F. RICHARDEAU, Ph. BAUDESSON, T. MEYNARD, "Failures-tolerance and remedial strategies of a PWM multicell inverter", PESC'2000.
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Article : [PAP266]

Info : ANSWER 1, le 15/05/2001.

Titre : F. RICHARDEAU, Ph. BAUDESSON, T. MEYNARD, Failures-tolerance and remedial strategies of a PWM multicell inverter, PESC'2000.

Cité dans : [CONF012] PESC, Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PELS Society, juin 2007.
Cité dans : [DIV245]  Recherche sur l'auteur Fredéric RICHARDEAU, mars 2002.
Cité dans : [DIV189]  Recherche sur l'auteur Thierry MEYNARD, mai 2003.
Auteur : Richardeau, F. (Cent Natl de la Recherche Scientifique, Toulouse, Fr)
Auteur : Baudesson, Ph.
Auteur : Meynard, T.

Meeting : 2000 IEEE 31st Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC). Location : Galway, UK
Source : PESC Record - IEEE Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference v 2 2000. p 649-654, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 00CB37018
ISSN : 0275-9306
Année : 2000
Meeting_Number : 45002
Info : Document_Type : Conference Article - Treatment_Code : Theoretical - Language : English
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : private/RICHARDEAU1.pdf - 6 pages, 602 Ko.

Abstract :
The aim of this paper is to explain the specific short-circuit tolerance of an IGBT multicell inverter when a commutation failure occurs. IGBT stresses are described and calculated. The design and the lab-test of a sensor able to perform monitoring and failure diagnosis are also presented. The real-time diagnosis allows either a safe stop or a remedial control strategy based on the reconfiguration of the PWM modulator. Fail-safe operating may be gained for high power applications.(Author abstract) 5 Refs.

Accession_Number : 2001(15):2538 COMPENDEX

Autres informations


Source : Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2000. PESC 00. 2000 IEEE 31st Annual
Pages : 649 - 654 vol.2
Date : 18-23 June 2000
ISBN : 0-7803-5692-6
Info : IEEE Catalog Number: 00CH37018
Info : Total Pages : 3 vol. xxv+1662
References : 5
Accession_Number : 6866323

Abstract :
The aim of this paper is to explain the specific short-circuit
tolerance of an IGBT multicell inverter when a commutation
failure occurs. IGBT stresses are described and calculated. The
design and the lab-test of a sensor able to perform monitoring
and failure diagnosis are also presented. The real-time diagnosis
allows either a safe stop or a remedial control strategy based on
the reconfiguration of the PWM modulator. Fail-safe operation may
be gained for high power applications.

Subject_terms :
PWM invertors; DC-AC power convertors; power bipolar transistors;
insulated gate bipolar transistors; bipolar transistor switches;
fault tolerance; fault diagnosis; short-circuit currents;
monitoring; switching circuits; power semiconductor switches;
electric sensing devices; PWM multicell inverter; fault
tolerance; remedial strategies; short-circuit tolerance; IGBT
multicell inverter; commutation failure; IGBT stresses;
monitoring sensor; failure diagnosis sensor; safe stop; remedial
control strategy; PWM modulator reconfiguration; high power

Informations from STN Easy


Info : REPONSE 1, le 22/09/2001.
Meeting : 2000 IEEE 31st Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC).
Location : Galway, UK
Source : PESC Record - IEEE Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference v 2 2000. p 649-654, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 00CB37018
ISSN : 0275-9306
Année : 2000
Meeting_Number : 45002
Document_Type : Conference Article
Treatment_Code : Theoretical
Language : English

Abstract :
The aim of this paper is to explain the specific short-circuit tolerance of an IGBT multicell inverter when a commutation failure occurs. IGBT stresses are described and calculated. The design and the lab-test of a sensor able to perform monitoring and failure diagnosis are also presented. The real-time diagnosis allows either a safe stop or a remedial control strategy based on the reconfiguration of the PWM modulator. Fail-safe operating may be gained for high power applications.(Author abstract) 5 Refs.

Accession_Number : 2001(15):2538 COMPENDEX

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