Article : [PAP331]
Titre : S.V. RYBIN, A.M. SURMA, E.A. LADYGIN, Comparison of the Switching Characteristics of High-Voltage Emitter Commutated Thyristors, Irradiated by Electrons and Protons, EPE 2001.
Cité dans : [DIV174] EPE'2001, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Graz, Autriche, 27-28 août 2001.Auteur : Rybin Sergey, All-Russian Electrotechnical Institute
Congrés : 9th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications
Date : du 25 au 29 août 2001
Lien : private/PP00467.pdf - 174 Ko, 9 pages
Keywords : Semiconductor devices, power semiconductor devices, high power discrete devices, device characterisation, soft switching.
Abstract :
The ECT - Emitter Commutated Thyristor - is hard drive GTO, controlled by switching a low-voltage
key in a cathode circuit. The experimental 6000V ECTs were made with application of two
technologies of carrier lifetime control - irradiation by protons or electrons. The turn-on and turn-off
characteristics of these devices are investigated.
Références : 5
[1]. Gruening H. E., Zuckerberger. A. Hard Drive of High Power GTOs: Better Switching Capability through Improved Gate-Units, IEEE IAS, San Diego, 1996.
[2]. Satoh K., Yamamoto M., Nakagawa T. and Kawakami A. A New High Power Device GCT (Gate Commutated Turn-off Thyristor), Conf. Proc. of EPE'97, Trondheim, 1997, pp. 2.070 - 2.075.
[3]. Surma A. M., Prikhodko A. I., Pocrovsky S. V. Fast high power switch - emitter commutated thyristor, Conf. Proc. of PEVD’98 , London, 1998, pp. 232 - 236.
[4]. Wirth F.The Gate Turn-off Thyristor in the Cascode Configuration, Conf. Proc. of IEEE IAS, Mexico City, 1983, pp. 788-793.
[5]. 1980, 97-105.
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