Article : [SHEET200]
Titre : D.E. PICCONE, L.O. ERIKSSON, J. URBANEK, W.H. TOBIN, I.L. SOMOS, A thermal analogue of higher accuracy and factory test method for predicting and supporting thyristor fault suppression ratings, IAS 1988, vol. 14, pp. 678-686.
Cité dans : [DATA042] Recherche sur l'auteur Istvan SOMOS, mars 2000. Cité dans : [DATA049] Recherche sur l'auteur Dante E. PICCONE, mars 2000. Cité dans : [CONF017] IAS, World Conference on Industrial Applications of Electrical Energy, octobre 2003. Cité dans :[SHEET196] Cité dans :[SHEET213] Cité dans :[SHEET119] Cité dans :[SHEET122]Auteur : Piccone D.E.
Lien : SHEET196.HTM - référence [19].
Lien : SHEET213.HTM - référence [3].
Lien : SHEET119.HTM - référence [1].
Lien : SHEET122.HTM - référence [2].
Source : Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 1988., Conference Record of the 1988 IEEE
Pages : 678 - 686
Volume : 1
Date : 2-7 Oct. 1988
Info : Total Pages: 2 vol. 1928
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : private/PICCONE.pdf - 9 pages, 579 Ko.
Abstract :
Because sophisticated computer modeling is not easily accessible,
a one-dimensional thermal analogue is often used for routine
calculations of virtual junction temperature occurring in
thyristors when subjected to fault currents. The limitations of
this procedure were found while establishing and improving fault
suppression ratings of high-voltage (5 kV) thyristors. The
thermal model was upgraded to include a number of heat sources
within the silicon and some degree of two-dimensional heat
spreading, while retaining the relative simplicity of a
one-dimensional model. This upgraded model distinguishes the
thermal impedance of the cathode junction from the thermal
impedance of the anode junction. The supporting bench test was
set up to use the calibrated off-state V/sub B0/ characteristic
rather than the calibrated on-state drop of the signal current.
It was found to be a more discriminating thermometer, responding
to any existing hot spot temperature caused by surge current
levels. Using certified thyristors, improved fault suppression
ratings were established and subsequently proved under real power
system conditions.
Subjet_terms :
thermal analogue; factory test method; thyristor fault
suppression ratings; one-dimensional thermal analogue; heat
sources; two-dimensional heat spreading; thermal impedance;
cathode junction; anode junction; surge current levels; 5 kV;
testing; thermal analysis; thyristors
Accession_Number : 3380133
References : 9
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