Article : [ART372]
Titre : G. GATEAU, M. FADEL, P. MAUSSION, R. BENSAID, T.A. MEYNARD, Multicell converters: active control and observation of flying-capacitor voltages, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49, No. 5, October 2002, pp. 998-1008.
Cité dans :[REVUE392] IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume 49, Issue 5, October 2002. Cité dans : [DIV189] Recherche sur l'auteur Thierry MEYNARD, mai 2003.Auteur : Gateau, G.
Source : IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
Pages : 998 - 1008
Volume : 49
Numéro : 5
Date : October 2002
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU, le 15 mai 2003.
ISSN : 0278-0046
Info : INSPEC Accession Number: 7413693
Lien : private/GATEAU1.pdf - 11 pages, 436 Ko.
Vers : Bibliographie
Abstract :
The multicell converters introduced more than ten years ago make it possible to
distribute the voltage constraints among series-connected switches and to improve
the output waveforms (increased number of levels and apparent frequency). The
balance of the constraints requires an appropriate distribution of the flying
voltages. This paper presents some solutions for the active control of the voltages
across the flying capacitors in the presence of rapid variation of the input voltage.
The latter part of this paper is dedicated to the observation of these voltages using
an original modeling of the converter.
Index-Terms :
Kalman filters capacitors power convertors power system harmonics switching circuits
voltage control Kalman filtering active control flying-capacitor voltages input voltage
multicell converters multilevel systems nonlinear systems output waveforms improvement
power electronics power systems harmonics series-connected switches
Bibliogaraphie | ![]() |
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