Article : [PAP333]
Titre : A. Matveyev, R. Nilssen, T. Undeland, C. Hartmann, Teaching magnetic design optimisation, EPE'2001, 10 pages.
Cité dans : [DIV174] EPE'2001, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Graz, Autriche, 27-28 août 2001. Cité dans : [DIV334] Recherche sur les mots clés power cycling of power device, mai 2002.Auteur : Matveyev Alexey, Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University), Russian Federation
Congrés : 9th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications
Date : du 25 au 29 août 2001
Lien : private/PP01252.pdf - 403 Ko, 10 pages
Pages : 1 - 10
Résumé :
The paper presents a new interactive computer software that provides teachers with a modern
tool to illustrate optimisation of power electronics converters and electrical machines. As an object of
optimisation a single-phase shell-type transformer is chosen. Furthermore optimal design can be found using
various optimisation techniques. Comparison of these techniques can be done.
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