Fiche : [DIV189]
Titre : Recherche sur l'auteur Thierry MEYNARD, mai 2003.
Cité dans : [DIV096] Recherches bibliographiques diverses, janvier 2019. Cité dans :[THESE093]Auteur : Thierry LEQUEU
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Vers : Recherche maison du 22 février 2001
Vers : Recherche STN Easy du 15 mai 2001
Recherche maison du 22 février 2001 | ![]() |
[1] : [PAP202] H. PIQUET, T. MEYNARD, H. FOCH, Y. CHERON, Design tools and methods for power electronics, 1994. [2] : [SHEET406] [D3177], Onduleurs de tension - Mise en oeuvre, H. FOCH, F. FOREST, T. MEYNARD, Techniques de l'Ingénieur, août 2000, 20 pages. [3] : [SHEET108] T. MEYNARD, Performances dynamiques des convertisseurs multiniveaux, RIGE, vol. 1, no. 1, 1998. [4] : [SHEET104] D. PINON, M. FADEL, T. MEYNARD, Commande par mode glissant d'un hacheur à deux cellules : étude de l'installation des cycles limites, RIGE, vol. 1, no. 3, 1998. [5] : [SHEET103] G. GATEAU, P. MAUSSION, T. MEYNARD, Reconstructeur d'état en vue de la commande non linaire des convertisseurs multicellulaires série, RIGE, vol. 1, no. 3, 1998. [6] : [ART150] R. SIMARD, A. CHERITI, T.A. MEYNARD, K.A.-H. VENKATACHARI, A Eprom-Based PWM Modulator for a Three-Phase Soft Commutated Inverter [7] : [ART121] T. MEYNARD, Y. CHERON, S. LOUDOT, H. POULIQUEN, Filtre actif de courant pour réseau MT/HT [8] : [99ART089] [D3176], Onduleurs de tension, H. FOCH, F. FOREST, T. MEYNARD, Techniques de l'Ingénieur, novembre 1998, 18 pages. [9] : [PAP232] L. DEPREZ, F. FOREST, T. MEYNARD, Les convertisseurs multicellulaires série et les techniques de commutation douce : vers une structure multiniveaux / ARCP, EPF'98 -297 [10] : [PAP233] F. TOURKHANI, P. VIAROUGE, T.A. MEYNARD, Power Converter Steady-State Computation Using the Projected Lagrangian Method, PESC'97. [11] : [PAP234] C. TURPIN, F. RICHARDEAU, T. MEYNARD, F. FOREST, Mesure des pertes dans les convertisseurs de forte puissance par la méthode d'opposition, EPF'2000.
[12] : [REVUE094] La R.I.G.E., vol. 1, no. 3, 1998, Revue Internationale de Génie Electrique, France. [13] : [REVUE119] EPE Journal, European Power Electronics and Drives, Volume 6, N° 3-4, 1996. [14] : [REVUE095] La R.I.G.E., vol. 1, no. 1, 1998, Revue Internationale de Génie Electrique, France.
[15] : [DIV130] EPF'98, Electronique de Puissance du Futur, Belfort 1998. [16] : [DIV104] Liste des articles des Techniques de l'Ingénieur, janvier 2018. [17] : [99DIV087] Recherche sur les mots clés ONDULEUR*, août 2008. [18] : [99DIV060] Recherche sur les REDRESSEURS, février 2015. [19] : [DIV175] Recherche sur les mots clés DESIGN et STATIC et CONVERTER. [20] : [DIV163] Quelques publications du L.E.E.I., Novembre 1996. [21] : [DIV006] PESC'97, 28TH IEEE POWER ELECTRONICS SPECIALISTS CONFERENCE, June 22-27, 1997. [22] : [DIV004] T. LEQUEU, Cours d'Electronique de Puissance - 1999/2000, IUT GEII 2ème année, option EEP, notes de cours, juin 2000. [23] : [DATA124] EPF'2000, Electronique de Puissance du Futur, Lille, 29 novembre - 1 décembre 2000. [24] : [99DIV076] EPE'99, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Lausanne, Suisse, 7-9 septembre 1999.
Lien : pq/pq2000.pdf
Lien : PESC/PESC1999/TechProg.htm
Lien : pcim/pcimpc98.txt
Lien : pcim/im2000.pdf
Lien : EPE/epe99_lp.htm
Lien : EPE/epe99_ds.htm
Lien : EPE/epe97_ss.txt
Lien : private/SYCOSTO.pdf
Lien : PESC/PESC2000/pdf/advance.pdf
Lien : pcim/pc2000.pdf
Lien : EPE/EPE97_ct.txt
Lien : EPE/EPE97_ct.doc
Lien : EPE/EPE95_ct.txt
Lien : EPE/EPE95_ct.txt
Lien : DCC/DRIVES.txt
Recherche STN Easy du 15 mai 2001 | ![]() |
Titres COMPENDEX classés par Ordre chronologique | ![]() |
1 Failures-tolerance and remedial strategies of a PWM multicell inverter.
2 Multi-level Direct Torque Control with Imposed Switching Frequency and reduced ripple.
3 New approach to simplify the steady-state computation problem of a power converter.
4 Simulation-optimization system for the optimal design of a multilevel inverter.
5 Predictive sampling scale model for direct torque control of the induction machine fed by multilevel voltage-source inverters.
6 Evolution of induction motor control methods and related voltage-source inverter topologies.
7 Improved DTC strategy for induction motor control fed by a multi-cell voltage source inverter for high power applications.
8 Fuzzy phase control of series multicell converters.
9 Power system voltage balancing converter. Convertisseur de reequilibrage de la tension d'un reseau.
10 Towards modelling and nonlinear control of series multilevel converters.Application to chopper operation. De la modelisation a la commande non lineaire des convertisseurs multicellulaires serie. Application a la fonction hacheur.
11 Modeling of multilevel converters.
12 Study of parallel multicell converters: II. Analysis of the model. - Etude des convertissuers multicellulaires paralleles: II. Analyse du modele.
13 Study of parallel multicell converters: I. Modelling. - Etude des convertisseurs multicellulaires paralleles: I. Modelisation.
14 Multilevel converters and derived topologies for high power conversion.
15 Characteristics and design of multilevel choppers.
16 Simulation of short-circuit phenomena in IGBT.
17 Design tools and methods for power electronics.
18 A novel DC-DC resonant converter: Improving quasi-resonant converter characteristics.
19 A rugged soft commutated PWM inverter for AC drives.
20 Soft switching choppers.A study by the equivalent soft switching cell method. - Hacheurs a commutation douce.Etude par la methode de la cellule de commutation equivalente.
21 A EPROM-based PWM modulator for a three-phase soft commutated inverter.
22 A rugged soft commutated PWM inverter for AC drives.
Titres INSPEC classés par Ordre chronologique | ![]() |
25 Failures-tolerance and remedial strategies of a PWM multicell inverter.
26 Multi-level direct torque control with imposed switching frequency and reduced ripple.
27 Sliding mode controls for a two-cell chopper.
28 Novel topology for four-quadrant converter.
29 Insulated DC to DC ZVS converter with wide input voltage range.
30 Dynamic control and voltage balance of multilevel converters: large signal one-cycle response.
31 DiCoIF: a DTC strategy with imposed switching frequency for multi-cell VSI fed induction motor control.
32 A new approach to simplify the steady-state computation problem of a power converter.
33 A simulation-optimization system for the optimal design of a multilevel inverter.
34 A predictive sampling scale model for direct torque control of the induction machine fed by multilevel voltage-source inverters.
35 Control of series multicell converters by linear state feedback decoupling.
36 Evolution of induction motor control methods and related voltage-source inverter topologies.
37 An improved DTC strategy for induction motor control fed by a multi-cell voltage source inverter for high power applications.
38 4000 V-300 A eight-level IGBT inverter leg.
39 Power system voltage balancing converter.
40 Optimal design and experimental results of a multilevel inverter for an UPS application.
41 Fuzzy phase control of series multicell converters.
42 Power converter steady-state computation using the projected Lagrangian method.
43 Towards modelling and nonlinear control of series multilevel converters. Application to chopper operation.
44 Modeling of multilevel converters.
45 A multilevel rectifier with unity power factor and sinusoidal input current for high voltage applications.
46 Active current filter for MV/HV networks.
47 4000 V-300 A eight-level IGBT inverter leg.
48 Study of parallel multicell converters. II. Analysis of the model.
49 Study of parallel multicell converters. I. Modelling.
50 Multilevel converters and derived topologies for high power conversion.
51 Characteristics and design of multilevel choppers.
52 A CAD environment for power converters.
53 Design tools and methods for power electronics.
54 Simulation of short-circuit phenomena in IGBT.
55 A model of GTO compatible with power circuit simulation.
56 Multi-level conversion: high voltage choppers and voltage-source inverters.
57 Imbricated cells multi-level voltage-source inverters for high voltage applications.
58 Soft commutation.
59 Multi-level choppers for high voltage applications.
60 A novel DC-DC resonant converter: improving quasi-resonant converter characteristics.
61 The development of static convertors.
62 Circuit oriented simulation of power semiconductor using SUCCESS. Application to diodes and bipolar transistors.
63 A rugged soft commutated PWM inverter for AC drives.
64 Numerical analysis of thermal phenomena in a thyristor.
65 An EPROM-based PWM modulator for a three-phase soft commutated inverter.
66 Soft switching choppers: a study by the equivalent soft switching cell method.
67 A rugged soft commutated PWM inverter for AC drives.
68 Generalization of the resonant switch concept structures and performances.
69 Soft switchings in DC/DC converters: reduction of switching losses and of EMI generation.
70 Generalization of the resonant switch concept. Structures and performances.
71 Generalization of the resonant switch concept. Structures and performances.
[1] : [PAP266] F. RICHARDEAU, Ph. BAUDESSON, T. MEYNARD, Failures-tolerance and remedial strategies of a PWM multicell inverter, PESC'2000. [2] : [PAP267] F. TOURKHANI, Ph. VIAROUGE, T. MEYNARD, R. GAGNON, New approach to simplify the steady-state computation problem of a power converter, PESC'99. [3] : [PAP268] F. TOURKHANI, P. VIAROUGE, T. MEYNARD, A Simulation-Optimization System for the Optimal Design of a Multilevel Inverter, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 14, No. 6, 1999, pp. 1037-1045. [4] : [PAP269] G. GATEAU, P. MAUSSION, T. MEYNARD, De la modelisation a la commande non lineaire des convertisseurs multicellulaires serie. Application a la fonction hacheur, Journal De Physique III, Vol. 7, No. 6, June 1997, pp. 1277-1305. [5] : [PAP270] T. MEYNARD, M. FADEL, N. AOUDA, Modeling of multilevel converters, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 44, No. 3, June 1997, pp. 356-364. [6] : [PAP271] P. DAVANCENS, T. MEYNARD, Etude des convertisseurs multicellulaires paralleles: II. Analyse du modele., Journal De Physique III, Vol. 7, No. 1, Jan 1997, pp. 161-177. [7] : [PAP272] P. DAVANCENS, T. MEYNARD, Etude des convertisseurs multicellulaires paralleles: I. Modelisation, Journal De Physique III, Vol. 7, No. 1, Jan 1997, pp. 143-160. [8] : [PAP273] Multilevel converters and derived topologies for high power conversion. [9] : [PAP274] T.A. MEYNARD, Y. CHERON, H. FOCH, Generalization of the resonant switch concept structures and performances, RGE, no. 2, February 1988, pp. 37-47.
[10] : [PAP275] Soft switchings in DC/DC converters: reduction of switching losses and of EMI generation. [11] : [PAP276] O. RIEUX, P. LADOUX, T. MEYNARD, Insulated DC to DC ZVS converter with wide input voltage range, EPE'99, Lausanne, 11 pages. [12] : [PAP277] Control of series multicell converters by linear state feedback decoupling. [13] : [PAP278] P. CARRERE, T.A. MEYNARD, J.P. LAVIEVILLE, 4000 V-300 A eight-level IGBT inverter leg, EPE Journal, Aug.-Oct. 1997, Vol. 7, No. 1-2, pp. 39-44. [14] : [PAP279] F. TOURKHANI, P. VIAROUGE, T. MEYNARD, Optimal design and experimental results of a multilevel inverter for an UPS application, 1997 [15] : [PAP280] F. TOURKHANI, P. VIAROUGE, T.A. MEYNARD, A CAD environment for power converters, Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation, 1995, Volume 18-19, pp. 523-526. [16] : [PAP281] H. FOCH, Y. CHERON, M. METZ, T. MEYNARD, The development of static convertors, Revue Generale de l'Electricite, May 1992, No. 5, pp. 48-56. [17] : [PAP282] Numerical analysis of thermal phenomena in a thyristor. [18] : [LIVRE260] Y. CHERON, T. MEYNARD, C. GOODMAN, Soft commutation, Chapman & Hall, London, UK, 1992, 233 pages.
Ajout de septembre 2001 | ![]() |
[1] : [PAP320] G. Gateau, T.A. Meynard, H. Foch, Stacked Multicell Converter (SMC): Topology and control, EPE'2001. [2] : [PAP342] C. Turpin, F. Richardeau, T. Meynard, F. Forest, Auxiliary Resonant Commutated Pole Multicell Inverter Measurement of the Efficiency by the Opposition Method, EPE'2001. [3] : [PAP343] R.H. WILKINSON, T.A. MEYNARD, F. RICHARDEAU, J.H.R. ENSLIN, Dynamic Control and Voltage Balance of Multilevel Converters: Large Signal One-Cycle Response, EPE'99. [4] : [PAP345] F. RICHARDEAU, N. AOUDA, T. MEYNARD, Convertisseur de rééquilibrage de la tension d'un réseau, J. Phys. III, France, Vol. 7, August 1997, pp. 1677-1699 . [5] : [PAP349] Ph. Baudesson, F. Richardeau, T. Meynard, Caractérisation du convertisseur multicellulaire série en présence de défauts de commutation EPF'98, pp. 129. [6] : [PAP355] F. RICHARDEAU, Ph. BAUDESSON, T. MEYNARD, Design of a sensor to improve safety and short-circuit tolerance of a PWM multicell inverter, PCIM'2000.
[7] : [DIV174] EPE'2001, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Graz, Autriche, 27-28 août 2001. [8] : [PAP458] T.A. MEYNARD, H. FOCH, Multilevel choppers for high voltage applications, EPE Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 45-50, 1992. [9] : [DIV277] T.A. MEYNARD, H. FOCH, Brevet Français N° 91.09582, 25 Juillet 91, (Europe, Japon, USA, Canada) n°92/00652 du 8 Juillet 92.
Ajout de mai 2002 | ![]() |
[1] : [ART174] F. RICHARDEAU, P. BAUDESSON, T. MEYNARD, C. TURPIN, Fail-safe capability of a high voltage IGBT inverter source, Eur. Phys. J. AP 15, 189-198 (2001). [2] : [ART180] E. LEFEUVRE, T. MEYNARD, P. VIAROUGE, Gradateurs à découpage pour charges alimentées en alternatif par le réseau, La revue 3E.I, N°28, mars 2002, pp. 44-53. [3] : [THESE125] O. RIEUX, Convertisseur continu-continu isolé à large plage de tension d'entrée : conception d'une alimentation 36 kW pour auxiliaire ferroviaire, 8 novembre 2000, 212 pages.
Ajout d'octobre 2002 | ![]() |
[1] : [ART307] C.A. MARTINS, X. ROBOAM, T.A. MEYNARD, A.S. CARVALHO, Switching frequency imposition and ripple reduction in DTC drives by using a multilevel converter, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 17, Issue 2, March 2002, pp. 286-297. [2] : [99ART089] [D3176], Onduleurs de tension, H. FOCH, F. FOREST, T. MEYNARD, Techniques de l'Ingénieur, novembre 1998, 18 pages. [3] : [SHEET406] [D3177], Onduleurs de tension - Mise en oeuvre, H. FOCH, F. FOREST, T. MEYNARD, Techniques de l'Ingénieur, août 2000, 20 pages.
Ajout de mai 2003 | ![]() |
[1] : [ART407] T. Meynard, H. Foch, Imbricated cells multi-level voltage-source inverters for high voltage applications, European Power Electronique and Drives Journal, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 99-106, Juin 1993. [2] : [ART393] Use of extra degrees of freedom in multilevel drives [3] : [ART379] C. TURPIN, P. BAUDESSON, F. RICHARDEAU, F. FOREST, T.A. MEYNARD, Fault management of multicell converters, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49, No. 5, October 2002, pp. 988-997. [4] : [ART376] T.A. MEYNARD, H. FOCH, P. THOMAS, J. COURAULT, R. JAKOB, M. NAHRSTAEDT, Multicell Converters: Basic Concepts and Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49, No. 5, October 2002, pp. 955-964. [5] : [ART370] T.A. MEYNARD, H. FOCH, F. FOREST, C. TURPIN, F. RICHARDEAU, L. DELMAS, G. GATEAU, E. LEFEUVRE, Multicell Converters: Derived Topologies, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49, No. 5, October 2002, pp. 978-987. [6] : [ART372] G. GATEAU, M. FADEL, P. MAUSSION, R. BENSAID, T.A. MEYNARD, Multicell converters: active control and observation of flying-capacitor voltages, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49, No. 5, October 2002, pp. 998-1008. [7] : [ART374] H. ERTL, J.W. KOLAR, F.C. ZACH, A novel multicell DC-AC converter for applications in renewable energy systems, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49, No. 5, October 2002, pp. 1048-1057.
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