Article : [SHEET475]
Info : COMPENDEX ANSWER 74, le 18/10/2000.
Titre : A. BAZ, S. MORCOS, Development and testing of a direct and an indirect wave energy converter, 1978
Cité dans : [DATA203] Recherche sur les mots clés CONVERTER et INDIRECT, octobre 2000.Auteur : Baz, A. (Cairo Univ, Egypt)
Source : Pap Presented at the Int Symp on Wave and Tidal Energy, v 2: Discuss, Univ of Kent, Canterbury, Engl, Sep 27-29 1978 Publ by BHRA (Br Hydromech Res Assoc) Fluid Eng, Cranfield, Bedford, Engl, 1980 p B7.93-B7.108
Année : 1980
Language : English
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU, 10/11/2000
Abstract :
This article presents the development and testing of two experimental wave energy-conversion systems in an attempt to study
their capabilities for harnessing the vast amount of the renewable non polluting sea wave energy. The first system converts
the wave energy directly into useful electric energy while the second transforms it first to pneumatic energy which is then
used to generate the desired electric energy through the utilization of an air motor-generator arrangement. The successful
operation of the two systems suggests their potential as possible means for capturing the sea wave energy.
Further modifications are necessary however to improve the conversion efficiencies and provide means for controlling the
systems at different sea conditions.
Références : 22 refs.
Accession_Number : 1980(12):5922
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