Article : [PAP334]
Titre : H.V.D. BROEK, Students build their own SMPS or how to promote power electronics, EPE'2001.
Cité dans : [DIV174] EPE'2001, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Graz, Autriche, 27-28 août 2001.Auteur : van der Broeck Heinz, University of Applied Sciences Cologne, Germany
Congrés : "9th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications"
Date : du 25 au 29 août 2001
Lien : private/PP00802.pdf - 359 Ko, 9 pages
Adresse :
FH-Klön University of Applied Sciences Cologne
Betzdorfer Str. 2
50679 K?öln Germany
phone ++49 221 8275 2262
fax ++49 221 8275 2256
Lien : "
Résumé :
The paper presents a concept of labwork in "switched mode power supplies" for students at universities as a supplement to the lecture.
Aim of the labwork is to make power electronics more attractive to students, especially to those who originally preferred non power related subjects.
Three power circuits have been prepared to be built by the students. These are a step down chopper, a flyback converter and an electronic "DC-DC transformer" based on a series resonant converter.
Within the course the students learn to design and build reactive components, they use a smart power IC, insert a voltage control loop and they get an impression of resonant topologies.
Thus, the laboratory work covers many different subjects of electrical engineering. The theory is presented in the lecture while most information of the labwork (e.g. datasheets) are available via internet.
Up to now the labwork has been carried out 2 times at the FH Klön and the RWTH Aachen. It found high interest among all participating students who enjoyed building their own SMPS circuits.
The success of the labwork can also be seen in the fact that many of the students have been encouraged to chose power electronics as a subject for their diplom thesis.
Keywords : Education, Education methodology, Teaching, DC power supplies, Resonant converters
Références : 0
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