Article : [SHEET213]
Titre : I.L. SOMOS, D.E. PICCONE, L.J. WILLINGER, W.H. TOBIN, Power semiconductors-a new method for predicting the on-state characteristic and temperature rise during multicycle fault currents, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Nov.-Dec. 1995, pp. 1221-1226.
Cité dans : [DATA042] Recherche sur l'auteur Istvan SOMOS, mars 2000. Cité dans : [DATA049] Recherche sur l'auteur Dante E. PICCONE, mars 2000. Cité dans : [DIV398] Les revues IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications et IEEE Industry Applications Society - IAS, novembre 2005. Cité dans :[SHEET193] Cité dans :[SHEET196]Auteur : Somos, I.L.
Source : IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
Pages : 1221 - 1226
Date : Nov.-Dec. 1995
Volume : 31
Issue : 6
ISSN : 0093-9994
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : private/SOMOS3.pdf - 536 Ko, 6 pages.
Abstract :
Solid-state switches are being designed for use on AC
transmission lines for tighter control of power flow and
increased use of transmission capacity in accordance with an
advanced concept called "Flexible AC Transmission System"
(FACTS). These necessitate using the largest available thyristors
and GTOs that must perform under emergency fault conditions with
assurance of long term reliability and life expectancy. This
paper is concerned with reviewing concepts needed to predict
on-state losses incurred at extreme variations of junction
temperature and describing an empirical method being used for
commercially available 100 mm thyristors.
Subjet_terms :
flexible AC transmission systems; power system control; thyristor
applications; power semiconductor switches; losses; fault
currents; load flow; load regulation; power semiconductors;
on-state characteristic prediction; temperature rise prediction;
multicycle fault currents; solid-state switches; AC transmission
lines; power flow control; Flexible AC Transmission System;
FACTS; thyristors; GTO; emergency fault conditions; long term
reliability; life expectancy; on-state losses prediction;
junction temperature; 100 mm
Accession_Number : 5165496
References : 9
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[1] : [PAP158] ------- [2] : [PAP158] ------- [3] : [SHEET200] D.E. PICCONE, L.O. ERIKSSON, J. URBANEK, W.H. TOBIN, I.L. SOMOS, A thermal analogue of higher accuracy and factory test method for predicting and supporting thyristor fault suppression ratings, IAS 1988, vol. 14, pp. 678-686. [4] : [SHEET219] I.L. SOMOS, D.E. PICCONE, W.H. TOBIN, Two-dimensional heat flow in a GTO having a highly interdigitated emitter, 1989. [5] : [SHEET273] A.J. BLUNDELL, The effect of on-state temperature coefficient on thyristor junction temperature calculations:, IEE 1969 Conf. Publication 53, London, U.K., pp. 53-60. [6] : [SHEET269] J.K. CHESTER, A new technique for deriving self-consistent electrical and thermal models of thyristors during surge loops and from experimental data, IEE (UK), Conference Publication 154, Power Electronics-Power Semiconductors, September 1979. [7] : [SHEET274] J.K. CHESTER, N.Y.A. SHAMMAS, Isothermal V-I characteristic of high power thyristors up to surge current levels, UPEC'90, p. 49-52. [8] : [LIVRE188] F.E. GENTRY, F.W. GUTZWILLER, N. HOLONYAK jr, E.E. von ZARTROW, Semiconductor controlled rectifiers, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1964. [9] : [PAP158] -------
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