Fiche : [DIV174]
Titre : EPE'2001, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Graz, Autriche, 27-28 août 2001.
Cité dans : [CONF004] EPE, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, juillet 2012. Cité dans :[99DIV081] Dates des congrès sur les Convertisseurs Statiques, avril 2013. Cité dans : [DATA224] Liste alphabétique des conférences, août 2016. Cité dans : [DIV007] Classement par type de Congrés et de revues IEEE, avril 2003. Cité dans : [DIV003] Liste des actes de congrès par années, février 2003.
Congrés : 9th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications
Date : du 27 au 28 août 2001
Synopsis_deadline : 18 septembre 2000
Final_Paper : 31 may 2001
Vers : Liste des articles
Vers : L1a - Topic 2 - Matrix Converters
Vers : L2a - Topic 2 - Multilevel Converters
Vers : L3a - Topic 1 - Power Integration, New devices, Simulation and Modelling
Vers : L4a - Topic 1+12 - Devices
Vers : L5d - Topic 13 - Education
Vers : DS1.1 - Topic 2 - Multilevel and matrix converters, Modern line side converters, Emerging topologies
Vers : DS2.1 - Topic 1 - Power Integration, New devices, Simulation and Modelling
Vers : DS2.2 - Topic 1 - Devices
Vers : DS3.8 - Topic 11 - System engineering I
Vers : DS3.10 - Topic 13 - Education
Lien : EPE/EPE2001/default.htm - le 3 septembre 2001.
Lien : EPE/EPE2001/RegForm.pdf - 40 Ko, le 21 juin 2001.
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Liste des articles | ![]() |
[1] : [PAP315] S. OLAF, M. BRAUN, Theory of Vector Modulation for Matrix Converters, EPE 2001, 27 to 29 August 2001, Graz, Austria, 12 pages. [2] : [PAP316] Application of a new IGBT Module for Matrix Converter [3] : [PAP317] Measurement and Simulation of Commutation Phenomena in Direct AC-AC Converters [4] : [PAP318] Direct Torque Control using Matrix Converters: Improvements of the Input Line Current [5] : [PAP319] J. SONG-MANGUELLE, S. MARIETHOZ, M. VEENSTRA, A. RUFER, A Generalized Design Principle of a Uniform Step Asymmetric Multilevel Converter for High Power Conversion, EPE 2001, 27 to 29 August 2001, Graz, Austria, 12 pages. [6] : [PAP320] G. Gateau, T.A. Meynard, H. Foch, Stacked Multicell Converter (SMC): Topology and control, EPE'2001. [7] : [PAP321] A new range of medium voltage multilevel inverter-drives with floating capacitor technology [8] : [PAP322] Topology and Balance Control of Medium Voltage Multilevel Drives [9] : [PAP323] M. Marchesoni, P. Tenca, Theoretical and practical limits in mpc multilevel inverters, EPE'2001.
[10] : [PAP324] Characteristics of a Five-level Double Converter for IM Drive [11] : [PAP325] B. GIFFARD, B. CHARLET, L. CLAVELIER, C. BUJ-DUFOURNET, S. GIMONET, C. ANCEAU, F. DUCLOS, R. PEZZANI, J.-B. QUOIRIN, +/-600V +/-2A TRIAC in SOI substrates for domestic applications, EPE'2001. [12] : [PAP326] A. LINDEMANN, A New IGBT with Reverse Blocking Capability, EPE'2001. [13] : [PAP327] A. Alessandria, L. Fragapane, S. Musumeci, A New Monolithic Smart IGBT for Motor Control Application, EPE'2001. [14] : [PAP328] Silicon Nonlinear Capacitors [15] : [PAP329] Optimized diode design for IGBT´s and GCT´s switching circuits [16] : [PAP330] S. Faucher, C. Joubert, F. Forest, F. Wilmot, E. Labouré, F. Costa, Passive components integration for power electronic, EPE'2001. [17] : [PAP331] S.V. RYBIN, A.M. SURMA, E.A. LADYGIN, Comparison of the Switching Characteristics of High-Voltage Emitter Commutated Thyristors, Irradiated by Electrons and Protons, EPE 2001. [18] : [PAP332] P. BAUER, J. KOLAR, Teaching Power Electronics in 21 Century, EPE'2001. [19] : [PAP333] A. Matveyev, R. Nilssen, T. Undeland, C. Hartmann, Teaching magnetic design optimisation, EPE'2001, 10 pages.
[20] : [PAP334] H.V.D. BROEK, Students build their own SMPS or how to promote power electronics, EPE'2001. [21] : [PAP335] C. BODEL, Ph. DELARUE, R. BAUSIERE, Which topology for a multilevel inverter ?, EPE'2001. [22] : [PAP336] Static electrical behaviour of a monolithic power-logic association [23] : [PAP337] M. Breil, J-L . Sanchez, P. Austin, J-P. Laur, J. Jalade, R. Pezzani, F. Duclos, M. Roy, Design and optimization of MOS-thyristor structures with a di/dt active control capability for light dimming applications, EPE'2001. [24] : [PAP338] R. FERRAGUT, L. GONTHIER, D. MAGNON, J.C. LEBUNETEL, Understanding MBS turn-on behaviour in light dimmer applications, EPE'2001. [25] : [PAP339] N. RINALDI, A simple analytical approach for the thermal modeling of power devices and circuits, EPE'2001. [26] : [PAP340] B. L. Meng, H. Gualous, D. Bouquain, A. Djerdir, A. Berthon, J.M. Kauffmann, Thermal modeling and behavior of ultracapacitors for electric vehicle, EPE'2001. [27] : [PAP341] M. OSSMANN, Simple cheap converters for the classroom, EPE'2001. [28] : [PAP342] C. Turpin, F. Richardeau, T. Meynard, F. Forest, Auxiliary Resonant Commutated Pole Multicell Inverter Measurement of the Efficiency by the Opposition Method, EPE'2001. [29] : [PAP344] B. FRANCOIS, C. SAUDEMONT, M. FADEL, Direct Modulation of Electrical Conversions for a Multilevel Chopper, EPE'2001.
[30] : [PAP437] B. BOURSAT, F. BREIT, M. MERMET-GUYENNET, Improved power chip electrical connection, EPE'2001. [31] : [PAP456] E. LEFEUVRE, T. MEYNARD, P. VIAROUGE, Robust Two-Level and Multilevel PWM AC Choppers, EPE'2001. [32] : [PAP457] G. DE PREVILLE, Flicker mitigation. Application to a STATCOM, EPE'2001, 10 pages. [33] : [PAP487] S. NISHIKATA, S. KURODA, T. KATAOKA, Control strategy for reducing inrush current in three-phase UPS systems, EPE'2001. [34] : [PAP488] H.S. KIM, F. BLAABJERG, B. BAK-JENSEN, J. CHOI, Novel Instantaneous Power Compensation Theory in Three-Phase Systems, EPE'2001. [35] : [PAP489] H.S. KIM, F. BLAABJERG, B. BAK-JENSEN, Unified Definition of Powers in Single-Phase Systems and Three-Phase Systems, EPE'2001. [36] : [PAP499] J. Morren, M. Pavlovsky, S.W.H. de Haan, J.A. Ferreira, DC-DC conversion for offshore windfarms, EPE'2001, 11 pages. [37] : [ART277] C. RIVAS, A. RUFER, P.W.M. Current converter for electric energy production systems from fuel-cells, EPE'2001. [38] : [ART285] T. MARTIRE, C. JOUBERT, C. GLAIZE, B. ROUVIERE, An improved modular, along the sun pumping system, EPE'2001. [39] : [PAP522] K.W.E. CHENG, V.Y.T. MOK, X.D. XUE, K.W. CHAN, Discussion of problem based learning for teaching advanced power electronics techniques, EPE'2001, 9 pages.
[40] : [SHEET564] C. LAROUCI, J.-P. FERRIEUX, L. GERBAUD, J. ROUDET, Optimisation of the volume of a PFC Flyback structure under EMC and loss constraints, EPE'2001, 9 pages.
L1a - Topic 2 - Matrix Converters | ![]() |
PP00019 : Theory of Vector Modulation for Matrix Converters
Simon Olaf, Siemens AG; Braun M., Universität Karlsruhe, Germany
PP00416 : Application of a new IGBT Module for Matrixconverter
Bruckmann Manfred; Springmann; Simon, Siemens; Hornkamp; Loddenkoetter; Muenzer, eupec, Germany
PP00417 : Commutation Phenomena in Direct AC-AC Converters
Wheeler Patrick; Bland Micheal; Clare Jon; Empringham Lee, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
PP00949 : DTC using Matrix Converters: improvements of the input line current
Casadei Domenico; Matteini Marco; Serra Giovanni; Tani Angelo, University of Bologna, Italy; Blaabjerg Frede, Aalborg Univesity, Denmark
L2a - Topic 2 - Multilevel Converters | ![]() |
PP00190 : Generalized Asymmetric Multilevel Converter for High Power Conversion
Song-Manguelle Joseph; Mariethoz Sébastien; Veenstra Martin; Rufer Alfred, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, Switzerland
PP00233 : Stacked Multicell Converter (SMC): Structure and control
Gateau Guillaume; Foch Henri; Meynard Thierry, LEEI, France
PP00426 : A new range of medium voltage multilevel inverter-drives with floating
Beinhold Georg; Jakob Roland; Nahrstaedt Manfred, ALSTOM Power Conversion GmbH, Germany
PP00430 : Topology and Balance Control of Medium Voltage Multilevel Drives
Keller Christian; Jakob Roland, ALSTOM Power Conversion GmbH; Salama Samir, Technische Fachhochschule, Germany
PP00972 : Theoretical and practical limits in mpc multilevel inverters
Marchesoni Mario; Tenca Pierluigi, Università di Genova, Italy
PP00569 : Characteristics of a Five-level Double Converter for IM Drive
Ishida Takashi; Matsuse Kouki; Miyamoto Tetsuya, Meiji University; Sasagawa Kiyoaki, Fuji Electric Corporate Research and Development, Ltd.; Huang Lipei, Tsinghua University, China
L3a - Topic 1 - Power Integration, New devices, Simulation and Modelling | ![]() |
PP00259 : A New High Voltage Schottky Diode based on Silicon Carbide (SiC)
Phlippen Frank, ISET Institut fuer solare Energieversorgungstechnik e.V.; Burger Bruno, SMA Regelsysteme, Germany
PP00284 : New concept of integrated inverter and its experimentation in service
Fellmann Daniel, ALSTOM, France
PP00331 : 600V 2A TRIAC in SOI substrates for domestic applications
Giffard Benoit; Charlet Barbara; Clavelier Laurent; Buj-Dufournet Christel, CEA-LETI; Pezzani Robert; Quoirin Jean-Baptiste; Anceau Christine; Duclos Franck; Gimonet Sophie, ST Microelectronics, France
PP00389 : A New IGBT with Reverse Blocking Capability
Lindemann Andreas, IXYS Semiconductor GmbH, Germany
PP00564 : Utilization of Diamond Substrates for Power Electronics Packaging
Lostetter Alexander, University of Arkansas, United States
PP00748 : A New Monolithic Smart IGBT for Motor Control Application
Alessandria Antonino Sebastiano; Musumeci Salvatore; Fragapane Leonardo, STMicroelectronics, Italy
L4a - Topic 1+12 - Devices | ![]() |
PP00279 : Silicon Nonlinear Capacitors
Hakim Hedi; Laur Jean-Pierre; Sanchez Jean-Louis; Scheid Emmanuel; Dubreuil Pascal; Rossel Françoise, LAAS-CNRS, France
PP00379 : Optimized diode design for IGBT´s and GCT´s switching circuits.
Portesine Marco; Fasce Fioravante; Fratelli Luigi, Ansaldo Trasporti; Botto G., Ansaldo Ricerche; Cova Paolo; Menozzi Roberto, University of Parma; Pampili Pietro, Ansaldo Trasporti, Italy
PP00467 : Comparison of the swithing characteristics of high-voltage ECT....
Surma Alexey; Rybin Sergey, All-Russian Electrotechnical Institute; Ladygin Eugeny, Moscow Technology University of Steel and Alloys, Russian Federation
PP00525 : Passive components integration for power electronic
Faucher Sébastien, Univerité Montpellier II; Wilmot Franck; Labouré Eric, LESIR ENS-Cachan; Joubert Charles, Université Montpellier II; Costa François, LESIR ENS-Cachan; Forest François, Université Montpellier II, France
PP00667 : A 4.5kV-HVIGBT Module Family with Low VCE(stat)
Iwamoto H., Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Japan; Mochizuki K., Fukuryo Semiconductor Engineering Corporation, Japan; Ishii K., Merfert Igor, Mitsubishi Electric, Germany
L5d - Topic 13 - Education | ![]() |
PP00110 : Environmental engineering in the Power Electronics Education
Nilsson Annika; Karlsson Per, Lund University; Gertmar Lars, ABB Corporate Research, Sweden
PP00927 : Teaching Power Electronics in 21 Century
Bauer P., Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands; Kolar Johan,
PP01252 : Teaching magnetic design optimisation
Nilssen Robert; Undeland Tore, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway; Matveyev Alexey, Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University), Russian Federation; Hartmann Christian, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway
PP00802 : Students build their own SMPS or how to promote power electronics
van der Broeck Heinz, University of Applied Sciences Cologne, Germany
DS1.1 - Topic 2 - Multilevel and matrix converters, Modern line side converters, Emerging topologies | ![]() |
PP00235 : Three-level Inverter with hysteresis current control
Iglesias Jorge Ignacio; Lafoz Marcos, CEDEX, Spain
PP00236 : High power multilevel voltage sourced converters for ...
Kamp Peter; Wolf Matthias, Siemens AG, Germany
PP00247 : ARCP multicell inverter - Efficiency measurement by opposition method
Turpin Christophe; Richardeau Frédéric; Meynard Thierry, LEEI – ENSEEIHT; Forest François, Université de Montpellier II, France
PP00365 : Blanking times for the diode-less SiC JFET inverter bridge
Allebrand Bjorn; Nee Hans-Peter, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden
PP00367 : On the possibility to use SiC JFETs in Power Electronic circuits
Allebrand Bjorn; Nee Hans-Peter, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
PP00414 : A Double Connected Voltage Source Three-phase Diode Rectifier
Masukawa Shigeo; Iida, Shoji, Tokyo Denki University, Japan
PP00429 : Advanced Control of a Three-Level Voltage Source Converter Drive with
Böcker Joachim, DaimlerChrysler AG; Janning Jörg; Jebenstreit Helmut, ALSTOM Power Conversion GmbH, Germany
PP00536 : Development of a multilevel converter model of variation
Saudemont Christophe, ESIEE-AMIENS; Cambronne Jean Pascal, Université Paul Sabatier; Rombaut Christian, ENSAM, France
PP00560 : High Power Series Var Compensators Using Multi-Converter Modules at Lo
Chen Su; Joos Geza, Concordia University, Canada
PP00575 : Analytical equations for three level NPC converters
Tomta Gjermund; Nilsen Roy, NTNU-Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
PP00620 : Which topology for a multilevel inverter?
Bodel Catherine; Delarue Philippe; Bausiere Robert, L2EP, France
PP00731 : Comparative evaluation of 3-phase rectifiers
Grigore Vlad; Kyyrä Jorma, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
PP00749 : Multilevel Converter with 2 Stage-Conversion
Chabert Christophe, Antenne programme Lorient, France; Rufer Alfred, EPFL, Switzerland
PP00768 : Power Devices and DC-Bus Voltage Utilisation in NPDC IGCT Inverters
Cardoso Braz; Magalhães Silva Sidelmo, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; Santos Manoel Eustáquio, Açominas, Brazil
PP00781 : Matrix converter synchronous motor drive
Havrila Rastislav, Electrical Research and Testing Institute; Dobrucky Branislav; Balazovic Peter, University of Zilina, Slovakia
PP00849 : Coupled Inductor Fed DC/DC Converter for Battery Drive Applications
Roh Chung-Wook, Samsung Electronics Co.Ltd; Youn Myung-Joong; Han Seung-Hoon, Korea Advanced Institute of Technology; Seo Han-Sik, Samsung Electronics Co.Ltd, Republic of Korea
PP00978 : Switching behaviour of a generalized diode-clamped converter.
Bartholomeus Patrick; Le Moigne Philippe, L2EP - Ecole Centrale de Lille, France
PP01038 : Sliding Mode Control of Matrix Converters with Lead-Lag Power Factor
Ferreira Pinto Sónia; Pinto Sónia; Silva José, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
PP01175 : Design considerations of an inductorless high-V-ratio converter
Kosev Josif; Arsov Goce, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Macedonia
PP01210 : A new linear method for neutral point compensation in the NPCinverter
Scaglia Antonella; Mazzorin G., Ansaldo Sistemi Industriali, Italy
PP01275 : Switched line side current source inverter
Rafoth Axel; Schluß Andreas, University of Rostock; Petzoldt Juergen, University Ilmenau; Richter Kay, NORDEX Windturbines GmbH Rerik, Germany
PP01281 : High Order Output Design for Switched-Capacitor Resonant Converters
Cheng K.W.E.; Yeung Y.P., Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
PP00234 : Robust Two-Level and Multilevel PWM AC Choppers
Lefeuvre Elie, LEEI, France; Viarouge Philippe, LEEPCI, Canada; Meynard Thierry, LEEI, France
PP00439 : Modelling and Optimal Control of a Flying-Capacitor Inverter
Watkins Stephen James; Zhang Li, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
PP01023 : 3kV refurbishment chopper designed with 6.5 kV IGBT
Zorzynski David; Bodson Jean-Marie; Masselus Jean-Emmanuel; Colasse Alexis, ALSTOM Belgium; Belgium
DS2.1 - Topic 1 - Power Integration, New devices, Simulation and Modelling | ![]() |
PP00071 : Physics-Based Circuit Model for the Charge-Compensated Power-MOSFET
Lagies Arrasch Uwe, Universität der Bundeswehr München; Schlögl Andreas; Türkes Peter, Siemens AG; Kraus Rainer, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany
PP00094 : Traction Converter with 6.5kV IGBT Modules
Bakran Mark; Eckel Hans-Guenter, Siemens AG, Germany
PP00180 : 800V, 1A, 1-Chip Process for Battery Charger IC
Jeon Chang-Ki; Song Chang Sup; Kang Hyun Soon; Kim Jong Jib; Choi Young Suk; Kim Min Hwan; Kim Sung Lyong, Fairchild Semiconductor, Republic of Korea
PP00246 : Improvement of the Parallel Behavior IGBT Connections
Melito Maurizio, Stmicroelectronics; Raciti Angelo, University of Catania; Belverde Gaetano, Musumeci Salvatore, STMicroelectronics, Italy
PP00327 : The vertical Silicon carbide JFET - a fast and low loss solid state po
Friedrichs Peter; Dohnke Karl-Otto, SiCED Electronics Delopments GmbH & Co. KG, Germany; Schörner Reinhold; Mitlehner Heinz; Elpelt Rudolf; Stephani Dietrich;
PP00360 : SiC Schottky rectifiers: Performance, reliability and key application
Rupp Roland; Kapels Holger; Zverev Ilia; Treu Michael, Infineon Technologies; Weiß Jörg, Siemens AG, Germany
PP00386 : Dynamic behaviour of 4H SiC VJFETs
Weis Benno; Braun Matthias, Siemens AG; Friedrichs Peter, SiCED GmbH, Germany
PP00442 : VDMOS IPM with novel overtemperature protection
Lisik Zbigniew, Technical University of Lodz; Szmidt Jan, Warsaw University of Technology; Szczepaniak Zbigniew, Technical University of Lodz, Poland
PP00480 : Static electrical behaviour of a monolithic power-logic association
Dartigues Alexandre; Giffard Benoit, CEA-GRENOBLE / LETI; Perret Robert; Schaeffer Christian, Laboratoire d’Electrotechnique de Grenoble; Roy Mathieu; Anceau Christine, STMicroelectronics, France
PP00484 : IGBT-Module Driver Optimised for Electric Vehicle Applications
Jorda Xavier; Millan Jose; Godignon Philippe; Vellvehi Miquel, Centro Nacional de Microelectronica - CNM-CSIC, Spain; Schofield Nigel; Stone Dave, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
PP00548 : Analysis of the IGBT Behavior in ZVS commutation based on Measurments
Cotorogea-Pfeifer Maria; Aguayo Jesús; Claudio Abraham, CENIDET, Mexico
PP00590 : Jet impingement cooling for power IGBT chip
Meysenc Luc; Solomalala Pierre; utarde Emmanuel, Alstom Transport SA, France
PP00643 : A new Trench SSA-LIGBT on SOI Substrates
Jeon Byung-Chul; Choi Sung-Pil; Han Min-Koo; Lee Won-Oh, Seoul National University; Choi Yearn-Ik, Ajou University, Republic of Korea
PP00655 : Design and optimization of MOS-thyristor structures ...
Breil Marie; Sanchez Jean-Louis; Austin Patrick; Laur Jean-Pierre; Jalade Jean, LAAS-CNRS; Roy Mathieu; Duclos Franck; Pezzani Robert, ST Microelectronics, France
PP00657 : Improved power chip electrical connection
Breit Fabrice, ALSTOM Transport SA, France
PP00684 : Power Factor Correction IPM
Honsberg Marco, Mitsubishi Electric Europe BV, Germany; Iwasaki Mitsutaka; Iwamoto Hideo; Seo Mamoru, Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Japan
PP00715 : Dynamic Electro-Thermal Compact Model of Power Diode Dedicated to ...
Igic Petar; Mawby Phil; Towers Malcolm, University of Wales Swansea, United Kingdom
PP00746 : Design criteria of high voltage superjunction MPS diode
Napoli Ettore; Strollo Antonio G. M., University of Napoli “;Federico II”; De Caro Davide, University of Nap, Italy
PP00793 : A new SPICE model of VDMOS transistors
Rinaldi Niccolò; d´Alessandro Vincenzo, University of Naples “Federico II”; Frisina Ferruccio, ST Microelectronics, Italy
PP00880 : New control circuit for parallel IGBT connections
Musumeci Salvatore; Belverde Gaetano; Melito Maurizio, STMicroelectronics; Raciti Angelo, Catania University, Italy
PP00946 : The Sensitivity Analysis of the Base Resistance for the BRT
Oh Jae-Kun; Lim Moo-Sup; Han Min-Koo, Seoul Natonal University; Choi Yearn-Ik, Ajou University, Republic of Korea
DS2.2 - Topic 1 - Devices | ![]() |
PP00054 : Charge compensated MOSFET - How close to the ideal power switch?
Zverev Ilia, Infineon, Germany
PP00107 : IGBT Module Thermal Simulation
Janicki Marcin; Andrzej Napieralski, Technical University of Lodz, Poland
PP00165 : Review of 2D eddy current losses in SMPS transformers
Robert Frederic, Université Libre de Bruxelles; Schauwers Jean-Pierre, Cherokee; Mathys Pierre, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
PP00170 : Thick-film inductor
Prieto Miguel J.; Lopera Juan M.; Pernía Alberto M.; Martín Juan A.; Nuño Fernando, Universidad de Oviedo, Spain
PP00209 : Measurement of Radial Cathode-Current-Distribution During IGCT-Turnoff
Krafft Eberhard U.; Steimel Andreas, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
PP00241 : Influence of winding position on the inductance of hf-transformers
Albach Manfred; Voss Stephan; Roßmanith Hans, Universität Erlangen, Germany
PP00343 : Understanding IGBT turn-on behaviour in light dimmer applications
Ferragut Romain, ST Microelectronics; Magnon Didier, LMP (Power Microelectronics Laboratory); Gonthier Laurent, ST Microelectronics; Baillou Jean; Lebunetel Jean Charles, LMP (Power Microelectronics Laboratory), France
PP00451 : Loss analysis of integrated halfbridge drivers
Sauerlaender Georg, Philips Research Laboratories, Germany
PP00456 : Size advantage of coreless transformers in the MHz range
Ackermann Bernd; Waffenschmidt Eberhard, Philips Research Laboratories, Germany
PP00491 : Edge terminations for 6.5kV IGBTs
Flores David; Millan Jose; Rebollo Jose; Vellvehi Miquel; Hidalgo Salvador, Centro Nacional de Microelectronica - CNM-CSIC, Spain; Coulbeck Lee; Waind Peter; Newcombe David, Dynex Semiconductor, United Kingdom
PP00514 : Sizing Method of an External Capacitor for series association of Insul
Jeannin Pierre-Olivier; Schanen Jean-Luc; Frey David, Laboratoire d’Electrotechnique de Grenoble INPG/UJF, France
PP00648 : Achievement of a new peripheral planar structure ...
Causse Olivier; Austin Patrick; Sanchez Jean Louis; Bonnet Guillaume, LAAS-CNRS, France
PP00736 : A simple analytical approach for the thermal modeling of power devices
Rinaldi Niccolò, University of Naples, Italy
PP00794 : Modeling HF Resistance of Parallel Windings in Magnetic Components
Prieto Roberto; Cobos Jose; Garcia Oscar; Alou Pedro; Uceda Javier, UPM-DIE, Spain
PP00901 : A New Protection Circuit for 4.5kV Current Sense IEGT
Tai Hiromichi; Kitagawa Mitsuhiko, Toshiba Corporation, Japan
PP00904 : Thermal modeling and behavior of ultracapacitors for electric vehicle
Gualous Hamid; Meng L; Kauffmann Jean- Marie, IGE-L2ES; Bouquain David, CREEBEL; Djerdir Abdesslem; Berthon Alain, L2ES-CREEBEL, France
PP00981 : Improved Metalized Polypropylene Film Capacitors Reliability
El-Husseini Mohamad-Hussein; Venet Pascal; Rojat Gérard; Fathallah Mourad, Centre de Génie Electrique de Lyon – INSA, France
PP01034 : Commutation processes in a Zero Voltage Switching Hybrid DC Switch
Polman Herbert, Delft University of Technology; Kaanders Marcel, TNO Prins Maurits Laboratory; Ferreirra J.A., Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
PP01099 : Novel high frequency modular transformer with coaxial windings
Stepien Mariusz; Grzesik Boguslaw, Silesian University of Technology, Poland
DS3.8 - Topic 11 - System engineering I | ![]() |
PP00060 : EMI of a High Density Motor Drive System Using Printed Power Board
Mutoh Nobuyoshi; Kayhan Gulez; Harashima Fumio; Ogata Mitsukatsu, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology, Japan
PP00184 : Analysis of Mis-operation Caused by EMI in Power Electronic Equipment
Liu Dehong; Jiang Jianguo; Zhao Zhengming, Tsinghua University, China
PP00286 : Determining of HF CM model impedance parameters with ANN for EMI EMIS.
Gulez Kayhan; Mutoh Nobuyoshi; Harashima Fumio, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology; Ohnishi Kouhei, Keio University, Japan; Uzunoglu Mehmet, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey
PP00368 : Optimization of volume of a PFC Flyback structure under EMC constraint
Larouci Cherif; Ferrieux Jean Paul; Roudet James; Gerbaud Laurent, Laboratoire d´Electrotechnique de Grenoble, France
PP00372 : Investigation of Phenomena in the System Voltage Inverter-Cable-Motor
Peroutka Zdenek; Kus Vaclav, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
PP00381 : FDTD Based Analysis of Heat Sink Effects in SMPS Circuits
Felic Gordana; Evans Rob, The University of Melbourne, Australia
PP00424 : Ground Interconnections Optimal Topology for DC Power Supply
Dragomirescu Daniela, LAAS-CNRS, France; Dragomirescu Ovidiu, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania
PP00440 : Switching cell analyse as main EMC sources in Power Electronic.
Bensoam Michel; Duloung Corinne; Lafore Dominique, CEGEMA ESIM, France
PP00609 : Common Mode EMI prediction for three-phase inverter
Gonzalez Diez David; Balcells Josep; Lamich Manel; Gago Javier, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
PP00612 : PCB diagnosis with high resolution HF magnetic probe
Gonzalez Diez David; Gago Javier; Balcells Josep, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
PP00627 : Side effects of LISN on EMI measurements in power converters
Balcells Sendra; Gonzalez David; Gago Javier; Lamich Manel, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
PP00632 : Evaluation and Prediction of conducted EMI Generated by Inverters
Hoene Eckart; John Werner; Reichl Herbert, Fraunhofer IZM; Michel Manfred, Tu-Berlin, Germany
PP00826 : Integrated Design Approach of Medium Power Inverters optimized for EMC
Profumo Francesco; Chiadò Caponet Marco, Politecnico di Torino, Italy; De Doncker Rik, Institut für Stromrichtertechnik und Elektrische Antriebe, Germany
PP00889 : Busbar equivalent circuit for electrical simulation
Besacier Maxime; Roudet James; Schanen Jean-Luc; Suau pierre, LEG (Laboratoire d´Electrotechnique de Grenoble), France
PP01027 : New indices to evaluate the quality of the current absorbed by a load
Dell’Aquila Antonio; Marinelli Maria, Politecnico di Bari, Italy
PP01042 : Conducted EMI Interference Suppression in Symmetrical non Regulated...
Carrasco Solís Juan Manuel, Seville University; Pérez Ridao Francisco; Carrasco Solís Juan Manuel; García Franquelo Leopoldo, Escuela Superior de Ingenieros de Sevilla, Spain
PP01242 : Propagation of conducted electromagnetic interference
Iwan Krzysztof; Luszcz Jaroslaw; Nieznanski Janusz, Gdansk Technical University, Poland
PP01039 : Control of 50Hz-16Hz2/3 inverter for 15kV railway network
de Préville Guillaume; Lapierre Olivier; Matuszak Daniel, Alstom power conversion, France
[1] : [PAP609] G. DE PREVILLE, O. LAPIERRE , D. MATUSZAK, Control of 50Hz-16Hz2/3 inverter for 15kV railway network, EPE'2001, 8 pages.Lien : private/2001PP01039.pdf - 8 pages, 276 Ko.
DS3.10 - Topic 13 - Education | ![]() |
PP00185 : Development of advanced courses on power electronics
Lupco Karadzinov, Tomislav Dzhekov, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Macedonia; David Hamill, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
PP00302 : Modelling and simulation of H-multivel inverters
Rodriguez Jose; Correa Pablo, Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Chile
PP00325 : Strategies for increasing enrolments in power electronic & drives
Round Simon; Duke Richard, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
PP00478 : Multimedia CAI program of power electronics for college students
Kanmachi Toshiyuki; Kanno Toshihiro, Sendai National College of Technology; Ando Itaru, Akita National College of Technology; Kaino Keimei, Sendai National College of Technology, Japan
PP00682 : Simple cheap converters for the classroom
Ossmann Martin, Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Germany
PP00834 : DSP based emulator for wind power generation systems
Moreno Alfonso Narciso; Carrasco Solis Juan Manuel; Galvan Diez Eduardo; Perales Estevez Manuel; Garcia Franquelo Leopoldo, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
PP01075 : Multimedia laboratory for power electronics
Jakopovic Zeljko; Bencic Zvonko; Sunde Viktor, Faculty of electrical engineering and computing, Croatia
PP01244 : Creation of web learning materials for an MSc in power electronics
Forsyth Andrew J; Westmancott Oliver James, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
PP01282 : Discussion of problem based learning for teaching advanced power electronics techniques
Mok V.Y.T., Open University; Chan K.W.; Leung C.W., The Hong Kong University of Scence and Technology, Hong Kong
[1] : [PAP522] K.W.E. CHENG, V.Y.T. MOK, X.D. XUE, K.W. CHAN, Discussion of problem based learning for teaching advanced power electronics techniques, EPE'2001, 9 pages.
PP00411 : Simplified analytical description of static converter in time
Skarpetowski Grzegorz, Bombardier Transportation, Switzerland
PP00614 : Integrative Scheme/Tool for Automated Development of SPMS
Fröhleke Norbert, University of Paderborn, Germany
PP01017 : Implementation of DAQ System as an educational tool for El. Machines
Dedes Michael, University of Patras, Greece
PP01051 : A program for Snubber Design and Macromodel Generation in Java
Regidor Juan Claudio; Guzman Victor Manuel; Gimenez Maria Isabel, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Venezuela
PP01059 : Computer-Oriented Course of “Power Electronics”
Zinoviev Gennady; Gnatenko Maxim, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Russian Federation
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