Association & Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
8th European Conference
on Power Electronics and Applications
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1.1 : Topic 1 |
High Power Discretes
and Hybrid Integration
(Jean-Claude Coudert, International Rectifier,
France) |
- Silicon Modules of High Energy Capability for the
Absorption of Surge Voltages
Obreja Vasile V. N., National Institute for
Microtechnology (IMT); Banu Viorel, Lakatos Eugen,
Baneasa S.A., Romania
- Comparison of Modified Punch-Through and Non-Punch
Through IGBTs for Soft Switching Topologies
Pickert V., SEMIKRON International, Germany
- IPM: A Power Electronic Switch for Modular High Power
Traction Converters
Hilpert Gerald, Marquardt Jörg, ABB Daimler-Benz
Transportation Ltd., Switzerland
- Electrical and Thermal Characterization of High Power
Press-Packed IGBT
Camera A., Crovetto C., Fasce F., Pasqualetti M.,
Portesine M., Scicolone R., Zani P.E., Ansaldo Trasnporti
SpA, Italy
- The Causes of Current Redistribution in IGBTs During
Joyce J.C., Palmer P.R., Cambridge University, United
- State of the Art of Integrated Power Modules (IPMs) for
0.75kW and 2kW Drive Applications
Flannery John, Meinhardt Mike, Cheasty Philip, Byrne
Patrick, University College, Ireland; Briggs Ken, Barrass
Pete, Drury Bill, Control Techniques plc, United Kingdom
- New Diodes with Pressure Contact for Hard-Switched High
Power Converters
Beuermann M., Barthelmeß R., Winter N., Eupec, Germany
- Design and Manufacturing of Application Specific High
Power Converters
Grüning H.E., ABB Industrie AG, Switzerland
- Design Concepts of a Bondless Pressure Contact IGBT
Evans M., Wakeman F., Alderton W., Irons R., Westcode
Semiconductors, United Kingdom
- Analysis of the Dynamic Behaviour of Parallel IGBTs
Rahimo M.T., Semelab plc, United Kingdom
- Thyristor Intelligent Power Module (IPM) with Temperature
Lisik Zbigniew, Michalski Tadeusz, Szczepaniak Zbigniew,
Technical University of Lodz, Poland
- A New IGBT Chip Design for 2.5kV Power Pack IGBT with
High Withstand Capability
Yasukazu Seki, Koh Yoshikawa, Takeharu Koga, Takeshi
Fujii, Yoshikazu Takahashi, Fuji Electric Co. Ltd., Japan
- Reliability Test of Power IGBTs for Railway
Fratelli Luigi, Giannini G., Cascone B., Busatto G.,
Ansaldo Trasporti s.p.a., Italy
- High Voltage Power Module with Extended Reliability
Scheuermann U., Lutz J., Semikron Elektronik GmbH,
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1.2 : Topic 1 |
Power Integrated
(Jean-Louis Sanchez, LAAS- CNRS, France) |
- Fast Isolated IGBT Driver with Desaturation Protection
and Fault Feedback
Van den Bossche Alex, Universiteit Gent, Belgium;
Valtchev Ventzislav, Technical University of Varna,
Bulgaria; Clotea Luminita, Transilvania University of
Brasov, Romania; Melkebeek Jan, Universiteit Gent,
- Electrical Behaviour of a New Gallium Arsenide Schottky
Diode for Power Applications
Lindemann A., IXYS Semiconductor GmbH, Germany
- An Active Gate Drive with Three-Stage Control and Fast
Protection for High Power IGBTs
Vinod John, University of Wisconsin, USA; Suh Bum-Seok,
Samsung Electronics, Korea; Lipo Thomas A., University of
Wisconsin, USA
- Anomalous Overvoltage Oscillations in the Reverse
Recovery of Power p-i-n Diodes: Experiments and
Cova Paolo, Menozzi R., University of Parma; Pasqualetti
M., Portesine M., Scicolone R., Zerbinati B., Ansaldo
Trasporti, Italy
- Long-term Evolution of Power MOS Component - Experiment
and Theory
Bouzourene A., Rojat G., Viverge P-J., Grellet G.,
University of Science Claude Bernard Lyon I, France
- Monolithic Integration of High Voltage Devices Compatible
with a Standard 5-V CMOS Technology
Gontrand Ch., Institut National des Sciences Appliquées
de Lyon; Villard B., Atmel, Chante J.P., Institut
National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon; Pedron Th.,
Atmel, France
- Three-Level High-Power Inverters with IGCT and IGBT
Elements Compared on the Basis of Measurements of the
Device Losses
Krafft E., Ruhr-Universität Bochum; Steimel A.,
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany, Steinke Jürgen, ABB
Industrie AG, Switzerland
- Behaviour of Fast and Ultra-Fast 600V Punch-Through IGBT
under Unclamped Inductive Switching Stress at High
Azzopardi S., Yokohama National University, Japan;
Vinassa J.M., Zardini C., Université Bordeaux I, France
- SMARTMOS™ Technology Evolutions
Vareilhias Françoise, Mounier Philippe, Motorola
Semiconducteurs, France
- Automatic Timing of Mode Transitions in the Multiple
State Thyristor
Stark B. H., Palmer P. R., Cambridge University, United
- The MBS (Mos Bidirectional Switch) a New MOS Switch With
Reverse Blocking Voltage
Roy Mathieu, Gonthier Laurent, Anceau Christine,
Application Laboratory STMicroelectronics; Giffard
Benoit, CEA-LETI, France
- A Novel Overvoltage Protected Logic Level AC Switch
Thanks to Functional Integration
Gonthier Laurent, Duclos Franck, STMicroelectronics;
Mathias Joël, Laboratoire de Microélectronique de
Puissance, France
- Use of a "Normally On" GTO in a Linear Mode to
Commute Lower than 1 kW Powers on 240 V/50 Hz
Guitton Fabrice, Magnon Didier, STMicroelectronics,
- A New Lateral DMOSFET Structure with Extremely Reduced
On-Resistance and Enhanced Breakdown Voltage
Zitouni M., Morancho F., Tranduc H., Rossel P.,
LAAS-CNRS, France; Buxo J., Motorola Inc., USA; Pagès
I., Motorola Semiconductors S.A., France
- New Integrated Device for Units Protection:
Circuit-Breaker Structures
Laur J.-P., Sanchez J.-L., Austin P., Jalade J.,
Marmouget M., Breil M., LAAS du CNRS, Roy M., S-T
Microelectronics Discrete and Standard ISS Group,
- Serial Connected Active Voltage Clamping
Lausenaz Yvan, Chatroux Daniel, Villard Jean François,
CEA VALRHO DTE/SLC/LETC, France; Lafore Dominique, Li
Jean-Michel, Ecole Supérieure dIngénieurs de
Marseille, France
- How to Make an IGBT Faster in Soft Switching Applications
Kleveland Frode, Undeland Tore M., Norwegian University
of Science and Technology; Langelid John K., Elva
Induksjon A/S, Norway
- High-voltage Cascode Monolithic Switch in QRC
Melito M., Belverde G., Galluzzo A., Musumeci S.,
STMicroelectronics; Raciti A., University of Catania,
- Performance Evaluation of Series Connected IGBT Switching
Melito M., Belverde G., Galluzzo A., Musumeci S.,
STMicroelectronics; Raciti A., University of Catania,
- The Gate-shifted LDD-NMOS
Santos P., Casimiro A.P., Castro Simas M.I., Lança M.,
Insituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
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1.3 : Topic 2 |
Power Converter
(José M. Espi, G.H. Elin Int. sa, Spain) |
- Space Vectors of Output Voltages of Reactor-Coupled
Three-Phase Multilevel Voltage-Source Inverters
Kuniomi Oguchi, Toshiharu Karaki, Nobukazu Hoshi, Ibaraki
University, Japan
- Comparison of PWM Operated Resonant DC-Voltage Link
Bachmann G., Mutschler P., Darmstadt University of
Technology, Germany
- Internal Model Control for DC/DC Converters
Gadoura Idris, Helsinki Uniersity of Technology; Suntio
Teuvo, University of Oulu, Finland
- Novel Zero Current Switching High Frequency Inverters
with Constant Frequency Power Control
Hatanaka Yoshihiro, Kirihara Akio, Shimajiri Satoru,
Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine, Japan
- PWM Schemes for Three-Phase Current Source Inverter in
Photovoltaic Power System
Ida Shoji, Fujikawa Hiroyuki, Masukawa Shigeo, Tokyo
Denki University, Japan
- A Simple Neutral Point Control for Three Level PWM
Rodriguez R., Silva C., Universidad Técnica Federico
Santa Maria; Wiechmann E., Universidad de Concepcion,
- DC-DC Converters for Two-Quadrant Operation with
Controlled Output Voltage
Schibli Nikolaus, LEI - Laboratoire dElectronique
Industrielle, Switzerland
- Dynamic Control and Voltage Balance of Multilevel
Wilkinson R. H., University of Stellenbosch, South
Africa; Meynard T. A., Laboratoire
dElectrotechnique et dElectronique
Industrielle France; Enslin J. H. R., University of
Stellenbosch, South Africa
- Optimal Drive Control Timing in Soft-Switched Nested-Cell
Dijkhuizen F. R., Dufarte J. L., Eindhoven University of
Technology, The Netherlands
- Performance of a Two Steps Commutated Matrix Converter
for AC-Variable-Speed Drives
Ziegler M., Hofmann W., Technical Univeristy of Chemnitz,
- Wide-Bandwidth Current-Source Converter Based on
Interleaved Power Modules
Duarte J.L., Batchvarov J.S., Eindhoven University of
Technology, The Netherlands
- Reduction of Losses in the DC Link Capacitor of Two-Stage
Self-Commutated converters
Sack L., University of Erlangen, Germany
- On Output Capacitor Size in Boost-Type Power-Converters
with Constant Power
Carlsson A., Alaküla Mats, Lund Institute of Technology;
Gertmar Lars, ABB Corporate Research, Sweden
- Comparison of Control Strategies for Series-Resonant
Full-Bridge Inverter for Induction Cookers
Monterde Fernando, Hernandez Pablo, Burdio José M.,
University of Zaragoza; Garcia José R., Balay sa
(Bosch-Siemens Hausgeräte); Martinez Abelardo,
University of Zaragoza, Spain
- Digital Control of a Three Phase 4 Wire PWM Inverter for
PV Application
El-Barbari Said, Hofmann W., University of Technology
Chemnitz, Germany
- A New Carrierwave-Based SVPWM for Multilevel H-Bridge
Kang Dae-Wook, Lee Yo-Han, Suh Bum-Seok, Choi Chang-Ho,
Hyun Dong-Seok, Hanyang University, South Korea
- SVPWM for Small Fluctuation of Neutral Point Currenbt in
High Index Modulation Region of the Three-Level Inverter
Kim Rae-Young, Lee Yo-Han, Hyun Dong-Seok, Hyanyang
University, South Korea
- Harmonic Reduction in DC Link Current of a PWM Drive by
Direct Ripple Reinjection
Hidalgo Francisco M. Pérez, Heredia Larrubia Juan R.,
Vargas Merino Francisco, University of Malaga, Spain
- Three Self-Resonant PWM Forward Converter Presented in a
Comparative Form
de Freitas Luiz Carlos, Dias Célio Padua, Pereira
Adriano Alves, Vieira Joao Batista Jr., Farias Valdeir
José, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Brazil
- A Novel Current-Mode Control Method for PWM DC/DC
Ninkovic Predrag, EE Institute Nikola Tesla, Yugoslavia;
Jankovic Marko, Saitama university, Japan
- Design Problems and Real Characteristics of Practical
Zero-Voltage Switching Quasi-Resonant Converters
Tatakis E.C., Polyzos N.P., University of Patras, Greece
- A New Conception of a Battery Regulation Unit for
Navarro A.E., Carrasco J.A., Ferreres A., Dede E.,
University of Valencia, Spain
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1.4 : Topic 2 |
Circuit Analysis and
(Edith Navarro, G.H. Elin Int. sa, Spain) |
- Comparison of Methods for Power Loss Reduction in the
Vertical Deflection Power Amplifiers in TV-sets
Frederiksen Thomas M. Technical University of Denmark;
Larsen Niels B., Bang & Olufsen A/S Andersen Michael
A.E., Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
- Use of the Transformer Polygon Equivalent Circuit in
Analysis of the Input Converter in AC Traction Drives
Skarpetowski Grzegorz Adtranz CHTRA, Switzerland
- Analysis and Simulation of Three-Level Voltage Source
Inverters and its Application to Flywheel Energy Storage
Iglesias I. J., Agudo A., CEDEX Edificio CETA, Spain
- A New Multilevel Inverter Topology with a Hybrid Approach
Suh Bum-Seok, Lee Yo-Han, Hyun Dong-Seok, Hanyang
University, South Korea; Lipo Thomas A., University of
Wisconsin-Madison, USA
- High Power Factor High Efficiency Bidrectional GTO
Rectifier for Locomotive Application (2nd part)
Bou Saada J., Colignon P., Delporte L., Thomas P., Alstom
Belgium; Mathys Pierre, Osée M., Université Libre de
Bruxelles, Belgium
- Multilevel Converters. A Survey
Teodorescu Remus, Blaabjerg Frede, Pedersen John, Aalborg
University, Denmark; Cengelci E., Sulistijo S.U., Woo
B.O., Enjeti Prasad, Texas A&M University, USA
- Bi-directional Switch Commutation for an IGBT Matrix
Empringham Lee, Wheeler Patrick W., Clare Jon, University
of Nottingham, United Kingdom
- Maximizing of Output Power of Parallel Resonant Inverter
by means of Frequency and Amplitude Control
Grzesik B., Kaczmarczyk Zbigniew, Kasprzak Marcin,
Silesian Technical University, Poland
- A Generalized Approach to Obtain the Steady-State
Characteristics of DC/DC and DC/AC Resonant Converter
Lamaison-Urioste R.M., Esquivel A., Bordonau J.,
Peracaula J., Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain
- Modelling and Control Design Issues for the Modified
Series Resonant Converter
Mollov Stefan, Forsyth A.J., The University of
Birmingham, United Kingdom
- Sliding Mode Control Strategy Applied to
Parallel-connected Converters
Lopez Mariano, Garcia de Vicuna Luis, Castilla Miguel,
Lopez Oscar, Matas José, Universidad Politecnica de
Cataluna, Spain
- Modeling of a Phase Loop Lock Controlled Resonant DC-AC
Hubé J.M., Flieller D., ENSAIS; Louis J.P., LESIR URA,
- Multilevel Converters Industrial Interest
Courault J., Lapierre O., Pouliquen J.L., Alstom Cegelec,
- Logic Approach for Balancing the Voltage of the Floating
Capacitors of a 5-level Flying Capacitor Converter
Escalante Miguel F., Vannier Jean-Claude, Supelec, France
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1.5 : Topic 2 |
High Frequency
Converter Applications
(Enrique Dede, G.H.Elin Int.SA, Spain) |
- A Full Regulated Two Output Forward Converter with a
Novel Parallel Regulation Technique
Ferreres A.F., Carrasco J.A., Navarro E., Dede E.J.,
University of Valencia, Spain
- DC Voltage Ripple Suppression in Three-phase Buck Diode
Rectifiers with Unity Power Factor
Song Joong-Ho, Kim Yong-Duck, Lee Dong-Yun, Choy Ick,
Choi Joo-Yeop, Intelligent Control Research Center KIST,
South Korea
- An Overcurrent Portection Coordination in Converters with
IGBT Transistors
Januszewski Stefan, Zymmer Krzysztof, Electrotechnical
Institute, Poland
- Sliding Mode Control of Space Vector Modulated Matrix
Converter with Sinusoidal Input/Output Waverforms and
Unity Input Power Factor
Ferreira Pinto Sonia, Fernando Silva J., Technical
University of Lisbon, Portugal
- Sliding-LQR Based Control of DC-DC Converters
Matas José, Garcia de Vicuna Luis, Lopez Oscar, Lopez
Mariano, Castilla Miguel, Universidad Politecnica de
Cataluna, Spain
- Input Converter for Three-Phase, Three-Level Voltage PWM
Inverter with Variable Structure Control
Pawlaczyk Leszek, Wroclaw University of Technology,
- Energy-Efficient Alternative Current Electrical Drives
with ZC/DC Convertors Based on Active Rectifier
Schreiner Rudolf T., Efimov Alexander A., Zinoviev
Grigory S., Smekhnov Anton M., Kalygin Andrey I.,
Novouralsk Polytechnic University MIFI, Russia
- Modelling and PWM Strategies of a Nine Levels NPC Voltage
Source Inverter. Application to the Induction Machine
Oudjebour Z., Berkouk E.M., Ecole Nationale Polytechnique
Algeria; Manesse G., CNAM, France
- PWM Strategies of a Seven Levels NPC Source Voltage
Inverter. Application to the Induction Machine Drive
Gheraia H., Berkouk E.M., Ecole Nationale Polytechnique
Algeria; Manesse G., CNAM, France
- Analysis of DC-link Voltages Balance in AC-DC-AC
Diode-clamped Capacitors Multilevel Converters
Mazzucchelli Maurizio, Universita degli Studi di Genova;
Marchesoni Mario, Universita degli Studi di Cagliari,
Tenca Pierluigi, Universita degli Studi di Genova, Italy
- Resonant Inverters with Improved Output Characteristics
in Application for Corona Discharge Treatment
Mucko J., Strzelecki R., Institute of Industrial
Electrical Engineering; Kozakiewicz J., Lutomirski S.,
- Sine-Wave Voltage Inverter for Variable Speed Cage
Induction Motor Drive System
Koczara W., Seliga R., Matraszek J., Technical University
of Warsaw, Poland
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1.6 : Topic 5 |
Permanent Magnet
(Ronny Belmans, KU Leuven, Belgium) |
- Synchronous Multi-Motor Drive with Field Oriented
Position Control for Windpower Pitch Drive Application
Dittrich Andreas, Julen Eric, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
- Carrier Frequency Method of Interior Permanent Magnet
Motor Rotor Position Determination
Mamo Mengesha, Oyama Jun, Abe Takashi, Higuchi Tsuyoshi,
Yamada Eiji, Nagasaki University Japan
- Design Considerations of the Flywheel-Mounted Axial-Flux
Permanent-Magnet Machine for a Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Sahin F., Vandenput A. J. A., Eindhoven University of
Technolgoy, The Netherlands
- Remedial Strategy for a Permanent Magnet Synchronous
Motor Drive
Krautstrunk Alexander, Darmstadt University of
Technology, Germany
- New Integral Motor Stator Design with Integrated Filter
Thelin Peter, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
- Prediction of Overload and Flux-Weakening Performance of
a IPM Motor Drive: Analytical and Finite Element Approach
Bianchi N., Bolognani S. University of Padova; Parasiliti
F., Villani M., University of lAquila, Italy
- Accurate Modelling and Simulation of a High Performance
Permanent Magnet Adjustable Speed Drive System for
Embedded Industrial Applications
Guinee Richard A., Cork Institute of Technology; Lyden
Colin, University College Cork, Ireland
- PMSM Drive with Bi-directional Power Transfer Capability
Matos R., Esteves N., Esteves J., Verdelho P., Insituto
Superior Técnico / CAUTL, Portugal
- Field-weakening Control of an Interior Permanent Magnet
Motor for Application in Electric Vehicles
Bosga Sjoerd, Zelaya de la Parra Hector, ABB Corporate
Research, Sweden
- Iron Saturation Effects on Parameters and Volt-ampere
Ratings of an Interior PM Motor Drive for Flux-weakening
Bianchi N., Bolgnani S., University of Padova, Italy
- Torque and Speed Control of Inverter-fed Synchronous
Motor with Permanent Magnet Excitation Using Sliding Mode
Moldoveanu Florin, Cernat Mihai, Comnac Vasile,
Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
- The Control of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using
a Gopinath Observer
Comnac Vasile, Cernat Mihai, Moldoveanu Florin,
Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
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1.7 : Topic 5 |
Synchronous Motor
(Emil Levi, Liverpool John Moores University,
United Kingdom) |
- Current Sensorless Control of DC Motors by Torque and
Speed Observer
Andreescu Gheorghe Daniel, Politehnica University of
Timisoara, Romania, Rabinovici Raul, Ben-Gurion
University of the Negev, Israel
- Low Cost Sensorless Position Detection for Brushless DC
Bonvin F., Perriard Y., Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology, Switzerland
- Speed Estimation Methods for Sensorless PM Synchronous
Drives - Robustness against Flux Distribution
Kabzinski Jacek, Wasiak Grzegorz, Technical University of
Lodz, Poland
- Sensorless Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
using Linear Reduced Order Observer including Disturbance
Torque Estimation
Hamada Daisuke, Uchida Kenji, Yusivar Feri, Haratsu
Hiroyuki, Wakao Shinji, Onuki Takashi, Waseda University,
- Position and Speed Sensorless Control of PMSM Drives
Based on Adaptive Observer
Andreesn Gheorghe Daniel, "Politehnica"
University of Timisoara, Romania
- Rotor Speed and Position Detection for PM Synchronous
Motors Based on Sliding Mode Observer and Kalman Filter
Tursini M., Parasiliti F., Petrella R., University of
LAquila, Italy
- Sensorless Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive for
Domestic Refrigerators
Tursini M., University of LAquila; Cecchini G.,
Electrolux Zeltron SpA; Parasiliti F., Petrella R.,
University of LAquila, Italy
- Sensorless Control of Brushless AC Servomotor
Giuclea R., Burtea V., Kreindler L., Dumitrescu A.,
Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania; Antognini
L., Virtual Research, Switzerland
- Open Loop Position with Current Control of a Synchronous
Motor / Generator for Flywheel Accumulator
Bernard N., Multon B., Ben Ahmed H., Ecole Normale
Supérieure de Cachan, France
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1.8 : Topic 5 |
Diagnostics and
Design - Converter/Machine Interactions
(Lars Gertmar, ABB Corporate Research, Sweden) |
- Systematic Optimization of Inverter-driven Permanent
Magnet Motors for Maximizing Power Factor
Zhao Zhengming, Tsinghua University, China; Zhang Jay,
Rockwell International Co, USA
- Mitigation of Torque Transients of Power Enhanced
Alternators Produced by a Novel
Windings-Turn-Over-Converter for Automotive Applications
Hofmann, Blümel Roland, Daimler Benz, Germany
- Sine Wave Filter for PWM-Inverter Driven Medium-Speed
(<30000 rpm) Solid-Rotor Induction Motors
Huppunen Jussi, Pyrhönen Juha, Lappeenranta University
of Technology, Finland
- Modelling Induction Motors for Diagnostic Purposes
Abed A., Baghli L., Razik H., Rezzoug A., GREEN -
Université H. Poincaré, France
- Sybsystem Interaction Analysis in Power Distribution
Systems of Next Generation Airlifters
Chandrasekaran Sriram, Lindner Douglas K., Louganski
Konstantin, Boroyevich Dushan, Virginia Power Electronics
Center Virginia Tech, USA
- ASM Double Star System Instability in DC Line
Fortuna Stella, Palazzoli Nicola, ABB Daimler Benz
Transportation Italia SpA, Italy
- A Study of Harmonics Reduction by Active Filter in PWM
VSI Induction Motor Drvies
Lanfrachi V., Depernet D., Goeldel C., LAM - UFR, France
- A Conceptual Optimal Design of Switched Reluctance Motors
under Similar Asynchronous Motors Constraints
Deihimi Ali, Farhangi Shahrokh, University of Tehran,
- Fault Diagnosis in a Rectifier-Inverter System Used in
Variable Speed AC Drives by the Average Current
Parks Vector Approach
Mendes A.M.S., Marques Cardoso A.J., Universidade de
Coimbra, Portugal
- Transient Overvoltages at the Terminals of Inverter Fed
Induction Motors
Nuscheler R., Technische Universität München; Potoradi
D., Siemens AG, Germany
- Insulation Systems for Inverter-fed Traction Motors: a
Comparison of the Behaviour of Different Polyimide-based
Tucci V., Egiziano L., Universita di Salerno; Petrarca
C., Universita di Napoli "Federico II"; Vitelli
M., Seconda Universita di Napoli; Pizzella G., Ansaldo
Trasporti SpA, Italy
- Overvoltages Caused By Step-up Transformer and Long
Cables in Medium Voltage Inverter Drives
Pontt J., Perelli E., Rodriguez J., Pontt C., Gonzalez
B., Sanhueza L., Quezada I., Universidad Tecnica Federica
Santa Maria, Chile
- Power Quality Impact on Thermal Behaviour and Life
Expectancy of Three-phase Induction Motors
Nascimento Souto Olivio Carlos, Oliveira José Carlos,
Martins Neto Luciano, Federal University of Uberlandia,
- An Automated Insulation Failure Detection System for
Working Induction Motors
Garcia Melero Manuel, Fernàndez Cabanas Manés, Alonso
Orcajo Gonzalo, Cano Rodriguez José Manuel, E.T.S. de
Ingenierios Industriales de Gijòn, Spain
- Electromagnetic Torque Harmonics for On-Line Interturn
Shortcircuits Detection in Squirrel Cage Induction Motors
Garcia Melero Manuel, Fernàndez Cabanas Manés,
Rodriguez Faya Francisco, Hiram Rojas Carlos, Solares
Sariego Juan, E.T.S. de Ingenierios Industriales de
Gijòn, Spain
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1.9 : Topic 4 |
Converter Control,
three-phase (1)
(Jouko Niiranen, ABB Industry Oy, Finland) |
- Dynamically Reconfigurable Architecture Dedicated to the
Test of PWM Algorithms
Monmasson E., Hechelard E., Louis J.P., Lab.
dElectricité Signaux et Robotique - IUP GEII,
- Application of Dual Kriging to Real Time DC Harmonic
Distortion Minimization of Thyristor Converters under
Unbalanced Voltage Supply
Ngandui Eloi, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières;
Olivier Guy, April Georges-Emile, Ecole Polytechnique de
Montréal, Canada
- Modelling and Control of Three-Phase Voltage Souce
Rectifier with Buck-Boost Operation
Fukuda Shoji, Ito Tomomichi, Hokkaido University, Japan
- Evaluation of Converter Topologies for Module Based
du Toit J. A., Wilkinson R. H., Enslin J. H. R.,
University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
- Frequency Converter With Minimized DC-Link Capacity
Raffel H., Orlik B., Universität Bremen, Germany
- A Vector Control Hysteresis Current Controller for Three
Phase Loads
Aldabas Rubira Emiliano, Romeral Martinez José Luis,
Bedord Guaus David, Arias i Pujol Antoni, TR2 Campus
Terrassa, Spain
- Improvement Possibilities of PWM voltage Inverter EMI
Effects Using Different Modulation Methods
Arias A., Gonzalez D., Bedford D., Romeral J.L., Balcells
J., Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain
- Control of DC-Side Active Filter for Three-Phase
Inverters in Aerospace Applications
Cross A., Forsyth A. J., University of Birmingham, United
- Improved Switching Method for AC-DC Converters
Racek Vladimir, Cesnak Lorand, Zemanek Vladimir, Slovak
Technical University, Slovak Republic
- PMSM Non-Linear Parameters Compensation with H8 /u
-Synthesis Current Controller
Sulkowski Waldemar, Nyman Per-Ole, Samuelsen Dag, Narvik
College of Engineering, Norway
- A Comparison of Current Controllers for Three-Phase
Four-Wire PWM Voltage Converters
Soares V., ISEL - Instituto superior de Engenharia de
Lisboa; Verdelho P., IST - Instituto Superior Técnico,
- Comparison of Methods of Control for Three Phase PWM
Step-up Rectifier Connected to an Asymmetrical Supply
de Visser C.B, de Haan S.W.H., Bauer P., Schoevaars R.,
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Comparative Analysis of Voltage Regulators Based on
Thyristors and IGBT Switches Applied to AC Machines
Lara Jorge, Guzman Victor Manuel, Gimenez Maria Isabella,
Restrepo José, Aller José Manuel, Bueno Alexander,
Universidad Simon Bolivar, Venezuela
- Modularized Communication and Control Architecture for
Power Converters
Milosavljevic Ivana, Borojevic Dusan, Celanovic Ivan,
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University , USA
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1.10 : Topic 4 |
Converter Control,
three-phase (2)
(Juan Peracaula, Universitat Politècnica de
Catalunya, Spain) |
- Parameter Design of a State-Variable Controller for PWM
Voltage Source Converters Connected to the Grid
Sharon D., Rafael MOD, Israel, Rufer A., Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology, Switzerland
- A Space Vector Control STrategy for Improvement of
Control Speed and Reduction of Sensitivity of Phase Jump
Rasmussen Tonny W., Technical University of Denmark,
- A Vector Controlled Three-phase DC-Voltage Source
Salo Mika, Tuusa Heikki, Tampere University of
Technology, Finland
- Vector-Current Controlled VSC Connected to the Grid -
Transformation Angle Impact on Small-signal Performance
Svensson Jan, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
- Practical Examples of Algorithm Integration for
Electrical Machine Drives
Foussier P., Calmon F., Cegely Insa, France; Carrabina
J., UAB, Spain; Fathallah M., Cegely Insa, France; Jorda
X., IMB - CNM, Spain; Contrand C.; Retif J.M., Cegely
Insa, France
- Averaged Model of the 3-Phase Inverter for Control Design
Allard Bruno, Morel Hervé, Lin-Shi Xuefang, Retif
Jean-Marie Cegely - Insa Lyon, France
- Instantaneous Current Control Scheme for Neutral Point
Voltage in 3-Level PWM Rectifier/Inverter System
Lee Yo-Han, Suh Bum-Seok, Hyun Dong-Seok, Hangyang
University, South Korea
- Compensation of Non Ideal Output Voltage Components From
a 2-Level PWM VSI
Bängtsson Hans, Adtranz Sweden; Alaküla Mats, Lund
Institute of Technology, Sweden
- Interactions Between Dead-Beat Controlled High-Quality
Rectifiers and Input Filters
Buso S., Capuano A., Mattavelli P., University of Padova,
- A New Pulse Modulation for Voltage Supply Inverter's
current Control
- A Novel Fixed Switching Frequency Controller of a
Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverter
- DiCoIF: a DTC Strategy with Imposed Switching
Frequency for Multi-Cell VSI fed Induction Motor Control
- A Model-Based Dead-Time Compensation Scheme for a
Voltage-Source PWM Inverter
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1.11 : Topic 4 |
Control (fuzzy,
(Jean-Paul Louis, Ecole Normale Supérieure de
Cachan, France) |
- Fuzzy Logic Based Stator Flux Oriented Control of the
- Implementation of Adaptive Neural Network
Real-Time Speed Controller for DC-Motor
- A New Fuzzy Logic Control Scheme for Three-Phase AC/DC
PWM Converters Implemented in a DSP
- Neuro-Adaptive Controllers for Electrical Drives
- Neuro-Fuzzy Vector Control of a Broken-Bar Induction
- Development and DSP Implementation of Fully
Sensorless, Self-Configuring Controllers for
Electromechanical Drives
- Fuzzy Adaptive Speed Controller without Reference
- Sensorless Control of PMSM with an Adaptive Observer
- Quasiperiodicity and Chaos in a Step Motor
- Neural Network Approach for Power Factor Correction of
PWM AC/DC Voltage Source Converters
- A new approach to fuzzy rules extraction for
electrical drive control
- Fuzzy Logic to Correct Power Factor Considering Power
- Equivalence of Fuzzy and Classical Controllers : An
Approach to Fuzzy Control Design
- Fuzzy Logic Based Control for Power Electronics
A Case Study
- A Neural Network-Based Current Control Scheme for a
3-Level Inverter
- Contactless Power Transmission: Linear Positioning of
the Moving Element
- Fuzzy Logic Control of a Single Phase AC/DC Buck-Boost
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sessions menu
1.12 : Topic 6 |
Actuators and Motion
Control: design, simulation, control, application,
(Albert Wick, Siemens, Germany & Bertrand
Nogarede, Laboratoire d'Electrotechnique et
d'Electronique Industrielle ENSEEIHT-Toulouse, France |
- Brushless d.c Motor for Antenna Scanning Mechanism
- Vibration damping using current fed piezoelectric
- H¥ Control of
Electromagnetic Suspension for Non-contact Conveyance of
Thin Steel Plates
- Distributed Motion Control - Use of Function
Chart", a SIMULINK Add-on Block Library
- Study of Stability of Indirect Field-Oriented Drive
- An Electromagnetic Contactor With Large Voltage Range:
A Comparative Study of Different Converter Topologies
- A New Linear Induction Motor Utilizing a Parametric
- Optimization of Thrust Force Characteristics of Linear
Induction Motor by Adopting Wound Secondary Members
- Dynamic Model of Linear Position Transducer Based on
Reluctance Variation
- Comparison of Disturbance Suppression for Servo Drives
- Robust Speed and Position Control of Permanent Magnet
Synchronous Motor Using Sliding Mode Controller with
Fuzzy Inference
- Design of Polynomial Speed Controller for Electrical
Drives with Elastic Transmission
- Asynchronous Machine Global Dynamic Control Law
- A Bipolar Hybrid Stepping Motor Drive Using a 6-Switch Inverter
- Robust Control of a Nonlinear Two-Mass System
- Performance Analysis Of A Low-Level Fieldbus Protocol
For Electrical Drives Systems
- Improvement of Welding Performances Using Wire Feeding
Speed Controller in Inverter Arc Welding Machine
- DC to AC Converters for Piezoelectric Motors
- Robust position control of stepping motors using
sliding mode approach
- FPGA Implementation of a Digital Tachometer for
Angular Position and Speed Measurement
- Fuzzy Auto-Tuning based on a-Parameter
Ultimate Sensitivity Method for AC Speed Servo System
with 2-Mass Mechanically Resonant Load
- Disturbance Observers based on Direct and Inverted
- High Voltage Booster for Railways
- Modelling and Analysis of a Loaded Bearinless Machine
- Digital Control of Industrial Servo Drives for Machine
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sessions menu
2.1 : Topic 1 |
Passive Components
(Gérard Coquery, INRETS, France) |
- Layer based Capacitance Model for Magnetic Devices
- Implementation of a Knowledge-Based System Approach
for Inductor and Transformer Design
- Analysis of ac Resistance in Aluminium Foil, Air Cored
- Investigation of High Power Bus Bars by Transient
Numerical Analysis
- From the modeling of magnetic components to the
simulation of converters
- Air-core transformer for high frequency power
- Advanced IGBT Converters with 4.5kV and 6.5kV
Semiconductor Devices
- A Simple and Efficient Optimization Routine for Design
of High Frequency Power Transformers
- Three-windings transformer model suitable for power
electronics simulation
- Development of a new hybrid technology for inductive
device applications
- New etching electroplating technology for
quality factor enhancement of inductive devices
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sessions menu
2.2 : Topic 1 |
Thermal management,
simulation and modeling of power semiconductor
(Jean-François de Palma, Ferraz, France) |
- A Unified Compact Model for Depletion MOSFETs in Smart
Power Applications
- Temperature estimation and modelling of power modules
- Identification of the Technological Parameters of the
Power Diode
- On-Line Calculation of the Chip Temperature of Power
Modules in Voltage Source Converters Using the
- About the power losses distribution in inductors for
induction cooking appliances
- Design criteria for PiN diode using multiple He ion
implantation for local lifetime control
- Current and Temperature Distribution in Multi-Chip
Modules under Inverter Operation
- A Long Term Test Set-Up for Evaluation of High Power
- Real-time Thermal Management of Power MOSFETs in a
Motor Drive
- Standards for Thermal Interface Materials
- Analytic Thermal Modelling of an Air - Cored Coil
- Electrothermal Investigation on Large Power Components
and Multichip Power Modules
- Accurate Modelling of Commutation Cell for Loss
Calculation and EMC Performance Prediction in Power
- Thermal Analysis of Packaged Power Devices
- Numerical evaluation of bidimensional lifetime control
as design technique for PiN rectifiers
- Numerical Analysis of the Activation of the Parasitic
BJT during the Reverse Recovery of Power MOSFET Internal
- Power Pin Diode Electro-Thermal Spice Macromodel With
Forward and Reverse Recovery
- Optimisation of Converters Thermal Design: Cost vs.
Performance Comparison of Extruded and Bonded Fins
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sessions menu
2.3 : Topic 12 |
Methodology and Simulation Tools
(Tore Undeland, Norwegian University of Science
& Technology, Norway) |
- Computer Aided Education of Power Electronics Using
Object Oriented Modeling Language
- An Educational Simulation Tool for High Power Bipolar
- Experimental Interactive Workbench designed for self-
training in Control of a.c. Induction Motor Drives in
electrical engineering laboratories
- The Danfoss Professor Programme A Highly Linked
Industry-University Programme for a New Curriculum in
Power Electronics and Drives
- An experimental and computational tool for teaching
induction motor drives
- A LabVIEW-based experimental example of chaotic
transition in a simple PWM converter
- How to Introduce Power Switching Components for
Students ? An Experimental Way
- Simulation of PWM induction motor drives by means of
- DySS: Snubber Designer and Device Model Generator
- XSIM: Software Package for Simulation of Induction
Machines Suitable for Computed Assisted Education
- First Course on Power Electronics Simplified by
Unifying Analysis of PWM Converters as Cycle-by-Cycle
Averaged Two-Ports, and by PSpice-based Simulations
- Explanation of De-tuning in Vector-controlled
Induction-motor Drives Simplified by
Physical-principles-based Analysis and Pspice Modeling
- Teaching of ac Motor Field Orientation Principles
Enhanced with the TCad Circuit Simulator
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sessions menu
2.4 : Topic 4 |
(François Costa, LESIR ENS Cachan, France) |
- Novel PWM Strategy for Single-Phase Inverters
- Space Vector Modulation Technique With Reduced
Switching Losses
- New Synthesis Method for PWM Control Strategies
- Multilevel PWM Sinusoidal Inverter and Carrier
Frequency Modulation
- Estimation of the Most Favorable Switching Variants
for a Direct Frequency Conversion
- Three-Phase AC/DC/AC Converter with Random Pulse
Position PWM
- Analysis of the Current Ripple in Induction Motor
Drives Controlled by SVM Technique
- Analysis of the General Harmonic Families Elimination
- Analysis Of Two-Phase PWM Technique In Inverter Ac
- Properties of the AC/DC/AC-PWM Converter Current
Control Loop Minimizing the Transistors Switching
- Sliding Mode controls for a two-cell chopper
- Randomness and Random PWM
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sessions menu
2.5 : Topic 4 |
Converter Control
(single phase)
(Johann Kolar, TU Wien, Austria) |
- Advanced Control of a Switching Buck Regulator
- A Novel Speed Control Technique for Single-Phase
Induction Motor
- Design Optimisation of Switched Mode Power Supplies
(SMPS) Feedback Control
- Investigation of Current Controller for Single Phase
PWM Converters based on the Internal Model Principle
- Ramp-Synchronized, Sliding-Mode Hybrid Control of Buck
- A Single-Phase Voltage-Type PWM Rectifier with the
Function of an Active Power Filter
- PWM Control for Parallel Converters in the Current
Sharing Mode
- Generalized Predictive Controller Applied in Boost
Converter Input Current Control
- Sliding Mode Control Design for Modular Power Systems
with Line Filters Using Lyapunovs Direct Method
- Sliding Mode Controller for Single Phase AC/DC
Buck-Boost Converter
- Sliding Control Design of Switching Regulators Based
on Ackermann's Formula
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sessions menu
2.6 : Topic 5 |
Reluctance Motor
(Andrea Vezzini, Biel School of Technology and
Architecture, Switzerland) |
- Inverse Modelling for Saturated Synchronous
Reluctance Motors or Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors
- A Novel Two-Phase Switched Reluctance Machine for Low
Torque Ripple
- Flux-Linkage Control of Fully-Pitched Switched
Reluctance Motors
- Control Aspects of Brushless Doubly Fed Reluctance
- Comparative Evaluation of Torque/Radial Force for
Switched Reluctance Motors
- Acoustic noise simulation for Switched Reluctance
Motors with audible output
- Implementation of Closed-Loop Controllers for Switched
Reluctance Drives on Microcontrollers and DSP Controllers
- Switched Reluctance Motor Drive Modelling Taking Into
Account Saturation Effect
- Multi-dimensional, non-linear, lumped magnetic
parameter circuit for dynamic modelling of mutual
coupling and faults in switched reluctance motors
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sessions menu
2.7 : Topic 5 |
Efficiency -
Modelling and simulation of electric drives
(Zdenek Cerovsky, Technical University of
Prague, Czech Republic) |
- A frequency analysis investigation of digitalized
models useful in real-time simulations
- Analysis of the Electrical Shift Angle Influence over
a Variable Speed Two-Phase Induction Motor Drive
- A Microprocessor-Based Current Profiling Scheme for
Field-Weakening Applications in Brushless D.C Motors
- Simulation of an induction motor drive under inverter
leg short-circuit operations
- Simulation of Load Disturbances on Saturated Ccage
Induction Motor Drive Fed From 3/6 Pulse Cycloconverter
- Comparison of Induction and PM Motor Efficiency in
HVAC Applications
- Mixed signal simulation in the field of adjustable
speed drives
- Efficiency Improvement of Permanent Magnet Synchronous
Motor in Constant Power Speed Region
- Thermal Characteristics of an Induction Machine Under
Condition of Energy Saving Work
- Efficiency Optimal Control Method of Induction Motor
Drive for Light Vehicles
- A New Field Supply Concept for Industrial Adjustable
DC Drives
- Direct Torque Controlled (DTC) Induction Motor Drive
Simulation with Saberâ
- High Efficiency Drive System Using Three Level
Inverter and Two Level Inverter
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sessions menu
2.8 : Topic 5 |
Induction motor
drives (1)
(Walter Schumacher, Technische Universität
Braunschweig Carolo-Wilhelmina, Germany) |
- Current Digital Control Influence on Performance of
Induction Motor Indirect Field Oriented Control
- Research on the Generating Mechanism of a Parametric
Oscillation in a Laminated Core Type Parametric Motor
- A Vector Controlled PWM Current Source Inverter Fed
Induction Motor Drive with a Novel Rotor Time Constant
Estimation Method
- A Novel Channel Type Linear Induction Motor with
Alterable Pole-pitch
- Field Oriented Control of a Doubly-Fed Induction
Machine using Coupled Microcontrollers
- Field Oriented Control of the Induction Motor Fed by
a 3´3 Matrix
- A Self-Commissioning scheme for Field Oriented
Induction Motor Drives
- Comparison Between Adaptive Flux Observer- and
Extended Kalman Filter-Based Algorithms for Field
Oriented Control of Induction Motor Drives
- Voltage Feeding Algorithms Oriented to Vectorial
Control of Induction Motor Drives: Comparison Among
Different Strategies Based on State Feedback Approach
- Design and modelling of a five-phase voltage-source
inverter for two induction motors
- Conditions of Safely Supplying of DSIM by two PWM-VSI
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sessions menu
2.9 : Topic 9 |
Modelling and
(Shahrokh Saadate, INPL-GREEN, France) |
- Rotor Flux Oriented Induction Machine as a DC Power
- Superposition of Power Converter Interferences a
Measurement Approach for Education
- Efficient Transfer Function Based Power Electronic
Harmonic Filter Modelling for Digital Electromagnetic
Transients Simulators
- Analysis and Design of Active Series Voltage
Compensator with Harmonic Current Compensation
- Generation of harmonics in voltage- and current-source
- A Study of the Performance of Detailed and Simplified
Models of IEEE Standard DC1A Excitation Control System
- Analytical Calculation of Harmonic Distortion Produced
by AC/DC Controlled Converters
- Power Flow in Typical Series-Parallel Hybrid Filters
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sessions menu
2.10 : Topic 9 |
Renewable energy
systems and adjustable speed generators
(Francesco Profumo, Università di Bologna,
Italy) |
- A Modular DC-DC Converter and Maximum Power Tracking
Controller for Medium to Large Scale Photovoltaic
Generating Plant
- Current Source Inverter for a 400 kW Ocean Waves
Induction Generator
- A Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Drive for a
Miniature Hydro Power Station
- Topology for Decentralised Solar Energy Inverters with
a Low Voltage AC-Bus
- Analysis and Design of Transformerless Inverters
for Low Voltage Generators
- Numerical Model of Adjustable-Speed Power Unit Using
Doubly Fed Machine with Cycloconverter in Rotor Circuit
- Flywheel energy storage system using a vector
controlled induction machine
- Variable Speed Grid Connected Induction Generator for
Wind Energy Systems
- Power Factor Correction in a Co-Generation System
- Maximum Power Transfer in Small Wind Energy Converter
with Permanent Magnet Generator for Heating Purposes
- Static and Rotating Grid Formation for Modularly
Expandable Island Grids
- Power Electronic Interface for Wind Energy Conversion
System Supplying Remote Installations in Antarctica
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sessions menu
2.11 : Topic 7 |
Measurement and
(Mark Sumner, University of Nottingham, UK) |
- Adaptive Capturing Transient Signals Using Wavelets
- Analysis and Identification of Faults in Bridge
Converters Using the Symmetrical Space Phasor Components
- Enhanced Sigma-Delta A/D Converter for High
Performance Variable Speed Drives
- Virtual Instruments for Measuring tasks on Power
- Selective Harmonic Tracking Algorithm for Harmonic
Power Evaluation in a Field Oriented Control Drive with
Flux Reduction
- Power Transformers Computer-Aided Monitoring
- Lateral Position Sensor for an Inductively Powered
Automatic Guided Vehicle
- An Integrated Test System for AC Machine Drives
Performance Analysis
- A 4000Arms Highly Stable Calibration Current Source
- High Frequency Improvements in Wide Bandwidth Rogowski
Current Transducers
- Complex signal processing with neural based
fundamental recognition for converter fed electrical
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sessions menu
2.12 : Topic 2 |
Power Converter
(Jorma Kyyrä, Helsinki University of
Technology, Finland) |
- Resonant DC-AC Converter With
Low Pulsed Output Voltage
- A Novel Quasi - Resonant DC Link Inverter Using
Coupled Inductors
- A New Topology for PWM Current Source Inverter with
IGBT for High Power
- Fault Tolerant UPF Converters Operating from a
Variable Frequency Supply for an Aerospace Application
- Dynamic Analysis and Control Design of the LCL Type
Resonant Converter
- Modular Power converter (mpc) IGBT-converter series
for high power applications in electrical traction
- Modular power converter topology allows induction
heater to draw three phase input current with high power
factor and low utility current distortion
- Multiple-Output Series-Resonant Inverter for Induction
- A Novel Method for Optimising of Soft Switched
Inverter with Quasi Resonant Circuit
- A new design of commutation cell for AC/AC conversion
- ONIX 3000: an IGBT propulsion drive directly coupled
to the 3kV catenary for railway application
J-M. Bodson
- Novel Topology for Four-Quadrant Converter
- High Precision and High Frequency Four-Quadrant Power
Converter [±600A, ±12V]
- Series Load-Resonant Converter with Auxiliary Resonant
Commutated Pole Circuit for Controlled-Current Arc
Welding Power Supply
- A Bi-directional Phase-Shifted DC-DC Converter
- High Voltage Test Amplifier for Ozone Production
- 3-Phase Sinusoidal-Current Rectifier
with Three Unidirectional Switches
- A 30 kW induction heating device for brazing brass
fittings to copper tubings
- A 160 A IGBT Welding Power Source with 100 kHz Output
Switching Frequency and Very Fast Dynamic
- Insulated DC to DC ZVS converter with wide input
voltage range
- Soft Switching Converter and Switched Reluctance Motor
- Three-Phase PWM AC Line Conditioner Based on the CÚK
Convert Topology: Study of the Basic Energetic Properties
- Three-Phase Soft-Switching Inverter with Active
Resonant: Snubbers Using Pulse Current Feedback
- Using the Zero Voltage Transition Sepic Converter in a
1kW AC-to-DC Power Factor Correction Application
- Three-phase rectifier with quasi-resonant DC-link and
a high power factor
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sessions menu
3.1 : Topic 3 |
Switch mode power
supplies (1)
(Bernard Davat, INPL-GREEN, France) |
- Use of Coreless Printed Circuit Board (PCB)
Transformers for Energy Conversion
- Dimming Control for High Intensity Discharge Lamp with
Power Factor Correction
- Evaluation of Thermal and Electrical Behaviour of
Fuses in Case of Paralleling And/Or High Frequencies
- A High Power and High Efficiency Forward Converter by
Using Non-Dissipative Snubbers
- A High-Frequency Switching Power Supply Control and
Performance Analysis
- Simulation of Phase-Shift Controlled Six-Pulse
Converters Based on Switching Vector
- Control of a Cascaded System with Near Unity Power
Factor and Improved Dynamic
- A Proposed of a Serial Regulator Using a Soft
Switching PWM AC/AC Full Bridge Converter
- Power Factor & Dynamics Analysis of PFC Converter
for High Performance Inverter Arc Welding Machine
- Design of Digital State Space Controllers for Series
Resonant Converters
- Interests and limits of quantum series resonant
converters for multi-kiloWatt AC/DC power supplies
- Circuits of Resonant Inverters and Converters
- Electronic Transformer Using a Current-Source Resonant
- On Modulator Influence on Chaotic Behaviours in a
- Silent Discharge-based Ozonizer using Pulse Density
Modulated High-Frequency Inverter
- Resonant Mode PWM DC-DC Converter with A High
High-Voltage Transformer-Link and Its Control Methods for
Medical-Use X-Ray Power Supply
- State-Variable Equation based Simulation Technique for
Power Electronic Converter Circuit and Systems
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sessions menu
3.2 : Topic 3 |
Power Factor
Correction of AC/DC Converters
(R. Bausière, Université de Lille, France) |
- Continuous Conduction Mode Operation of a Three-Phase,
Three-Level Power Factor Correction Circuit with Quasi
Tri-Directional Switches
- Active Power Factor Correction of Diode Rectifiers
Using Output Filters with Diode-Switched and
Harmonic-Resonant Stages
- A Novel Single-Stage Low-Cost Soft-Switched Off-Line
Converter with PFC
- Three-Phase Unity Power Factor AC/DC Converter (PFC)
with Dual Isolated DC/DC Converter for a Battery Charger
- A Novel Constantly-Sampled Sinusoidal-Input
Single-Phase Rectifier with Two Switched-Valve-Devices
- The three-phase interleaved boost rectifier: Study and
- Single-Phase High Power Factor Pre-regulator with
Multilevel PWM
- Topologies for Unity Power Factor AC/DC Conversion
with Reduced Conduction Losses
- Comparison of Three Single-Stage Solutions for low
cost PFC
- Design and Implementation of a Low-Cost
High-Power-Factor Battery-Charger Family for Lead-Acid
- Analysis of a Three-Phase Rectifier Operating with a
Six-Switch Current Pre-Charge Circuit
- Three phase power factor correction converter for
aerospace application
- A Simple Control Circuit for Dual Boost Rectifier
Providing Sinusoidal Input Currents
- Double PWM Control for Unity-Power-Factor Converters
- Nobel One Stage Forward-Type Power Factor Correction
Circuit and Comparison of its Control Methods
- Snubber Operating With High Power Factor
- A New Unity Power Factor AC/DC Converter Based on
Energy Recirculation
- Closed-Loop PSPICETM
Simulation of a Unity Power Factor Off-Line Switcher with
Non Linear Carrier Control
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sessions menu
3.3 : Topic 5 |
Estimation in drives
(Viliam Fedak, Technical University of Kosice,
Slovak Republic) |
- An Experimental Study of the Synchronizing Condition
To the Linear Synchronous Motor
- Identification of a small power induction machine.
Application to compare others identification test limits
and a parameter identification
- Stable Identification of Rotor Time Constant for
Induction Motor Using Fixed Trace Algorithm
- Estimation of Mechanical Parameters of Induction Motor
Using Neural Networks Principles
- Sensorless Brushless DC Motor Drive with Improved
Speed Estimation Accuracy Using Stator Resistance
- Comparison Between Two Analytical Determinations of
Reduced-Order Observer for Induction Machine Rotor Flux
- Design of a Kalman Filter for Direct Mean Torque
- Real - Time Parameter Estimation of Vector-Control
Induction Motor Fed by CR-PWM Using Extended Kalman
- The Selected Systems of the Magnetic Flux Vector and
the Speed of the AC Motor Estimation
- An Autotuning Method for Vector Controlled Induction
Motor Drives Considering Stator Core Loss
- Speed Sensorless Control of Traction Drives
Experiences on Vehicles
- Parameters Identification for Induction Machines at
- The Technological Requirements in Paper Industry Refer
Multimotor Drives
- Linear Electrical Drive with Improved Characteristics
for Spacecraft Applications
- Neural Network Estimation of the Flux Space Vector
Angle for an Indirect Field Oriented Control Independent
from Rotor Resistance Variations
- Simple neural cascade architecture for estimating of
stator and rotor flux vectors
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sessions menu
3.4 : Topic 5 |
Drive Applications
(Bernard de Fornel, ENSEEIHT, France) |
- An optimised control strategy for double star motors
configuration in redudancy operation mode.
- Optimum Torque Transmission for High-Speed
Locomotives: Cardan Hollow Shaft or Axle-Hung Drive ?
- Harmonic distortions in power system of
diesel-electric propelled ships
- Mechanisms of generation and corrective actions
against conductive EMI in the line current of the E 402 B
locomotive for the Italian State Railway
- Control and design requirements of an
electromechanical actuator for active lateral suspension
of rail vehicles
- Advanced Anti-Slip Control for Rail Vehicles Based on
Re-Adhesion Point Detection - Running Test Results and
- On Hµ
Control of an Induction Motor
- An Optimal Control with Energetic Criteria for DC
- PWM Convertor Controllability as Variable Impedance
for On-Board Power Source of Maglev Vehicle
- Tensile Force and Angular Synchronism Control for
Flexibly Coupled Drives by the Example of a
Cage-Stranding Machine
- The Design of Three Phase Induction Motors for High
Speed Drives in Domestic Appliances
- Electromechanical Interactions in a High Speed Railway
Traction System Comparison Between Two Drive Control
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sessions menu
3.5 : Topic 5 |
Induction motor
drives (2)
(Greg Asher, University of Nottingham, United
Kingdom) |
- DSP Implementation of Sensorless DTC Induction Motor
and P.M. Synchronous Motor Drives with Minimized Torque
- DSP Implementation of AI-Based Medium Performance
Sensorless Induction Motor Drives
- A new approach to calculate the torque of AC induction
motor drives
- Drift correction methods of the stator flux linkage in
DTC synchronous motor drives
- Position Control of Induction Motor by means of
Vectorial Torque Control (VTC) Strategy
- An Improved Look-up Table for Zero Speed Control in
DTC Drives
- Discrete Speed Sensorless Drive of IM:Structure and
- Soft Computation of Induction Motor State Variables
using Neural Observer
- Operation of Speed Sensorless Induction Motors using
Open Loop Control at Low Frequency
- Sensorless-Speed Control of Induction Motor
- Speed Estimator For Induction Motor
- Improving Direct Torque Control of Induction Motors
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sessions menu
3.6 : Topic 9 |
Facts and HVDC
(Johann Kolar, TU
Wien, Austria) |
- Power Flow Control of Series Compensated Transmission
Lines with an UPFC
- Using Hysteresis Current Control for STATCOM
- A Comparative study between a feedback and feed
forward controller for active dc filters in HVDC systems
- Evaluation of Power-Ratings for Active Power Quality
- HVDC Transmission in Synchronous Networks
- Applying Switches and Compensators Based on Power
Electronics for Mitigating Voltage Iinterruptions and
Sags in Distribution Systems
- Analysis of HVdc Converter with Immittance Conversion
- A Classification Scheme for FACTS Controllers
- Study of the optimal location and control of upfcs in
a standard power system by simulation with eurostag
- Rotating System Tie Frequency Converter 60 Hz
25 Hz with Rotor Converter at a Double Fed
Induction Machine
- Protection of the Modified HVDC Converters Using an
Ultra Fast Hybrid Circuit Breaker
- The use of UPFC for unbalance compensation of
electrical system
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sessions menu
3.7 : Topic 9 |
Active Filters and
(Frédéric Richardeau, LEEI-ENSEEIHT-Toulouse,
France) |
- A New Efficient Filtering System
- Parallel active filter based on a three level inverter
- Optimal Placement and Size of a Single Harmonic Filter
- Stability of an active filter based on voltage
- Evaluation of Performance Criteria of Hybrid Power
- Active Power Filter With Neutral Current Compensation
Based on the Extension of the Instantaneous Active and
Reactive Current Component id-iq
- Harmonic Compensation in Active Shunt Filters Using
Controllers Employing Harmonic Rotating Frames of
- A Sliding Mode Control Design of an Active Power
Filter with a Low-Pass Filter as Input Stage
- The Evaluation of Current Harmonics in the context of
Filter Design for Distribution Systems with Variable
Frequency Drives
- A comparative study between two structures of hybrid
active filter for harmonic compensation of a
18-thyristors cycloconverter fed induction motor drive
of the Impedance in the AC Mains by the Use of Active
- A Universal Symmetrical Topologies for Active Power
Line Conditioners
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sessions menu
3.8 : Topic 9 |
Active Filters and
(Shahrock Saadate, INPL-GREEN, France) |
- A New Method of the Instantaneous Reactive Power
Determination for Single-Phase Power Electronic Systems
- New Optimisation Techniques for Active Filters
- Simulation and Implementation of Three-Phase Active
Power Filter with Simple Control Algorithms
- Performance of Parallel Hybrid Filters in Damping
Harmonic Resonance
- Using of the virtual air-gap technique for active
Passivity Approach Applied to a Three Phase Active Shunt
Power Filter
- Active differential current compensator controlled by
digital signal processor
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sessions menu
3.9 : Topic 10 |
Systems Engineering
(Helmut Weiss, University of Leoben, Austria) |
- Power factor compensation techniques in three phase
four wire systems: The use of the abc
or a b 0
reference axes
- Wavelet and Neural Network Structure for Analyzing and
Classifying Power System Disturbances
- Railway Passenger Coach Multi-System Feeding Converter
- A Single Phase 25Hz Frequency Converter For The New
York Metro
- Fault Detection Evaluation of Microcontroller Dyad
Control System by Fault Injection Method
- Active Ac Line Conditioner for a Cogeneration System
- TCR Based Reactive Power Compensator with Low Harmonic
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3.10 : Topic 10 |
Systems Engineering
(Koos Bouwknegt, Holec Power Protection, the
Netherlands) |
- Reduction of magnetic field strength generated by a
switched mode power supply
- PFC Full Bridge Rectifier EMI Forecast Analysis
- Reduction of Radiated Emissions from Power Electronics
- Testing of Grid-connected Power-electronics Converters
for the Effects of Short Circuits in the Grid
- Effectiveness of supply decoupling capacitors for
digital circuits
- Transient performance and design issues for a
parallel-connected voltage sag and outage compensator
- Design and Behavior of a Superconducting Energy
Management Systems (SEMS) For Industrial Power Quality
- Parasitic Currents in PWM Voltage InverterFed
Asynchronous Motor Drives
- Fields radiation of an elementary power electronic
- Determination of di/dt allowing a solid switch to
commute the mains while fulfilling the conducted EMC
- Electromagnetic and Acoustic Emissions from a
Digitally Controlled Induction Machine Drive
- EMC Filter For PWM Inverter-Fed Motor Drives To
Suppress Travelling Waves On Long Power Lines Between
Inverter And Motor
- Positive Line Inductance Effects on the Harmonic
Content Limiting the Single-Phase Thyristor Rectifier
Adoptability in the Respect of the Low Frequency EMC
- An innovative gate drive to control electromagnetic
perturbations emitted by a MOSFET chopper
- Conducted EMI Optimization by Variable Frequency
Pulsewidth Modulation Techniques
- Implementation of low cost current probes for
conducted EMI interference measure in Power Systems
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3.11 : Topic 8 |
Drives, Chargers and
Energy Storage for Electric Vehicles
(B. Hauck, Universität Kaiserslautern) |
- On the Design of a Novel Microprocessor-Based
Ferroresonant Battery Charger for Electric Vehicles
- Prediction of Remaining Battery Discharge
Capacity by Neural Networks and Its Display Circuit
- Using the EMAFER Flywheel for Power Demand
Smootheningin the ULEV-TAP Light-Rail Vehicle
- Control Design for a Hybrid Flywheel City Bus
- A Matlab/Simulink Simulation Model of a Hybrid
Electric Bus
- A 100 kW Electric Drive for a Series Hybrid Electric
- Modelling and Simulation of a New In-Wheel Motor
- Design and Control of an Hybrid Transmission with
Electrical Power Splitting
- Battery Model for Use in Electric Vehicles and Battery
Energy Storage Systems
- Battery charging using loosely coupled inductive power
- Zero-Voltage-Switching Boost Converter for On-Board EV
- Testbench for Electric Vehicle Drives
- Control of an Electrical Kart with two Independent
- Torque and Stator Flux Control of Induction Motor for
Electric Vehicle
- Gearless Drive for Light Vehicles
- Identification and Compensation of Combustional Torque
Pulsation Using a Harmonic Activation Neural Network
- Electrical Vehicle Main Drive Control System
- An original battery charger for embarked systems
- Power Converter Arrangements with Ultracapacitor Tank
for Battery Load Leveling in EV Motor Drives
- Intelligent and Universal Fast-Charger for Ni-Cd and
Ni-MH Batteries in Portable Applications
- Double-Layer Capacitor Short-Time Storage Device in a
Hybrid Vehicle
- Feeding and Control of a Brushless Triphase Motor for
an Electric Bicycle
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Number of hits:1167 (since January 12th, 1998)
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Last update: Wednesday, 18-Aug-99 18:29:26 MET DST