Livre : [LIVRE260]
Info : ANSWER 34, le 15/05/2001.
Titre : Y. CHERON, T. MEYNARD, C. GOODMAN, Soft commutation, Chapman & Hall, London, UK, 1992, 233 pages.
Cité dans : [DIV189] Recherche sur l'auteur Thierry MEYNARD, mai 2003. Cité dans : [DIV131] Recherche sur l'auteur Yvon CHERON, mars 2001. Cité dans :[ART374]Auteur : Cheron, Y.
Source : London, UK: Chapman & Hall, Kluwer Academic Publishers
Adresse : Kluwer Academic Publishers - PO Box 17 - 3300 AA Dordrecht
Web :
Phone : +31-78-639-2392
Fax : +31-78-639-2254
Lien : ""
Date : juin 1992
Pages : xi+ 1 233 pp.
Références : 105 refs.
ISBN : 0-412-39510-X
Document_Type : Book
Treatment_Code : Theoretical
Info : Country of Publication : United Kingdom
Language : English
Stockage :
Abstract :
The technique of soft commutation makes it possible to reduce both the stress on power electronic switches and the energy loss. This allows higher switching frequencies and reduces harmonic pollution of the supply or output. Soft Commutation is the first book on this topic and will be invaluable to engineers and graduate students involved in power electronics. The author provides a thorough introduction making use of the concept of duality to explain the principles of the technique, to place it in context in the field of power electronics and to present resonant converters, AC link converters, etc. Practical examples and extensive appendices assist the reader in applying the method.
Accession_Number : 1992:4280357 INSPEC
Résumé :
The author gives a thorough explanation of soft commutation making use of the concept of duality to
explain the principles of the technique and to place it in context in the field of power electronics.
Sommaire :
Constituent parts of static converters.
The concept of duality in static converters.
Resonant inverters.
Soft commutation.
Forced commutation.
Static conversion through an AC link.
Design and applications.
Appendix A1: Notation - normalized units.
Appendix A2: Small signal analysis and modelling of the series resonant converter operating above the natural frequency.
Appendix A3: Detailed analysis of the series resonant converter operating above the natural frequency.
Appendix A4: Optical control of the series resonant converter.
Appendix A5: Phase shift control.
Appendix A6: Controlled rectification and reversibility.
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