Article : [SHEET199]
Titre : PO. SEGLEN, Why the impact factor of journals should not be used for evaluating research, Brit Med J, 1997, 314, 498-502.
Cité dans :[99ART029] T. LEQUEU, Comment faire une recherche bibliographique au Laboratoire de Micro-électronique de Puissance L.M.P. de Tours, octobre 2001, 40 pages. Cité dans :[SHEET016] N. PINHAS, C. KORDON, Du bon usage du facteur d'impact, sur le Web, 2000.Auteur : PO. SEGLEN, Per O Seglen, professor, Institute for Studies in Research and Higher Education (NIFU) Hegdehaugsveien 31 N-0352 Oslo Norway
Source : Brit Med J
Date : 1997, 314
Pages : 498 - 502
Site :
Lien : Seglen.htm - 64 Ko.
Info : Summary points
Use of journal impact factors conceals the difference in article citation rates (articles in the most cited half of
articles in a journal are cited 10 times as often as the least cited half)
Journals' impact factors are determined by technicalities unrelated to the scientific quality of their articles
Journal impact factors depend on the research field: high impact factors are likely in journals covering large areas
of basic research with a rapidly expanding but short lived literature that use many references per article
Article citation rates determine the journal impact factor, not vice versa
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(Accepted 9 January 1997)
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