T.A. MEYNARD, Y. CHERON, H. FOCH, "Generalization of the resonant switch concept structures and performances", RGE, no. 2, February 1988, pp. 37-47.
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Article : [PAP274]

Info : ANSWER 24, le 15/05/2001.

Titre : T.A. MEYNARD, Y. CHERON, H. FOCH, Generalization of the resonant switch concept structures and performances, RGE, no. 2, February 1988, pp. 37-47.

Cité dans : [DIV189]  Recherche sur l'auteur Thierry MEYNARD, mai 2003.
Cité dans : [DIV105]  Les revues RGE Revue de Générale de l'Electricité et REE Revue de l'Electricité et de l'Electronique, France.
Auteur : Meynard, T.A. (Lab d'Electrotechnique et d'Electronique Industrielle, ENSEEIHT)
Auteur : Cheron, Y.
Auteur : Foch, H.

Source : RGE Rev Gen Electr n 2 Feb 1988
Pages : 37 - 47
ISSN : 0035-3116
Année : 1988
Document_Type : Journal
Treatment_Code : Application; Experimental
Language : English; French
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU, le 28 mai 2001.

Abstract :
High frequency power conversions and substantial reduction of the switching losses are more and more often achieved with resonant converters.But, even with a single switch, there are many possible topologies and a proper choice requires careful analysis.To guide this analysis the concept of resonant switch is used and even generalized (twenty different switches are listed).By regrouping them according to various criteria (commutation mechanism, duality...), a structured study of these resonant switches is achieved. Using these switches in the well-known buck converter, the authors show up the most important characteristics of each group of switches: working limits, current and voltage constraints, voltage conversion ratio...Attractive topologies are finally selected and more deeply studied.(Author abstract)

Références : 8 refs.

Accession_Number : 1988(7):95251 COMPENDEX

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