Fiche : [DIV484]
Cité dans : [DIV096] Recherches bibliographiques diverses, janvier 2019. Cité dans : [DATA226] T. LEQUEU, Recherche sur les BATTERIES et ACCUMULATEURS, mai 2019. Cité dans :[THESE133] B. BIDOGGIA, Etude et réalisation de nouveaux convertisseurs connectant plusieurs sources d'énergies renouvelables au réseau, These de doctorat, septembre 2005 - aout 2008.Auteur : Thierry LEQUEU
Date : janvier 2011
Vers : Ajout de 2011
Vers : Ajout de 2008
Vers : Recherche sur les vehicules hybrides
Vers : Recherche STN du 15 novembre 2005 sur renewable energy AND power converter
Vers : La Nouvelle République 2005
Vers : Information sur les panneaux solaires
Vers : Fabricants de pile à combustible de type PEM pour voiture
Vers : Ajout de 2007
Vers : Ajout de 2006
Vers : Ajout d'octobre 2005
Vers : Eolienne
Ajout d'octobre 2005 | ![]() |
Site : - Kart électrique avec une pile à combustible à hydrogène.
Lien : PileToshiba.jpg - 261 Ko, Industrie et technologies, N° 871, octobre 2005, page xx.
[1] : [LIVRE388] T. SALOMON, S. BEDEL, La maison des [néga]watts, le guide malin de l'énergie chez soi, Terre Vivante, mars 2005, 160 pages. [2] : [LIVRE389] A. LABOURET, M. VILLOZ, Energie solaire photovoltaïque, DUNOD, 2e édition, 2005, 312 pages. [3] : [LIVRE390] J. BERETTA, Le génie électrique automobile : La traction électrique, Traité EGEM, Série Génie électrique, Hermes Lavoisier, mai 2005, 340 pages. [4] : [LIVRE394] G. HOOGERS, Fuel Cell Technology Handbook, 2002, 360 pages. [5] : [DATA226] T. LEQUEU, Recherche sur les BATTERIES et ACCUMULATEURS, mai 2019. [6] : [REVUE617] ELEKTOR, revue N° 303, septembre 2003.
[1] : [ART629] N. RIZOUG, P. BARTHOLOMEUS, P. LE MOIGNE, Influence de la température sur l'évolution du déséquilibre de tension pour un module de supercondensateurs 56V /96 F, La revue 3E.I, N°51, décembre 2007, pp. 30-36.
Site :
Lien : Maxwell.jpg - Image, 31 Ko, Gianni Sartorelli.
Lien :
Site : - Distributeur français.
Adresse : Williamson Electronique, France - 6, rue Georges Leclanché - F-44984 Ste-Luce-Sure-Loire Cedex
Contact : Beatrice Albert
Tel : +33 (0)2 40 18 80 03
Fax : +33 (0)2 40 18 80 28
Lien :
Lien : MC_BMOD_POWER_Series_48V.pdf - 4 pages, 576 Ko, Document 1009365, Rev 5.
Lien : AN-010_charging_ultracaps.pdf - 5 pages, 273 Ko, Document 1008981, Rev 1.
Lien : Maxwell1.htm - le 5 novembre 2005
Lien : BCAP0350.pdf - 3 pages, 697 Ko.
Lien : BCAP_series.pdf - 2 pages, 151 Ko.
Lien : BMOD2600-48.pdf - 3 pages, 468 Ko.
Lien : MC2600.pdf - 3 pages, 214 Ko.
Lien : PC2500.pdf - 2 pages, 144 Ko.
Lien : PC_Series.pdf - 2 pages, 141 Ko.
Eolienne | ![]() |
[1] : [PAP567] C. LAROUCI, Éoliennes - État de l'art, La revue 3E.I, N°40, mars 2005, pp. 33-40. [2] : [ART291] M. BUDINGER, D. LERAY, Y. DEBLEZER, Eoliennes et vitesse variable, La revue 3E.I, N°20, Les énergie renouvelables, mars 2000. [3] : [99ART195] S. GOUE, Energie solaire et applications, mémoire de 2ième année d'IUFM, 1996. [4] : [99ART196] L. VISSA, L'énergie éolienne, mémoire de 2ième année d'IUFM, 1998.
[5] : [THESE124] G. GUSTO, Modélisation de convertisseur, EIT, 2ième année, rapport de stage, mai-juillet 2002. [6] : [THESE127] G. GUSTO, M.O. LAZRAK, Paramètres de régulation d'un montage élévateur intégré dans un onduleur éolien pour injection réseau, EIT, 3ième année, P2I, 2002/2003.
[7] : [REVUE089] La revue 3E.I, N°20, Les énergie renouvelables, mars 2000. [8] : [REVUE090] La revue 3E.I, N°21, Les petit moteurs de grandes séries, juin 2000.
[9] : [DIV399] T. LEQUEU, Projet 12 - CDE-EOLE / Commande et régulation d'une éolienne, documentation technique de la maquette, septembre 2003. [10] : [DIV467] CETSIS-EEA 2005, 5ième Colloque sur l'Enseignement des Technologies et des Sciences de l'Information et des Systèmes, Club EEA, Nancy, 25-27 octobre 2005. [11] : [DIV390] CETSIS-EEA 2003, 4ième Colloque sur l'Enseignement des Technologies et des Sciences de l'Information et des Systemes, Club EEA, 13 et 14 novembre 2003. [12] : [DIV274] JCGE'2001, Conférence des Jeunes Chercheurs en Génie Electrique, 14 et 15 novembre 2001, Nancy. [13] : [DATA124] EPF'2000, Electronique de Puissance du Futur, Lille, 29 novembre - 1 décembre 2000. [14] : [99DIV094] CD ROM, Mémoire d'avenir, Mémoire 1996 à 1999 de physique appliqué.
Fabricants de pile à combustible de type PEM pour voiture | ![]() |
[1] : [LIVRE390] J. BERETTA, Le génie électrique automobile : La traction électrique, Traité EGEM, Série Génie électrique, Hermes Lavoisier, mai 2005, 340 pages.
Information sur les panneaux solaires | ![]() |
[1] : [PAP576] K.E. KNAPP, T.L. JESTER, An Empirical Perspective on the Energy Payback Time for Photovoltaic Modules, Solar 2000 Conference, Madison, Wisconsin, June 16-21, 2000, 6 pages. [2] : [PAP459] T. MARTIRE, Système photovoltaïque modulaire pour pompages profonds, JCGE'01, pp. 209-214. [3] : [ART284] T. MARTIRE, C. JOUBERT, C. GLAIZE, B. ROUVIERE, Système photovoltaïque modulaire pour pompages profonds, EPF'2000. [4] : [ART285] T. MARTIRE, C. JOUBERT, C. GLAIZE, B. ROUVIERE, An improved modular, along the sun pumping system, EPE'2001. [5] : [ART286] C. DAUMAS, Les cellules photovoltaïques et leurs applications , IUFM de TOULOUSE Année 1995/96.
Recherche STN du 15 novembre 2005 sur renewable energy AND power converter | ![]() |
Titres dans la banque de données INSPEC classés par Ordre chronologique
1 Direct power constant switching frequency control of AC/DC/AC converter-fed induction motor.
2 Output levelling of wind power generation system by EDLC energy storage.
3 Solid-state converter topologies for interfacing DC sources with utility power systems.
4 An improvement of voltage disturbances for fuel cell systems.
5 Injecting power from a small wind turbine into a DC bus.
6 Wide speed operation of a doubly-fed induction generator for tidal current energy.
7 Variable-speed constant-frequency power generation system with rotating converter and permanent magnet excitation system.
8 Advances in power electronics and drives-their impact on energy and environment.
9 Modeling of a combined photovoltaic/thermal energy system.
10 Dispersed power generation from renewable sources in DC distribution networks.
11 Enhanced utilisation of solar radiation for the generation of electric energy.
12 A bidirectional DC/DC power electronic converter for an energy storage device in an autonomous power system.
13 Solid-state converter topologies for interfacing DC sources with utility power systems.
14 Energy management of hydrogen-based stand-alone renewable energy system by using boost and buck converters.
15 Control of active power in a doubly-fed induction generator taking into account the rotor side apparent power.
16 Potential for optimisation of DC-DC converters for renewable energy by use of high bandgap diodes.
17 Homopolar electro-mechanical rotary power converter (HERPC).
18 A three-phase power electronic converter for grid integration of distributed generation.
19 Distributed control of renewable generation units with integrated active filter.
20 Flexible control of small wind turbines with grid failure detection operating in stand-alone and grid-connected mode.
21 A novel three-phase single-stage distributed power inverter.
22 Biogas as a fuel source for SOFC co-generators.
23 Modeling and control of a variable-speed constant-frequency synchronous generator with brushless exciter.
24 A system for inverter protection and real-time monitoring.
25 A novel real-time simulation technique of photovoltaic generation systems using RTDS.
26 A fuzzy-controlled pulse density modulation strategy for a series resonant inverter with wide load range.
27 Modeling and control of a variable-speed constant-frequency synchronous generator with brushless exciter.
28 Distributed control of renewable generation units with integrated active filter.
29 Three-phase low-frequency commutation inverter for renewables.
30 Synchronous machine-turbine drive system with indirect speed control.
31 Basslink takes Tasmania's green power to market.
32 Investigation of chaos in interleaved power converters.
33 Environment-friendly utilisation of waste energies for the production of electric energy in disperse power plants.
34 Dynamic analysis of a turbine-generator system developed for utilizing renewable and waste energy.
35 High frequency low cost DC-AC inverter design with fuel cell source for home applications.
Ce résultat se trouve aussi dans PASCAL
36 Design considerations for a 48 V fuel cell to split single phase inverter system with ultracapacitor energy storage.
37 2002 IEEE 33rd Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference. Proceedings (Cat. No.02CH37289).
38 A novel multicell DC-AC converter for applications in renewable energy systems.
Ce résultat se trouve aussi dans PASCAL
39 Multi-input DC/DC converter based on the multiwinding transformer for renewable energy applications.
Ce résultat se trouve aussi dans PASCAL
40 Electromechanical energy conversion in a system utilising alternative renewable and waste energy.
Ce résultat se trouve aussi dans PASCAL
41 RPM-SIM-based analysis of power converter applications in renewable energy systems.
42 A single-phase low-frequency commutation inverter for renewables.
43 IECON'01. 27th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (Cat. No.37243).
44 Optimization of a utility interface for large-scale photovoltaic power systems.
45 Unified method and system for power generation.
46 A DC-DC converter adequate for alternative supply system applications.
47 9th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications. EPE 2001.
48 Fuel cells-the environmentally friendly energy converter and power generator.
Ce résultat se trouve aussi dans PASCAL
49 A full bridge isolated DC/DC converter for modular photovoltaic systems.
50 High efficiency multi-phase PWM DC to AC inverter.
51 Power converters for renewable and distributed power sources.
52 A novel control strategy for the rotor side control of a doubly-fed induction machine.
53 Improved wide input voltage range 1 kW solar inverter.
54 Improved DC to DC converter for solar applications.
55 Grid power quality with variable speed wind turbines.
Ce résultat se trouve aussi dans PASCAL
56 A static synchronous converter for power conditioning in network distribution with high wind energy share.
57 Power factor correction in a turbine-generator-converter system.
58 Current source inverter for a 400 kW ocean waves induction generator.
59 8th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications. EPE'99.
60 Operation of a 360 kWh/day hybrid village power system.
61 Stand-alone photovoltaic power system for telecommunications equipment.
62 Local design, testing and manufacturing of small mixed airfoil wind turbine blades of glass fiber reinforced plastics. I. Design of the blade and root.
Ce résultat se trouve aussi dans PASCAL
63 Fuzzy logic control of variable-speed wind turbines.
64 Modular AC-battery-units for utility application.
65 EPE'97. 7th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications.
66 A new power interface for solar, wind-electric and fuel-cell systems operating at line frequency with sinusoidal output.
67 Design and development of a fully dynamic simulator for renewable energy converters.
68 Proceedings of European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications.
69 Performance of a 10 kW power electronic interface for combined wind/PV isolated generating systems.
70 An utility interactive power electronics interface for alternate/renewable energy systems.
Ce résultat se trouve aussi dans PASCAL
71 A versatile input converter for battery charging in renewable energy power systems.
72 Power electronics for recovery of wind and solar energy.
73 Design, analysis and limitations of a DC-to-AC converter usable for interface alternative energy sources and energy storage systems with the utility grid.
74 Utility-grid interactive three-phase inverter system incorporating wind turbine-driven induction generator and PWM converter.
75 A new maximum power point tracker of photovoltaic arrays using fuzzy controller.
76 Simplified maximum power point controller for PV installations.
77 Generation by converter-fed electrical machine systems.
78 Hydrogen storage in isolated electrical energy systems with photovoltaic and wind energy.
79 Simplified feed-forward control of the maximum power point in PV installations.
80 Maximum power point tracking: a cost saving necessity in solar energy systems.
81 The slip power recovery generator applied to the sea wave energy extraction.
82 Maximum power point tracking: a cost saving necessity in solar energy systems.
83 A high-frequency matrix converter for high-efficient power conversion in renewable energy systems.
84 Combined wind, solar and biogas energy supply for a sewage plant-a simulation calculation.
85 Design of a solar/wind power supply for a remote data acquisition station.
86 High-efficiency solar panel/wind turbine converter with maximal power control.
87 Synthesis of active and reactive power controllers for the slip power recovery drive.
88 Alternative routes to steel based on hydrogen from cheap hydroelectric power.
89 Water salination: a source of energy.
Titres dans la banque de données NTIS classés par Ordre chronologique
90 RPM-SIM-Based Analysis of Power Converter Applications in Renewable Energy Systems.
91 Laboratory Testing of Drivetrain Component Efficiencues for Constant-Speed and Variable-Speed Wind Turbines. November 4, 1997-November 3, 2000.
92 Wind generator with electronic variable-speed drives.
93 Testing of a 50-kW wind-diesel hybrid system at the National Wind Technology Center.
94 Demonstrationsvorhaben zur objektorientierten hybriden Stromversorgung des Klaerwerkes Koerkwitz/Riebnitz-Damgarten mit DV-gestuetztem Energiemanagement. Teilprojekt: PV/Biogas. Schlussbericht. (Demonstration project of an autonomous hybrid power supply with computer supported energy management for the purification plant Koerkwitz/Riebnitz-Damgarten (Baltic Sea area, Germany). Subproject: PV/biogas. Final report).
95 USDOE Reflux Receiver Development Program.
96 Optimizing the Design Output of a Renewable Energy System. Model Calculations with Regard to the Energy Laboratory at Oldenburg. Diss. (Dr.rer.nat.).
97 Oak Ridge National Laboratory Institutional Plan FY 1985-FY 1990.
Titres dans la banque de données PASCAL classés par Ordre chronologique
98 Transient behavior of a distribution network incorporating decentralized generation
99 Dynamic modeling and simulation of a small wind-fuel cell hybrid energy system
100 Distributed control of renewable generation units with integrated active filter - Special issue on distributed power generation
101 Flexible control of small wind turbines with grid failure detection operating in stand-alone and grid-connected mode - Special issue on distributed power generation
102 Special issue on distributed power generation
103 A novel three-phase single-stage distributed power inverter - Special issue on distributed power generation
104 Biogas as a fuel source for SOFC co-generators - Selected papers from the Eighth Ulmer Elektrochemische Tage (Ulm Electrochemistry Days)
105 Recent achievements and approaches for further optimization of high current low voltage power semiconductor components : Les composants de la puissance
106 Modeling and control of a variable-speed constant-frequency synchronous generator with brushless exciter
107 Design considerations for a 48 v Fuel cell to split single phase inverter system with ultracapacitor energy storage - PESC'02 : power electronics specialists conference : Cairns, 23-27 June 2002
108 High frequency low cost DC-AC inverter design with fuel cell source for home applications - 2002 IEEE industry applications conference : Pittsburgh PA, 13-18 October 2002
109 A system for inverter protection and real-time monitoring
110 Wind power and the electrification of transport systems
111 The impact of grid connected wind turbines on power quality - Power generation and sustainable development : Liege, 8-9 October 2001
112 A novel multicell DC-AC converter for applications in renewable energy systems
113 Multi-input dc/dc converter based on the multiwinding transformer for renewable energy applications
114 The development and installation of the LIMPET wave energy converter - Renewable energy : the energy for the 21st century : Brighton, 1-7 July 2000
115 Neural network controller for a permanent magnet generator applied in a wind energy conversion system
116 A survey on PV systems and accessories in Asia - Renewable energy : the energy for the 21st century : Brighton, 1-7 July 2000
117 Structure and performance of Singapore Polytechnic solar power station - Renewable energy : the energy for the 21st century : Brighton, 1-7 July 2000
118 An alternative design of microcontroller-based charge controller for stand-alone photovoltaic systems - Renewable energy : the energy for the 21st century : Brighton, 1-7 July 2000
119 Electromechanical energy conversion in a system utilising alternative renewable and waste energy - ICEM 2000 : international conference on electrical machines : Espoo, 28-30 August 2000
120 Fuel cells - The environmentally friendly energy converter and power generator
121 Grid power quality with variable speed wind turbines
122 Use of a reluctance stepper motor for solar tracking based on a programmable logic array (PLA) controller - Renewable Energy and Environment Protection Technology, November 1999, Alexandria, Egypt
123 The use of an axial flux permanent magnet in-wheel direct drive in an electric bicycle - Selected proceedings of World Renewable Energy Conference
124 The development of a new maximum power point tracker for a very high efficiency, compound curve photovoltaic array for a solar powered vehicle - Selected proceedings of World Renewable Energy Conference
125 Pitch-controlled variable-speed wind turbine generation
126 Comparison of solar hydrogen storage systems with and without power-electronic DC-DC-converters - Renewable Energy: Energy Efficiency, Policy and the Environment: World Renewable Energy Congress V
127 Operation of new variable speed constant voltage and frequency generator connected to the grid
128 Local design, testing and manufacturing of small mixed airfoil wind turbine blades of glass fiber reinforced plastics. Part I : Design of the blade and root
129 An utility interactive power electronics interface for alternate/renewable energy systems
130 The European programme to develop the ells air turbine for applications in wave energy - Renewable energy, energy efficiency and the environment. II
131 A novel converter for VSCF wind turbines - Renewable energy, energy efficiency and the environment. II
132 Summary of "Static power converters of 500 kW or less serving as the relay interface package for non-conventional generators"
133 Hydrogen storage in isolated electrical energy systems with photovoltaic and wind energy
Liste des articles 2005-11-15 | ![]() |
[1] : [PAP577] Output levelling of wind power generation system by EDLC energy storage. [2] : [PAP578] Solid-state converter topologies for interfacing DC sources with utility power systems. [3] : [PAP579] Injecting power from a small wind turbine into a DC bus. [4] : [PAP580] Advances in power electronics and drives-their impact on energy and environment. [5] : [PAP581] A bidirectional DC/DC power electronic converter for an energy storage device in an autonomous power system. [6] : [PAP582] Energy management of hydrogen-based stand-alone renewable energy system by using boost and buck converters. [7] : [PAP583] Distributed control of renewable generation units with integrated active filter. [8] : [ART374] H. ERTL, J.W. KOLAR, F.C. ZACH, A novel multicell DC-AC converter for applications in renewable energy systems, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49, No. 5, October 2002, pp. 1048-1057. [9] : [PAP585] Multi-input DC/DC converter based on the multiwinding transformer for renewable energy applications. [10] : [PAP586] Fuel cells-the environmentally friendly energy converter and power generator. [11] : [PAP587] A full bridge isolated DC/DC converter for modular photovoltaic systems. [12] : [PAP588] Performance of a 10 kW power electronic interface for combined wind/PV isolated generating systems. [13] : [PAP589] A versatile input converter for battery charging in renewable energy power systems.
[14] : [PAP590] Power electronics for recovery of wind and solar energy. [15] : [PAP591] Design, analysis and limitations of a DC-to-AC converter usable for interface alternative energy sources and energy storage systems with the utility grid. [16] : [PAP592] Simplified maximum power point controller for PV installations. [17] : [PAP593] Design of a solar/wind power supply for a remote data acquisition station. [18] : [PAP594] High-efficiency solar panel/wind turbine converter with maximal power control. [19] : [PAP584] H. DIENHART, A. SIEGEL, Hydrogen storage in isolated electrical energy systems with photovoltaic and wind energy, 1993.
La Nouvelle République 2005 | ![]() |
Recherche sur les vehicules hybrides | ![]() |
[1] : [ART511] M. CIAPPA, F. CARBOGNANI, P. COVA, W. FICHTNER, Lifetime prediction and design of reliability tests for high-power devices in automotive applications, Proceedings of IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium, 2003, pp. 523-528. [2] : [ART556] S. AZZOPARDI, O. BRIAT, J.M. VINASSA, Experimental comparison of two hybridization strategies for ESS-battery association in heavy duty electric vehicles, EPE'2003, Toulouse, 6 pages. [3] : [DIV431] Recherche sur les mots clés AUTOMOTIVE POWER CONVERTER, juillet 2004. [4] : [PAP067] H. KAHLEN, G. MAGGETTO, Electric and hybrid vehicles, EPE'97, Trondheim, september 1997, Vol. 1. pp. 30-54. [5] : [PAP372] G. COQUERY, S. CARUBELLI, J.P. OUSTEN, R. LALLEMAND, F. LECOQ, D. LHOTELLIER, V. DE VIRY, PH. DUPUY, Power module lifetime estimation from chip temperature direct measurement in an automotive traction inverter, ESREF'2001, pp. 1695-1700 [6] : [REVUE130] EPE Journal, European Power Electronics and Drives, Volume 9, N° 1/2, november 1999. [7] : [REVUE478] IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Volume 40, Issue 2, March-April 2004. [8] : [REVUE610] IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Volume 20, Issue 5, September 2005.
[9] : [ART594] T. MAHE, Automobile : Motorisations hybrides : que faire ?, Revue Technologie, N° 139, septembre-octobre 2005, pp. 4-7. [10] : [ART595] H. DISCOURS, La motorisation d’un véhicule hybride (première partie), Revue Technologie, N° 139, septembre-octobre 2005, pp. 64-71. [11] : [ART596] H. DISCOURS, La motorisation d’un véhicule hybride (seconde partie), Revue Technologie, N° 140, novembre-décembre 2005, pp. 66-76. [12] : [REVUE602] Revue Technologie, N° 139, septembre-octobre 2005. [13] : [REVUE616] Revue Technologie, N° 140, novembre-décembre 2005. [14] : [LIVRE390] J. BERETTA, Le génie électrique automobile : La traction électrique, Traité EGEM, Série Génie électrique, Hermes Lavoisier, mai 2005, 340 pages.
Ajout de novembre 2005 | ![]() |
[1] : [SHEET475] A. BAZ, S. MORCOS, Development and testing of a direct and an indirect wave energy converter, 1978
Ajout de 2006 | ![]() |
[1] : [LIVRE394] G. HOOGERS, Fuel Cell Technology Handbook, 2002, 360 pages. [2] : [LIVRE396] J. Erminie, Fuel Cell Systems Explained, xxx pages. [3] : [LIVRE397] O. Fontes Hanbook of Fuel Cell Modelling, xxx pages. [4] : [LIVRE398] Pukrushpan, Control of Fuel Cell Power Systems, xxx pages. [5] : [PAP604] E. BERSANO, Maxwell BOOSTCAP Ultracapacitors - Cost and Energy Savings for Traction Applications, February 2, 2005,
Lien : MITRAC_ES_FR.pdf - 2 pages, 867 Ko, Propulsion et contrôles, Jusqu’à 30% d’économie d’énergie grâce à une nouvelle solution de stockage.
Lien :
Lien : DESTRAZ_ASE_04.pdf - 8 pages, 788 Ko, Utilisation du stockage supercapacitif dans le domaine traction - Assistance énergétique pour une locomotive diesel-électrique avec un stockage supercapacitif
Lien :
Ajout de 2007 | ![]() |
[1] : [PAP611] Cingular Wireless, Statement of Work: Fuel Cells Battery, EXHIBIT A-3, Technical Specification Fuel Cells for the Cingular Wireless Network, 2006, 26 pages.
Ajout de 2008 | ![]() |
[1] : [SHEET579] O. SIDLER, Rénovation à basse consommation des logements en France, ENERTECH, Ingénierie énergétique et fluides, août 2007, 81 pages. [2] : [LIVRE390] J. BERETTA, Le génie électrique automobile : La traction électrique, Traité EGEM, Série Génie électrique, Hermes Lavoisier, mai 2005, 340 pages.
Ajout de 2011 | ![]() |
[1] : [LIVRE422] M. BOUDELLAL, La pile à combustible - Structure - Fonctionnement - Applications, Dunod/L'Usine Nouvelle, 2007, 304 pages.
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