -------
[37] : [PAP158] -------
[38] : [PAP158] -------
[39] : [PAP158] -------
[40] : [ART571] C. ZARDINI, E. WOIRGARD, H. HUILLET, J.-L. AUCOUTURIER, Thermal simulation of hybrid power assemblies, Proceedings of the First International Conference Advanced Computational Methods in Heat Transfer, Vol. 3, 17-20 July 1990, pp. 333-342.
[41] : [PAP158] -------
[42] : [PAP158] -------
[43] : [PAP158] -------
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[45] : [PAP158] -------
[46] : [PAP158] -------
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